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Status Updates posted by Gwonam_Blaze

  1. Can anyone tell me the context of this 'HAIL CHARLISCOTT' business?

  2. Can I request that an MAT revoke my Monk magic app? I'm no longer able to use Monk magic IC, so I don't need it anymore. Here's a link to it: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/63630-3-3-refs-gwonams-magic-application-attempt-2/

  3. Can't log on to the server; just gets stuck on loading screen. Should I wait and play Portal 2? .w.

    1. ek_knight


      Go for it, Mojang server are broken atm.

  4. Care to talk about your day?

    1. Ford


      Shah..whuy nawt :D

      My day was absolutely wonderful, complete with Fall Break just starting! School was great, I'm getting closer and closer to the cute girl who sits in front of my Biology class...how has your day been ,Gwonam

    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      Casual, as usual :P

  5. Character openly admits her love for a boy: REJECTED! -Backhands-


    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Try saying who didn't claim, we aren't mind readers you know

    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Send them forum pms

  7. Comicon; Best day of my life ( Besides the return trip ).

    1. Gunner



    2. Shadeleaf


      Gtfo Gunner~

    3. Gunner
  8. Congratulations to Boindl for finally accomplishing 420/420.

  9. Continue the conversation! "BROTHER! I AM HIT!"

    1. Blundermore


      "it is bearly a flesh wound brother, rest when you're dead for the enemies of man will not lax at your suffering"

    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      "But brother, my left arm has been knawed off by a pack of ravanous wolves!"

  10. Creating exceoptionally stupid twin children characters who are convinced they're super-heroes has never been more fun.

    1. kurk brak

      kurk brak

      It hasn't. And.

      ANY BABIES OF WHICH I COULD EAT? They're delish.

  11. Damnit Rylus, you and your tests... 7 cards so far, only 130 left until I have them all .-.

  12. Dat "Kicked for reserved slot"

  13. Dat feel when you accidentally drop your pizza face down on to your plate. Oh god, dat feel...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      I remember my reaction perfectly... -Grabbed a knife and began scooping up the topping- "Come on, get back on there! I WANT YOU TO LIVE!"

    3. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      Dat feel when you accidentally drop your pizza face down on to your bare chest. Oh god, dat feel...

    4. Gwonam_Blaze


      I agree, dat feel... -Sticks knife into fused skin and cheese-

  14. Dear god, I almost passed out from laughter... Our Skype conversations are so messed up.

  15. Dear Microsoft: Please stop making me download 47 minutes worth of update whenever I want to play a game / watch a movie on my Xbox 360. I was not planning to play an online game, the game does not have any multiplayer content, I do not have an active Xbox live membership. I do not want to wait 47 minutes for an update that I won't even use just so I can even turn on my Xbox. Please stop being so dumb, yours sincerely - Me.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      ^ HOW 2 DO?!

    3. Neri


      Unplug ethernet cable / wireless adapter.

      Also, if you think this is bad, you should look up their next "console".

    4. kurk brak

      kurk brak

      Enjoy the 360 while it lasts, Gwonam. That's 47 minutes with a legend that you'll never get back, after that dreaded despicable creation of Microsoft hits shelves. . . THE XBOX 1. EEEW.

  16. Dear Mother; Thanks for always being around to support me - Myself.

  17. dear Tech team: Fix the spawn rates in mines. I'm spending more time fighting of zombies than I am actually mining, and to top it off, I've died twice due to lag spikes at moments where around 5+ zombies are attacking me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ogdan
    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      I actually sorta like the spawn rates.

    4. Gwonam_Blaze


      Rel, have you been in to a cave? It gets so bad that I'm literally stuck in the same spot for 5 minutes, batting zombies away before I can even consider trying to move forward.

  18. Descartes: "I think, therefor, I am." Me: "I don't revise for exams, therefor, I shall fail."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ever
    3. Swgrclan


      -Sips tea- Indeed.. indeed..

    4. Gwonam_Blaze


      It appears to be legitimate...

  19. Did I miss a birthday?

    1. Roxforbraynz


      You miss thousands of birthdays a day. :P

  20. Did I miss something...?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Guest


      Agreed, mind telling us why it isn't good?

    3. Gwonam_Blaze


      Perhaps said people should stop crying about it and try to make it better themselves, rather thean expecting the world to do everything for them?

    4. Guest


      I have the exact same feelings.

  21. Did the server die?

    1. Redbaron™


      Yes, Mojang shot it.

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