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Bedrock VIP
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Status Replies posted by Runabarn

  1. Well.. If we are trying to get orcs to be shorter, can we like stop having 6ft+ tall Wood Elves as well? K thanks.

  2. Hey! Just wondering if anyone would be interested in some art tutorials?!

  3. someone please give me attention I wanna be cool

  4. Dat past drawing hasth been claimed

  5. Why can't Blundermore play his character any longer?

  6. I mean any and all halflings are welcome to come and have a home with their Necromatic overlords..

  7. Well, I can add "losing friends over a civil war" to things I never expected to experience in my life but I ended up experiencing anyways.

  8. http://imgur.com/a/FF4xO Batch from the beginning of the day up until now! http://imgur.com/a/FF4xO
  9. Ich bin nicht gut in Deutsch. Hilfe, bitte?

  10. Favorite animal? GO ->

  11. Fast travels? Well there goes bandit RP ;(

  12. Free Dragonayr Now

  13. You're all cool people

  14. One more final. I must channel all my power into physics.

  15. i want an official statement why are some peoples memes banned but not others, this is injustice. #memeequality

  16. hey guys, i'm taking a slight hiatus due to my carpal tunnel getting worse and not having time to go see a doctor. won't be on for maybe a week, maybe several. if need ET **** contact acanadiancraft or man

  17. Anyone use tabby chat? I can't seem to get Multi-line chats to work. I don't see any settings that allows me to type past minecraft's chatbox limit. Anyone help me?

  18. (´◉◞౪◟◉) pbbbbblttt

  19. Someone took my smith. Bring Phaedrus back or I kill the hostages!!!!!!

  20. On my way home from work, I saw a car run over a cat and drove off. That jackass didn't even stop for the poor cat. He was jumping around for a good 5 minutes before he died. Called the police and no one is coming to save him or at least get him out of the street. Now I have this sudden urge to find out where this scumbag lives so I can set his car on fire in the name of the cat. I'm really shaken, and almost to the point of crying for what I saw.

  21. (´◉◞౪◟◉) pbbbbblttt

  22. Time for a new character set.. Who should they be, I wonder.

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