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Bedrock VIP
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Status Replies posted by Runabarn

  1. Never played a ithcer game in my life, just bought the trilogy, was this a good choice?

  2. Can we remove Warclaims already? It is painfully clear LotC is not capable of handling them.

  3. So. Haven't seen a nice big **** storm in a while.

  4. So apparently the warclaim is the cause of this? I still dont get why we are "The #1 RP server" and yet we allow PvP...

  5. Can we remove Warclaims already? It is painfully clear LotC is not capable of handling them.

  6. Can we remove Warclaims already? It is painfully clear LotC is not capable of handling them.

  7. Can we remove Warclaims already? It is painfully clear LotC is not capable of handling them.

  8. Hope you enjoyed the first of 6 Krugmas events! Next one will be same time tomorrow!

  9. If anyone tells me star wars spoilers

    I will find you

    and I will kill you

  10. watching game of thrones for the first time through. renly baratheon is gay.. 

  11. Free speech is repressed, LotC is a police state.

  12. give me characters to play that i'll actually enjoy (and dont say ******* human i already play like 12042469548956659)

  13. Selling students, slightly used They know a bit telekinesis and fire evo pm if interested

  14. Time to make Purple Elves a thing.

  15. I think purple is a better look on you!

  16. When I redeem the keys I've been saving and get all items.


  17. kill all elads!!!!!

  18. the chatspam was real for me, the amount of pms from people who got stuck in holes. unreal


    gg lads and lasses it went smoothl :^y

  19. Ban all conflict RP

  20. Today in school I threw an apple off the balcony and hit a kid. Yikes. 

  21. If Bob has 3 apples, and the amount of apples Suzy has is equal to the derivative of the function f(x) = cos * 1/3x^3 + x^-6 when 3 is plugged in for x. How many apples does Suzy have?

  22. Opened my first casket ever! Got nothing........

  23. These custom player-heads should be added as profession items too :) seems silly not to, honestly.

  24. Is anyone else not able to see the top half of 2 block tall plants or is it just me?

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