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Everything posted by gingernut97

  1. I'm sorry for any irrational remarks I've made as of late, I'm just stressed out by the current situation. As pitiful an excuse as it is, that's the truth.

    1. everblue2er101


      We're all a little on edge right now.

  2. I'm slightly worried now, some people are making it seem like the server is ending. Anyway, get your act together, and quit pissing about. A few people left, new houses can take control. I for one will not be missing anyone. Hoping this drama will be gone by tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Volutional


      There's only drama if you continue to post about it.

    3. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      And comment on it. :^)

    4. Bucky_24


      'New Houses'... He knows! Kill him quickly!

  3. srsly. srsly u gais. gais srsly. stahp.

  4. A good day in school. Now I need to revise 4 minutes worth of French for my oral test tomorrow ;_;

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      Oral test. h0t

    2. Brent


      People are still school?!

    3. gingernut97


      Why, Monkey?! WHY?!


  6. Alright, by the time I get back home by 3:20, this OOC shizstorm better be gone. MMMMMMKAAAAAAY?!

    1. mmat


      Yes sir Mr Gingernut Sir.

    2. gingernut97



  7. "Deshi basara! Deshi basara!" What does it mean? Rise.

  8. "And why do we fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up. "- Now lets stop the arguing, and begin rebuilding.

    1. aron.


      God I love that quote..

    2. gingernut97



  9. I lost a lot of skin today.

  10. My hip still really hurts ;_; I'm going to have trouble walking tomorrow.

  11. I had a cycling accident today :> Did a 56 mile cycle, and I managed to hurt my hip, scrape my knee and elbow, and get some road rash!

    1. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      Yeah well my boat sank and we all died.

    2. Mucky


      Yer well, im still alive.

  12. I ate 6 crêpes with Nutella in them. I regret nothing.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. gingernut97


      "I ain't tellin' yous nothin', mister nice guy!"

    3. MonkeyCoffee


      *taps Shorshand, shaking his head* "No, no, you gotta be nice!" *grabs a plate of crepes "Here, do you want one?" he offers them to Gingieboo

    4. gingernut97


      *begins to sweat even more, slowly morphing into a sweat-drenched sponge. His eyes have sunken through the yellow material, nothing left of his body but the sponge. A faint muffling voice can be heard from within the soft material* "Yeth pleath, I don'th think I'll be able to eath them though"

  13. C'mon Murraaaaay!

  14. So, now that my head has cleared up after my latest misadventure in the fridge. I was just wondering: can we create our own TS channels without permission or VIP?

  15. I think i might have drank a bit of vodka, i thought it was water ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. gingernut97


      Oh I'm sorry, Gemmy! Not all of us drink as much as you may do! >.<

    3. The Vodka

      The Vodka

      You drank me?

    4. Eetswa
  16. Amazing sleep was amazing.

  17. Listening to myself speak is so cringeworthy , I feel sorry for the members I've talked to on TeamSpeak (Yeah, I finally revealed my voice a few weeks ago or so) but seeing as its for the benefit of revision for my French oral exam, then so be it.

  18. Eating all the biscuits I can, idgaf about my weight. Already nearing 70kg, I'll be able to cycle/row/run/lift it off!

    1. gingernut97


      (And yes, I do know that physical activity increases weight due to muscle mass. I'm talking more about losing what little excess flab I have)

  19. Another depressing day ar school, whoop.

    1. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      It's all downhill from there.

  20. It rubs the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again.

  21. It rubs the lotion on the skin or else it gets hosed.

  22. I wish there was a special day for Britain :[

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Blundermore


      Remembrance day is still a special day in Britain that we should not forget.

    3. yekim8


      Pancake day

    4. THUNDER37


      Every sunday... Nice bit of meat with some gravy. I've never seen that in 'Murica.

  23. Happy obnoxious patriotism day!

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