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Status Replies posted by Salamandra

  1. My gawd, what has happened to the server?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!??!

  2. tfw my character doesn't feel compelled to help attack High Elf Shade(s) because the warclaim says so :c

  3. How'd you guys like the eagle event?

  4. Yall elves better stop having children, or the lore team will cut all of you. Swear on my mother from another brother's sister's aunt and their uncle's mother-in-law's dog's previous owner.

  5. Are you allowed to lockpick LWC'd doors and chests? Hypotheticall speaking, of course ;)

  6. Carry on my Wayward Son~

  7. Fix the damn server we keep disconnecting

  8. Could anyone help me? With Tythus' map download, it crashes immediately when I try to play it, saying something about it failed to read session.lock, so I remove session.lock from the folder, and then when I try to play the world, it just opens some randomly generated world. Anyway to fix this?

  9. Can we do another test with MPM on the server please? It's been some time has it not ? Tech HAVE been fixing things right? Lets give MPM another chance right? since we've been testing things,Some things most do not want. Maybe we should have a plugin everyone wants on the server that everyone enjoyed.

  10. Need another anime to watch after I finish clannad second time through. I've seen death note, noragami, SOA (And watching II), AoT, Haganai (16+ plz dont hate me). Any good ones I should watch?

  11. Oh. Happy third server year to meee. Happy thiiird server year to me. Happy third server year to mee-eee. Happy third server year to me. whathaveIbeendoingwithmylife?

  12. *looks at the blue elf hate* Hoooooo boy, I picked a BAD time to come back.

  13. Guys, hey guys, guess what. It's birdwhisperer's birthday this Saturday.

  14. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: The Arkon Grove was in which realm?

  15. Had some great Galahar flashbacks after taking a look through the wiki.

  16. Oh no. Server, don't die on me. Stay with me! Server! T-Think about our children, think about... server... please. Please don't go, I-I... I don't know what to do! Server! NOOOOO!

  17. Susitsu is a massive, heaving nerd.

  18. Stick it in ze boot

  19. #BringBackRaidsPlease

  20. Is there an english word that rhymes with "Volkswagen"?

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