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Status Updates posted by Areon

  1. Would anyone be willing to make me a skin for free or cheap?

  2. This server has a very distinct lack of vocabulary, but I'll probably be called edgy for saying this.

  3. This server has a very distinct lack of vocabulary, but I'll probably be called edgy for saying this.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dank
    3. Parading


      much edge

    4. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      What do the words distinct and lack mean? I can't find my book of word meanings, the one with the little pictures in it.

  4. Forum moderators these days, apparently we're not allowed to use the forums to discuss things.

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. tnoy23


      But at the same time will actually be a bit likely to be considered for action.

    3. Birdwhisperer


      If you have concerns about elves feel free to take it to me or Supremacy, since our characters are actually in positions to be able to take actions necessary to fix whatever problems are there.

    4. Birdwhisperer


      But yeah, certain ways of phrasing things on the forum will turn people off even the statements are wrong.

  5. I feel bad for anyone who wishes to join the server as an elf. It is literally impossible to join the community without being High Elf, as they don't even allow Wood or Dark elves inside the "Shared" city where they "offer refuge."

  6. Beautiful streamer, please open for me. Blue skies above me, and no canopy. I counted ten thousand, waited too long. Reach for my rip cord, the handle was gone.

  7. Beautiful streamer, please open for me. Blue skies above me with no canopy. I counted ten thousand, waited to long. Reach for my rip cord, the handle was gone.

  8. Beliae doe Orden, Beliae doe Tetuonica Orden.

  9. Can anyone help me with a Dark Elf skin?

  10. Just for nostalgic purposes, does anyone have Pugsy's original video?

  11. Well howdy, partner.

  12. Hi. Been a while.

  13. Looking for someone who can make a Logo for me.

    1. TheBareSheet


      Depends how complicated you want your logo to be.

  14. That feeling when you accidently say "Looking for port to Oren" instead of "Looking for port to Stormwind"

  15. From a recent ban report; Apparently an OOC Soldier cap outdoes RP reinforcements?

    1. Areon
    2. everblue2er101


      That was a ridiculously confusing report.

    3. Areon
  16. Them unwanted Couriers. Meh, I'll be around less then.

    1. LaCabra (Soda)
    2. Raptorious


      I'd hire you. But I have no need of a courier just yet. I will once we all settle nicely in 3.0 though.

    3. blindmind


      If you were around in Aegis, my character would have made you filthy rich.

  17. Apparently birds are better than Couriers. Though I shall persist in finding / bringing RP (And helping prevent metagaming), Though I doubt it will work and my character may disappear soon.

    1. Raptorious


      Couriers are far better than birds. Birds are for notes and such, not proper letters and packages.

    2. Areon


      Eh, But people are too lazy to actually RP. They'd rather send a meta-able message via /msg

  18. Can anyone about edit skins? I just need a blonde hair-colour for my new character.

  19. You can't corner the Dorner.

    1. Lykos


      I don't know what to believe considering all of that situation, but I do know that Dorner, no matter how noble his manifesto makes him seem, is a f***ing psycho. It doesn't matter what the parent does, you don't go threatening to kill their children and sh*t.

      Though the LAPD has killed more people in their search for him then him himself.

    2. xmrsmoothx


      That's offensive!

  20. Well. . . I guess I need a new character now.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Areon


      Forest Dwarf: Mebe.

      My Villian is a Dark Elf.

      Elros 'Malice' Elensar, Son of Kuseran 'Auzem' Elensar

      Abducted by the Black Hand and taken into their ranks at the age of 12.

    3. Areon


      High Elf? No.

    4. Hobolympic


      Dwarf, nuff said

  21. So. . . Many. . . Leaves. . .

  22. Good job Orcs, Instant-close the gate and had an orc "Magically" know someone was running. Then when we dispute it, you get men to flank us. GG. GG.

    1. ghostxboy


      Greetings lord of the craftians

    2. Telanir


      Hello ghostxboy... and Welcome. :3

    3. lemontide331
  23. Everytime a griefer is caught:

    1. TornadoWatch


      live footage of Oren's inquisitional forces in action.

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