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Status Updates posted by Minst

  1. Question for a VAT member. if a character's eyes were "broken" or created in a way that they saw people as mosnters instead of as people, would it require 5? Or if it didnt act like that all the time. Ex: This character see's someone, and that person appears to be a hideous monster, with fangs, claws, whatever. Something from a nightmare.

  2. Is there a possible way to kill Endermen? Liek, is there a way to make them stop deflecting your attacks?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Minst


      I tried an iron sword, did absolutely nothing. Fire wouldnt give me the satisfaction, and they TP away the moment they touch water, of any kind. Do Gold weapons get rid of the Deflect thing Enders have, or is it just a chance thing?

    3. Areon


      I have 100 Axe Mastery/100 Lumberjacking and I can sprint up to them and kill them (about two hits) before they turn around.

    4. izaN


      Well, can a hunting group

      of like 3 or 4 wearing

      all iron, maybe goldsword

      kill one? xD

  3. A little easter I egg I figured out. Go into singleplayer, and in the Seed generator, type in Asulon. Spawns you right at the edge of a Jungle.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Minst


      Actually, using something as the Seed, means that if you type it in again, it will spawn the exact same world.

    3. BannanaToYou
    4. KarmaDelta


      Not all the time. Everytime MC updates, it deletes past seeds and replaces it with random ones. Its common to find the ones that spawn you in the same place. But spawning can still vary.

  4. I may have just broken Minecraft. Why did I think that deleting everything in the .minecraft folder would fix the crashing?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      log into minecraft on the main website and redownload it there

    3. Religious_Pie


      Servers might be laggy :/

    4. Minst


      Finally fixed. Thanks for the help.

  5. C-C-C- Combo Breaker! Not about cereal.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. dovahcore


      Poor cereal... it was combo broken.

    3. dovahcore


      Never mind. The cereal was a lie

    4. dovahcore


      Speaking of which... I WANT CAKE!

  6. If anyone's up for LoL, let me know. IG is Stalinhunter, and a warning: I am having horrible lag. Shouldnt bother me too much tho.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Space


      Are you NA? I'll try to add you. Be qwarned, I'm level 12 only.

    3. Ever


      >lagging badly >decides to play a game that, if you're laggy, you'll get destroyed

      But noooo! don't doooo that! D:

    4. Minst


      Firstly, yes im north america. Secondly, I was playing with lag earlier, died only once, and won 20 somethin g to 6. Third, LoL is no longer allowing me to get on the server anyway. Fourth, don t really care for Dota. Though I never played it so I can be wrong.

  7. Just saved a building near Alras from a fireball. With one arrow. And what are my thanks?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Brent


      Well, the fireball wouldn't have done anything.

    3. Aislin


      Wouldn't that have no effect? Firespread off.

    4. Minst


      Ah, but RPly a fireball would do quite a bit of damage to a wooden home. Unless you soak it in water regularly, but, I like to keep my secrets to myself.

  8. Finally got to shear the head off a chocolate bunny, and eat it's furry nose... Wait, chocolate bunnies arent supposed tobe furry...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blackdragonhole


      *Bursts out with laughter*

    3. Blackdragonhole


      *Bursts out with laughter*

    4. dovahcore


      I hope not. That bunny must have been moldy.Or you grabbed the wrong type of bunny

  9. I just witnessed someone try a pick-up line on a girl. I pity both the girl and the guy.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      oh dear cosmik.. I have no words...

    3. Cappy


      I lol'd

    4. Aislin



  10. Im oddly tempted to find the worst servers in existence, and test them out. Any suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aedan The Bard
    3. KoTo



      not kidding :)

    4. Aislin


      Celestial Dreams


  11. Well, I found that I felt like a new character, and there seems to be a ridiculously low amount of female characters on the server. Not too hard to choose what my new character would be.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skippy


      There's like 35 female characters. Not raelly little in numbers.

    3. Minst


      Yes, but not really large in numbers either.

    4. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda is female, and she plays female characters. Not to say she can't play a male chatracter, it is just more challenging to bea female.

  12. Would someoen mind linking me the lore for the Mori? I want to make sure I stick by it if I make an app for Mori.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Minst


      Thank you for the link, and I would be glad to join, if I get my app decent enough.

    3. Minst


      Thank you for the link, and I would be glad to join, if I get my app decent enough.

    4. Anthrowolfgirl


      *poke* Um.. Hi? XD

  13. Anyone else having a "Login Failed" with the downloaded MC launcher? Getting a bit irritating, and I know how to fix it, just cant remember it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Minst


      Yeah, it just kept failing login.

    3. Minst


      Nvm, managed to fix it.

    4. Minst


      Nvm, managed to fix it.

  14. Well, first spider-jockey. That I have ever seen. Ever. Has one been seen before in LotC?

  15. If I were to want to buy a certain place, that tells me nothing of who the owner is, or where they are, would I just modreq it?

    1. shiftnative


      GM's could tell you who owns the property but you wouldn't be able to use that information in-character, the best route would be making a forum post in the role-play section about it ^^

    2. Minst


      Ah, thanks then.

    3. Minst


      Ah, thanks then.

  16. Quick question, that doesnt really need a post. If you post a Mori app, are yo urequired to know the entire Mori language?

    1. Solan (Elite117)
    2. Minst


      Goodie, means I was told incorrectly by a few people.

    3. Swgrclan
  17. *sigh* Lost in the tourney to a hgih stealth, high unarmred player. Hate fighting them.

    1. Lykos



    2. Minst


      Well, hello old barbarian dude who is quite a long time dead. Nice to meet you.

    3. Minst


      Well, hello old barbarian dude who is quite a long time dead. Nice to meet you.

  18. Just got 6.66 minas... Am I afraid of death? No. Do I want to die a horrible burning death? No.

    1. Lykos


      Just got 232.75 minas. Am I afriad of endermen? No. Do I want to die a horrible teleport-y death? Maybe.

    2. CosmicWhaleShark


      4.20, killed a squid. (>-_-)> ~**

  19. Just to clear something up, did the Orcs place all those huge pockets of TnT before the battle? Im a bit confused by it.

    1. Gorum©


      Nope, it was placed

      under us while we were


    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Common Orc tactic is to place TNT. Our RP is throwing Gobbo grenades since you guys refuse to RP them.

  20. Got to love it when you make it through a Necromancer's maze, through lava pitfalls, and a lava jump, flawlessly. Then you see a chest which holds said Necromancer's staff, and a stolen magic sword, you look in, and there's nothing there... Just got to love that...

    1. kurk brak

      kurk brak


  21. Fear the great Emperor Ramian Noodleus and his Ramen Legions! Or, well, eat him. Either one works.

    1. Varstivus


      *grabs chopsticks, lemon pepper, and some lime juice*

  22. Was going to murder Mordie... Sadnesss....

    1. Maki


      Server crash saving lives err day.

  23. Finally found something that can depress Lithren. Weddings.

  24. Anyone else hate it when your forced to double post when replying to someone status?

  25. Not going to be online all weekend, for anyone who happens to care. Got cousins coming to be slaughtered in various games.

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