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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Bawd

  1. Bawd

    Am I supposed to contact you about getting a wiki account? I'm not sure .w.

  2. Does anyone know how I get a wiki invitation code?

  3. My /new/ new signature says my first name in Japanese.

    1. Joe_Blackman



    2. Bawd


      Why? -Hides, watching out for Panda-

  4. "If anybody here believes what he did was ok, you're welcome to leave with Ever. " Considering leaving for thinking reasonably and being able to get over things, at recommendation of Arik.

    1. Space


      'If anybody here believes that humour is serious, you're welcome to leave with...' Well, didn't work out weel, but swag.

    2. Ever


      well, arik doesn't like me nor bri sooo

    3. Bawd


      I like you and Bri, Ever <3

  5. monkey is a monkey is a monkey is a monkey is a monkey is a monkey is a monkey is a monkey is a monkey is a monkey is a monkey is a monkey is a monkey is a monkey is a monkey is a monkey is a monkey is a monkey is a monkey.


  6. Where in the Seven Hells is our DDoS protection?

    1. VonAulus


      we are all wondering that

    2. MonkeyCoffee


      In Native's pocket

  7. Dat Kha app from April that I'm only going to use now.

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      Yay! Reman + Kha' = Win

  8. Estimated 370 GBP for a new video card, 4GB RAM and an Intel i5 processer. Why must I have so little money?

  9. Is it wrong that I'm this excited about updating my old PC? I've managed to get this thing running. It has 256MB RAM, and numerous parts missing. I feel like a martyr for using this.

    1. Joe_Blackman


      What sort of excitement might I ask...?


    2. Bawd


      You know what kind.

  10. http://images.free-extras.com/pics/r/rawr-1746.jpg Believe in the cuteness of this picture Sala linked me.
  11. Dwarves are cool kids.

    1. Anderssn


      Cool, but not kids.


  12. Play GW2 with me Monkey.

  13. I'm going to play some GW2.

  14. Screwing around with texture packs, cutting and pasting to make the perfect custom pack. And then you realise you did it wrong.

  15. Jullius, stop being such a Jullius.

  16. Time to work on the final details of my Dwarf character and make an RP post. (Maybe) Slight surprise for people who've roleplayed with me as Reman coming up.

    1. TheNander


      Join the Grayhammer clan.

    2. Destroyer_Bravo


      Ironguts. Join those people.

  17. I didn't have you . . . as a forum friend . . . o-o

  18. Guys, should I roll a human or dwarf?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mintalicious (Syran/Milo)
    3. TheNander


      DWARF!!! REMAN! DWARFFFFfffffffff....

    4. Bawd


      Because Nander said it, I have to go Dwarf. Nander, your fanaticism about the Irish was odd on TeamSpeak and somehow earned my respect. Time to make an RP post about a drunk elderly Dwarf wandering around Karik with his eyes closed.

  19. Thinking of rolling a human character. Thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Skippy


      no, it's because they're simple to be.

    3. Kaiser


      Halfflings = better

    4. Bawd


      Skippy, that may be why 99.9% of people play them, but they're unknowingly helping enforce lore.

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