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Status Updates posted by Kiiztria

  1. Oh my miss apple pie

    1. Neri


      You just reminded me of applepie.txt

  2. Oops alarm didnt go off for school. Guess Im not going for the last day before break

  3. Reading books in biology... Art in English class... What is life?

    1. Tom_Whiteman


      Life = Biomass?

    2. Parading


      English is best subject.

  4. Recommended Program to upload pictures on the forums?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      photobucket ._.

    3. Lord_Sauron_


      Imgur. A hosting site. A community. 6.5 bananas = 1 Jose. ALL HAIL THE DEER LORD. Giraffe.

    4. Kiiztria


      Thank you all for the help :)

  5. Recommended texture packs?

  6. Remember ladies and gentlemen, voting now gives minas!

  7. Say I were to attempt to become a druid again could i profess my self as the Blood Druid xD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kiiztria


      That... would be interesting right?

    3. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      Sure, if you want to be known as "that Druid"...

    4. Kiiztria


      Yes I do :p I love druid RP espicially when I was the storm druid :D

  8. Seahawks all the way!

  9. Server crashed because Zarsies is Liri in disguise.

  10. Should I install MPM?

    1. cmack1028


      Is that a question?

    2. Kiiztria
    3. Silent™


      To install, or not to install. That is the question.

  11. Slept into til 2:00 I am a champ!

    1. kurk brak

      kurk brak

      Feels nice, dunnit.

    2. Evilbanana5757


      *wakes up at 6 AM everyday*

  12. So indecisive... I finished my VA but when I look at others it doesnt look long enough but then when I look at other that were accepted they werent as long O.o

    1. blindmind


      Brevity is the soul of wit. Economy can be a good thing, especially if the material is effective.

    2. gingernut97


      Try and add a bit more to the bio if you're that worried, I got denied due to my bio size (among other things)

  13. Something tells me the community wants mpm back.

  14. Soooo much more detail needed... NEED MORE!!!

  15. Soooo pumped to get Diablo 3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Augor


      Pff, it really isn't that bad, the loot hunting aspect and all 'dat is fine. The story is just... so.... horrible though..

    3. Trouvo
    4. V0idsoldier


      If they didn't make me wait like 10 years for diablo 3 it would have been better. But they really hyped it up, and it just wasn't all there :(

  16. Sooooooo: Seattle or Denver?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Redbaron™


      Broncos, Peyton would probably retire if he won and that makes it easier in the AFC next year.

    3. _pok_


      Seattle because they have the greatest corner in the game. And no sorry receiver is gonna **** with him.

    4. Sneaky


      ^I second that, also have the best secondary in the league. Marshawn Lynch going to run all over Broncos as well.

  17. Soooooooo excited to start my dwarf character!

    1. Valdis


      warning, not many dwarfs at the hold lately

    2. Kiiztria


      That's okay, im up for it!

  18. Sorry haven't been on guys, especially sorry to my friends on ts, I just moved amd don't have Internet, so as soon as I do will create a new rp character for everyone to rp with :)

  19. Soulstones broken?

    1. Telanir


      Yes, unfortunately they are broken right now. :(

  20. Steam doesn't want to take my money... Is it a blessing or a disaster?

  21. Stupid AP Biology

  22. Stupid cat keeps walking across my key board lol

  23. Suggestions for nice texture packs?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kiiztria


      Thank you all for your wonderful suggesdtions

    3. Kiiztria


      Thank you all for your wonderful suggesdtions

    4. Dr. Eggnog
  24. Thank you Kitten for the new avatar to go with my member title! :D

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