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Status Replies posted by Geo

  1. Why was MrZombie's VA denied!?

  2. 1.3, y u no be now?

  3. I hate Dr Pepper, but I can't stop sipping on it... What is wrong with me?

  4. Decided today that my ultimate goal for LOTC was to start going for that VAT. =) I have a long way to go as a person to become one, I think.

  5. Well. Covering almost every time zone known to man on LOTC. Im on literally 18 hours a day. What do I do? ._.

  6. Oh well, VA Denied. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve for my next attempt.

  7. Listen, I am earnestly in need of names that you can think of lore-writers who are cohesive and well-endowed in their writing. Honestly, can I get something less trolly and more earnest?

  8. Everyone either doesn't want to rp with me OOC or hates me IC ; w ;

  9. Cooking up long-term stuffs with the Event-Team !

  10. I feel like I'm the top rper, and that you all suck. Get off LOTC and let me rp with myself cause I'm to good to rp with you all.


  12. SpamShok, Nander, Vardak, and Raid have joined the ranks. There are/may be two more, but they have not responded. :x

  13. Holy crap. My va got supported by the perfectionist. Oh god. Is this good or bad? O_O

  14. Hey, we heard you like stalkin'. So we put a pic in the show yourself, so you can stalk whilst you stalk.

  15. Holy crap. My va got supported by the perfectionist. Oh god. Is this good or bad? O_O

  16. I feel I should attempt to RP with the new people that are applying, it just seems fair since they don't have much.

  17. *mounts his noble steed, and gallops around*

  18. In the city of fallen Aenguls, where the Ocean meets the sand, you will form a strong alliance, and the world's most awesome band. To find your fame and fortune, through the valley you must walk. You will face your inner Daemons, now go. My. Son. And. Rock~

  19. Having connection problems I feel bad for you son, I've got 99 problems but MC ain't one.

  20. Have a female character? Why not work at the Oren Brothel? We need more courtesans.

  21. I'm guessing Tyrion did my title, and it's pink with sparkles... hmm...


  23. Hey I just stalked You

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