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About Sythan

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    Lyes' dad

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    Ezael Athfaer
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  1. Curious about ban appeals. I've seen ban appeals denied due to them not owning up to something, despite serving the time. If they have served the time, then their reasoning and such should not matter. I remember on another server i used to go on, someone was banned for a week using xray. Appealed and denied the fact he did use xray, and the ban appeal itself was denied. Discuss: If given a timeframe on a ban, should their excuses even matter?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShameJax


      Yeah, I said they should admit what they did. If you didn't do it then they still should be unbanned.

    3. Lima


      I've had this situation. I repeatedly wrote a appeal for a rule I did not break and they pocket denied it by not reading it until one day a admin just picked it up. 

    4. Shalashask


      I think it's important for the person to acknowledge what they did so they don't do it again. Obviously with some offences like x-ray you have people being banned for mining 'suspiciously'. With situations like this I think it needs to be looked into again if the person is adamant they did nothing wrong.

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