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~ Fiend ~

Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by ~ Fiend ~

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      Yes... Especially when I'm out of caffeine.

  1. Event has started! Any holy folks/druids, it's not too late to come to the corrupted grove!

  2. Every time I see/hear Aeriel I think of Ariel brushing her hair with a fork. EVERY TIME.

    1. Bakerismaxamis
    2. Demotheus


      I think of bloodshed.

      A shed covered in blood.

      blood of pudding, to be more specific. :3

    3. Heero


      fiend u werd

  3. Feelin' fluey. Don't get within sneeze range. ;(

    1. Pikel Boldshoulder

      Pikel Boldshoulder

      I'll beat you with a stick if you do

    2. ~ Fiend ~
  4. Finally decided what to name my inn. "Seven Apples Inn". It's so fitting.

    1. Enyahs V.

      Enyahs V.

      Now serving apple p-

      -voice from the background and whispers

      "Oh minecraft hasnt made that yet? that's runescape? oh...


    2. ~ Fiend ~
  5. Future queen of Salvus, reporting for duty.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      It alarms me how many times I've heard that today. x'D

    3. Hanrahan


      Almost married the Queen of Salvus, then she had a Wolf orgy and it went downhill from there

    4. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      Apparently I have big, lesbian-fab shoes to fill...

  6. Getting hit on by the town pervert: hilarious. Being too innocent IC to realize you're having an innuendo-off: PRICELESS.

    1. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      Wait, you were getting hit on by the town pervert? o.O I could have sworn I hadn't logged in today...

    2. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      You were sleep-rping again.

      You need to remember to take your pills.

  7. Goin' to vote for the first time. 'murica.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      Not everything is LotC.. but I laughed. :)

    3. Huh


      Any vote is a good vote. +1

    4. Ser Paul Ryan

      Ser Paul Ryan

      God bless friendo....

  8. Got my hands on Majora's Mask 3D. See y'all in a bit. ;)

  9. grrr patriarchy grrr

    1. Bawd


      stop oppressing me

    2. Catarrh


      Hurray for patriarchy! Woo! Long live the big papa, to whom all men secretly answer! Don't tell the women though.

  10. Had an audition today. Sucked, only to find out the person who chose my song was wrong about my vocal range. ._. Time to wallow in some sadness, then eat japanese food.

  11. Happy Singles' Awareness Day! ... I'm going to eat a donut now. ._.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      *ate 4 doughnuts today*

    3. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      -Ate a snickers bar, Cap N' Crunch, and some other stuff.- Foreveralone

    4. Dash_Rogers


      and a happy foreveralone day to you

  12. Haven't been on in a while. Life is just so BUSY. On the plus side, though, I get to find out some time in the next few days how the doctor types are going to fix my knee. ._.

    1. Yoff


      I don't really know you but I still wish you the best. :D

    2. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      Thanks! It's nice to receive a vote of confidence, even from a stranger.

      Nice to meet you, by the way. xD

  13. Helped kill Sethy and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.

    1. Elfen_


      I got nothing if that makes you feel better

    2. monkeypoacher


      I am making several commemorative leather tunics saying that

    3. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      Fiend I'll trade you a grilled cheese..

  14. Hey. Sorry about spotty connections, I've been unwell. More events or Alras soon.

  15. High elves gettin' redonk with their aging policies. http://gyazo.com/353c6a4725ab06fb558d14605fc5bee6

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Zarsies


      I see you reposting that same status, I'm not crazy I swear

    3. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      Gyazo is just my bae.

    4. DrakeHaze.


      Fiend can have my body on tuesdays.

  16. I actually made shaders work. Shaaadersss. *groaning*

  17. I am here for your soul, no substitutes accepted.

  18. I could just type lyrics out, but to what song?

  19. I feel like everyone is using #tildes now.

    1. shiftnative


      Totes been using them on signs since aegis /flex

    2. Lykos


      'Decorative' Icons in this forum's usernames is pointless. Just like novelty profile names. This is LotC, not imgur or reddit.

  20. I feel like I got hit by a bus. Must be sick. That would explain a lot, actually. >-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Religious_Pie


      Nah, you're not sick...


      You got hit by a bus.

    3. Dat Burkester

      Dat Burkester

      Its gonna be alright.

    4. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      I used to be sick. But then I took a bus to the face.


  21. I got pickpocketed. DURN IT. xD

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