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Status Updates posted by Endeavour

  1. Server Crash? Or did I crash?

    1. Silevon


      The server did.

    2. Dyn


      Liri broke the server. Sorry for your inconvenience.

  2. Server down for Maintenance, new IP or is my internet just that bad?

    1. spqrSancus


      It's just that bad, friend. Just that bad.

  3. Server's full.... WHY!?

  4. Skin Servers down or is it just me that my skin is steve

    1. Space


      Looks like it going on and off I think. http://xpaw.ru/mcstatus/

    2. Demotheus


      mojang op plz nurf

    3. Aedan The Bard
  5. So if I had a character that I rped sometime ago, and left no explaination to why they dissappeared could I still rp that character now?

  6. So whenever I walk into an area that has been built on heavily my computer starts acting like it is dying and Minecraft starts looking like a series of pictures. Great.

  7. That moment when you have only been Rping a Character for 5mins and then they get killed... Good Rp!

  8. The new Snapshot is amazing!

  9. There are some really wonderful places on in Anthos, but then there are really ugly ones...

  10. Thinking about making a new Character, so I would like your opinion on what race I should choose! (Please say a race other than, Human, Halfling, Kharajyr, or Orc)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Endeavour


      I'm going to have to find out more about High Elves it seems...

    3. TheWhiteWolf
    4. Silevon
  11. Time to find a Magical Tome!

  12. Ugh, acidentally updated Minecraft, how do I downgrade now? I really want to get on the server.

  13. We just updated to 1.8.7 and now 1.8.8 is on the horizon....

  14. What are the current working IPs?

  15. What business do college mages have in a place like Saarthal anyway?

    1. Samoblivion


      Maybe the giant magical orb of destruction?

    2. Endeavour


      Yep, that might be why.

    3. Amorphbutt


      Turns out Tolfildir or whatever has a fetish with death. You now know why he stayed behind in that room filled with draugr.

  16. What cities are in The Fringe?

  17. What do you need to learn magic? Other than the large amounts of time needed to learn it.

    1. Dilara(lotteje13)


      teacher/book/knowledge of the magic you want to learn :D

  18. What is the best race for a scholar like character? Because for me I know for a fact humans don't make good ones.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Watyll


      Humans do make good scholars.

    3. cmack1028


      Forest Dwarf!


      Forest Dwarf Druid!

    4. Shelby !

      Shelby !

      I think it depends on the player and how the character is played, not the race. Personally I think the humans need more scholars, but the other suggestions are great ^^

  19. What would be the best Race for an Adventuring Character?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Endeavour
    3. The Best Basileus
    4. racingbrother


      I'd say Human. They usually want to live it up before they face their mortality. Halflings in LoTC are generally more suited towards where ever they're settled and are content with not leaving it as they fear much of the outside world.

  20. What's up? I haven't been on the sever in a while and I think I am going to have a look around...

    1. Skippy


      Dwarves being short, orcs being fat, high elves being stupid, humans still on high horses, wood elves what are they even doing?

  21. Whats up the People of the Lord of the Craft? I haven't played on the server for an extremely long time but I like to check in once in a while.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Porko
    3. Parkins


      Trying to find people to play undead.

    4. candlite


      The cloud, you are a cloud, above, because you are, a cloud. That's what's up c:

  22. When did this new layout come? ITS AMAZING!!!

  23. When in doubt, Halfling

  24. When you think about it, Halflings are the most technilogically advanced race....

    1. BrandNewKitten


      They worship a squid god... nuff said.

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