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Status Updates posted by tnoy23

  1. Crayfish's new name is Clamfishchris.

  2. Sniper Elite V2. is free on steam until Thursday at 10PM. Download it now and have it for good, for free.

    1. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      How can I find out when games go free temporarily? I want to search for games and get them, that are not free to play.

  3. How the hell my .minecraft folder took up a gig of hard drive space, I will never know.

  4. How the hell my .minecraft folder took up a gig of hard drive space, I will never know.

  5. http://gyazo.com/97bf971ee2e3043ba1a4732751b1dca1 - I think I might have a good combo with that triple obsidian...
  6. So I saw the new Godzilla movie.

    1. The Lightbringer

      The Lightbringer

      Azverozoth Zalarai Vuiltrath

  7. Never consume a total of 200+ grams of sugar and over 2000 milligrams of caffeine in the course of 2 hours. You don't want to breathe colors and I enjoy sleep.

  8. ...There's a ******* cricket in my room.

    1. Helbolt


      Get a lizard. They are friendly and cold and often take care of your cricket problems.

  9. I had the single weirdest dream last night I drempt Gemmylou wanted me to go with Chi to Mexico to stalk a prospective FM

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      i see youve been playing to much minecraft fantasy ahr pee

    3. tnoy23


      I haven't been on the server for a fair while, I've been on hiatus for personal issues. Furthermore, as I've had dreams like that before that did not involve LOTC, I am not concerned.

    4. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      i, however, am very concerned toby

  10. I had the single weirdest dream last night I drempt Gemmylou wanted me to go with Chi to Mexico to stalk a prospective FM

  11. Anyone got any tips on how to beat the Taurus Demon in Dark Souls one?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. gam
    3. Dizzy771


      What Alterazgohg said, though you can fire bomb it a couple times ontop of each plunge attack before it jumps up to do extra damage each go around

    4. VonAulus


      I would talk to People F Taurus.

  12. Don't forget, today is Revenge of the Fifth

    1. gam


      no it's cinco de mayo

  13. I hate people sometimes.

  14. I think people forget words will hurt more than anything else....

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14


      sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me

    3. Nug


      mau you're rad



      your rights end where my feelings begin

  15. If anyone remembers the escalation of the end of Anthos ((As in, normal -> Fight Cultists -> Fight herbies, ect.)) can they please let me know what they are? Thanks~

  16. Fun fact : An easy way to PO your English teacher is to play this in the middle of class -

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