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Jake the Dog

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Status Updates posted by Jake the Dog

  1. happy new year mother truckers

  2. Hey could a GM or something TP me to spawn, I SS'd and now i'm stuck in a wall in a hole.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Elindor
    3. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog


      make that 4 hearts tried to screen shot failed it

    4. Elindor


      I can't get ahold of GMs and I'm not logged in on MC to check who is there. Do a printscreen of your whole desktop and write up the Bug post on the forums.

  3. HEY It could be worse.

    1. ~Paulie~


      It cannot get any worse than it is now.

  4. home in a day. i want my grandmaster book. for the ideas for my next house are a waiting

  5. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood

    1. Free The Hobbits
    2. V0idsoldier


      37? 37 WOODS!? 37 WOODS!!!!?!?!?!?!?!

    3. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog


  6. Howa bout we combine all our power and make a massive bomb that only kill's orc's

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      Together we stand. It's now or never we must drive them back to the abyss.

    3. Blundermore


      And let them fall into the nothing-ness that awaits them and their master?

      -Gandalf quote of the day :p

    4. gingernut97


      I'm guessing this is the agenda of the English Defence League ? ;3

  7. I lel when people think they can stab through a iron chest plate with a spear

  8. I love you everything burrito

    1. Gwonam_Blaze


      But Jake, it's breakfast time.

    2. danic


      What about... Bacon Pancakes?

  9. I'M BACK BBY. 14 days of no pc, feels weird now

  10. I'm pissed the **** off right now. Not only did someone steal a stack of iron 1 diamond 10 gold they also stole 2 RP items AND MY ******* HORSE

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Yeah that seems like a bit overboard and beyond the scope of RP villainy. Def /modreq that.

    3. V0idsoldier
    4. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      If you find a horse with the name tag Luna it's mine and nsjja12345 most prob stole it.

  11. If anyone finds a full black horse with the Custom name Luna tell me. Some asshat stole it with out me knowing

  12. Look's like ya got a bit of poop brain

  13. Lumberjack, went from. 2xp per log. To 2.5xp then 3xp now it's down to 2.33xp WTF ARE YOU DOING

    1. Kim


      Finding equilibrium *-*

  14. Maaaate wut is he doing

  15. Maaate 3 fights in school and a guy gets hit by a bus all in one lunchtime Helicopters and everything

  16. Maybe not use plugin's to poison one side yeah?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HuskyPuppy
    3. Moot


      It would be toxic fumes from the lava, which the dwarves placed. Besides, it never ended up being a factor!

    4. craotor


      We didint even use it lol

  17. Merry Xmas for my side

  18. mix grill was gooooood, overly full up now holiday prob2014

  19. Opps logged in with a Jake the Dog skin

    1. Shorsand


      Someone was playing as Gordon Freeman.

    2. Telanir


      I used to play in an orange Gordon Freeman hazard suit on LotC during Aegis. I was a futuristic scientist. T-T

  20. Orc's really need to stay outta oren

    1. Nekkore


      They need to stay out of everywhere!

  21. School. How it hates me so.

  22. Server is dying

    1. Telanir


      oh no wat we do server apookalypse aaaa

    2. Telanir


      the prophets foretold this day, we must get on the boats and flee at once, grab your swords brethren

    3. Jake the Dog

      Jake the Dog

      Dump the swords. They will just slow us down.

  23. So em yeah. I got nothing.

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