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Status Replies posted by mmat

  1. I'm done with these piece of **** oren white knights who just call pvp every ******* time I try to do anything even remotely aggresive just because they're too much of a ***** to fight an olog or anoyone with actual gear.

  2. I'm done with these piece of **** oren white knights who just call pvp every ******* time I try to do anything even remotely aggresive just because they're too much of a ***** to fight an olog or anoyone with actual gear.

  3. I'm done with these piece of **** oren white knights who just call pvp every ******* time I try to do anything even remotely aggresive just because they're too much of a ***** to fight an olog or anoyone with actual gear.

  4. send bob and vagene pic?

  5. can someone explain to me what a left wing libertarian would be? 

    1. mmat


      Im not refuting your points you screaming ******* autist i was just stating something of interest

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  6. can someone explain to me what a left wing libertarian would be? 

    1. mmat


      The Nazi party pre-hitler leadership was actually going to unify with a socialist party because they had things in common

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  7. can someone explain to me what a left wing libertarian would be? 

    1. mmat


      Communism actively makes Nazis look good lmao

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  8. can someone explain to me what a left wing libertarian would be? 

    1. mmat


      Tldr Marxism is cancer and Marx himself would've likely despaired at what he has unleashed.


      He never saw the progress the working class has made in the past 100 years, despite any setbacks.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  9. can someone explain to me what a left wing libertarian would be? 

    1. mmat


      Don't be ridiculous, the Soviet Union was a paradise and only FASCISTS would disagree -.-

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  10. can someone explain to me what a left wing libertarian would be? 

  11. can someone explain to me what a left wing libertarian would be? 

  12. can someone explain to me what a left wing libertarian would be? 

    1. mmat


      Remember if you get anything to the right of Stalin and Mao, you're a Nazi

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  13. What cities are the big RP hubs now

  14. 35914f8bbea1c99ba5a11702a0660c3c.png
    An attempt to repaint one of my favorite paintings: The Nature of Fear, by Nicola Samori https://gyazo.com/35914f8bbea1c99ba5a11702a0660c3c

  15. why not just use a crossbow - it'd be more effective to people in plate armour.. right?

  16. How many Aegis/Asulon vets are left active?


    Oct. '11, here. 

  17. This status update is for discussion about everyone's favorite reasons why frost witches are best creatures.

  18. 'Haha feminists get so triggered at the stupidest ****' 'Well hey man maybe it's more complex than t--' 'REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'

  19. antifaareviolentcommunists

    1. mmat


      Who are these fabled people advocating genocide you're strawmanning?


      Most of the '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''right wingers'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' are literally just people sick of the **** that's been thrust on them for years and want it to stop

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  20. antifaareviolentcommunists

    1. mmat


      ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''right wingers''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  21. antifaareviolentcommunists

    1. mmat


      It is though, anti democratic communists are assaulting people in the streets and is targeting white people as a group. the reaction is coming from white people who are now thinking "hey if everyone else can do it, we can too!"


      Not saying thats a great thing, but its not us starting it.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  22. Carson

    Carson    Kim

    I LOVE YOUR ART it's so good omg

  23. Carson

    Carson    Kim

    I LOVE YOUR ART it's so good omg

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