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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by mmat

  1. don't read the cursed child unless you want your hopes and dreams ruined

  2. Join the one and only club dedicated to Remove Nexus and join the discussion. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/166258-rnc-2-racial-bonuses/

  3. I have the urge to make an elf character! I only have ever played Farfolk and that's the only human subrace I have any interest in whatsoever (preferring eastern cultures rather than western european), so it'd be a new experience.


    any ideas?

  4. I have the urge to make an elf character! I only have ever played Farfolk and that's the only human subrace I have any interest in whatsoever (preferring eastern cultures rather than western european), so it'd be a new experience.


    any ideas?

  5. We can Remove Nexus because we have something Nexus will never have: Friendship.

  6. Does anyone know what happened to @Gemmylou? She left without notice. :(

  7. So today I learned we have a build server- Is this something the community can use, or is it only reserved for our 5 event team builders?

  8. How do you even post pictures on the forums now?

  9. We need to put our differences aside and work together if we are to Remove Nexus

  10. We need to put our differences aside and work together if we are to Remove Nexus

  11. We need to put our differences aside and work together if we are to Remove Nexus

  12. We need to put our differences aside and work together if we are to Remove Nexus

  13. Why can't I pm Immatyz on the forums

  14. Boy there really is some ruckus these days

  15. wow they removed the right wing death squad


    so much for the tolerant left

  16. http://syriancivilwarmap.com/

    last isis stronghold in syria has been broken!
    the siege of Deir ez-Zor has been lifted!

  17. why can imattyz have right wing death squad but i cant have an antifa group https://gyazo.com/8eb3636db59d29ee64c844c7d83dbb73

  18. Join the right wing death squad NOW

  19. Please remember to check whether you are allowed to post in a ban report before doing so. Easy mistake.

  20. we're on MineCraft babey!!!

  21. did u delete ur status update because i ROASTED you @mitto

    please explain

  22. why do people keep wanting to try socialism? just fucks over countries every damn time. smh 

  23. why do people keep wanting to try socialism? just fucks over countries every damn time. smh 

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