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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by mmat

  1. antifaareviolentcommunists

  2. FRIENDLY REMINDER: Gold is a very soft and very heavy metal. It does not cut through armor very easily, if at all, and it, in general, makes a terrible weapon compared to one made of steel. Or bronze. Or pretty much any conventional weapon.

  3. FRIENDLY REMINDER: Gold is a very soft and very heavy metal. It does not cut through armor very easily, if at all, and it, in general, makes a terrible weapon compared to one made of steel. Or bronze. Or pretty much any conventional weapon.

  4. Carson

    Carson    Kim

    I LOVE YOUR ART it's so good omg

  5. I like how I left lotc, I check in once in awhile and get worried over Pink lion because people are asking if he's ok when in reality its a meme. Now people are doing it to mitto, and I have to take him away from this wretched land.

  6. mmat

    mmat    mitto

    *draws card *throws it at Mitto


    "I summon blue eyes white dragon"

  7. mmat

    mmat    mitto

    *draws card *throws it at Mitto


    "I summon blue eyes white dragon"

  8. mitto

    mitto    mmat

    *pushes out the way

  9. The FM has decided to take down the horrible attempt at humour due to the generation of toxicity that it caused. It is the very same toxicity that most of the LOTC player-base had seemed to be complaining about. 


    Everyone should know that they are all part of this mechanism and that if they want to change LOTC, they too have 

    to contribute to such advancements.


    Any attempts at reviving such a disgusting display of 'humour' will 

    be shot down without hesitation.


  10. The FM has decided to take down the horrible attempt at humour due to the generation of toxicity that it caused. It is the very same toxicity that most of the LOTC player-base had seemed to be complaining about. 


    Everyone should know that they are all part of this mechanism and that if they want to change LOTC, they too have 

    to contribute to such advancements.


    Any attempts at reviving such a disgusting display of 'humour' will 

    be shot down without hesitation.


  11. The FM has decided to take down the horrible attempt at humour due to the generation of toxicity that it caused. It is the very same toxicity that most of the LOTC player-base had seemed to be complaining about. 


    Everyone should know that they are all part of this mechanism and that if they want to change LOTC, they too have 

    to contribute to such advancements.


    Any attempts at reviving such a disgusting display of 'humour' will 

    be shot down without hesitation.


  12. bran is so fucked in the head

  13. I was programmed by Rebecca to not be sympathetic which was her final parting gift to the forums 

  14. I have started a revolution!

  15. ex fm manager doesnt know the forum rules! sad!

  16. FMs are real staff in the same way the programming team listen to feedback. That is to say, not.

  17. If buffs will still be a thing, can we please have passive buffs and not something that must be activated through shifting twice?

  18. @iMattyz my man, please start a feedback thread on how the programming staff is refusing to listen to feedback, I'd do it but it'd get locked for being too passive agressive rigth away

  19. We said no more ******* combat buffs.

  20. We said no more ******* combat buffs.

  21. We said no more ******* combat buffs.

  22. We said no more ******* combat buffs.

  23. We said no more ******* combat buffs.

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