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Ser Paul Ryan

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Status Replies posted by Ser Paul Ryan

  1. eyad told me he really likes rp default but too scared to admit it

  2. Got a virus today, good times.

  3. The sun is a mass of incandescent gas; a massive nuclear furnace, where hydrogen is built into helium at a temperature of several millions of degrees.

  4. So you put up a poll, didn't like the results, and removed it Viper? That's what it seems like.

  5. These undead sp00ks sure are scary and good enemies, friends! Watch your backs, this Halloween!

  6. These undead sp00ks sure are scary and good enemies, friends! Watch your backs, this Halloween!

  7. Know what I never see anymore? Slave Trade Ads.

  8. This doesn't deserve a thread, but I was wondering: Why are we hiding undead lore like we did scourge? Surely it's not needed...right?

  9. Are there any Adunians left these days?

  10. Beta Jews, are Israel's gr8st allies, Ethiopia, I stand with u...

  11. What's that friend you want to check us out oh cool if you want sure thanks!

  12. Do people like villain RP? Is it fun to get kidnapped or mugged if done properly? Ser Paul's thinking of ways to pay the bills

  13. Who is the current emperor of Oren?

  14. Can a GM hop on, I'd like to get perms for me and my fellow dwarves for an area in the eastswamps.

  15. Well, first glyph I ever make in enchanting, and I get this: http://gyazo.com/a4c654a833b28222b608424c5e342ed4 Complete random order and I actually got a good one first time around! :D

  16. My nemisis "IRL" is soon to return, the torch I wield will be passed on and the search for a protege has begun. I will be playing here often and hopefully spending my time making video blogs about the server and promoting good cheer. [This person doesn't necessarily have to be staff.]

  17. oy vey can someone unban me now please b0ss i made appel

  18. keep it classy friendos... I'll see you all when I see you ;)

  19. http://gyazo.com/7ced1e133b6c633a9f6844c97ed50a40 That's an awful attitude to have on this server. You have to question the moderating decisions to have a successful server, no?
  20. http://gyazo.com/7ced1e133b6c633a9f6844c97ed50a40 That's an awful attitude to have on this server. You have to question the moderating decisions to have a successful server, no?
  21. There, I made one. ttyl.

  22. Guys Im leaving, no need for a post

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