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Ser Paul Ryan

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Status Replies posted by Ser Paul Ryan

  1. i really dont have a status to update so ye lets juts pretend?

  2. The State of the Funion is very disappointing so far

  3. Ryan x Nala x Hog

  4. God shits on the Konig

  5. Why did my ban report get removed! QQ

  6. Jake you are neither of jewish faith nor a banker, you cant scam people yo.

  7. Why did my Ainsley Harriot status get deleted? lol

  8. im our savior niqqas i died for your sins and have slain the beast

  9. what do you need?

  10. Death before Tyranny

  11. I've seen Csalz PvP, he's too good for hacking. Like seriously, if he got banned for that it's BS.

  12. Where people get passionate about fake politics.

  13. So, just sat through two hours of Latin with a Red Bull drink and a triple chocolate cookie on my desk. Teacher didn't care, she just grinned and laughed at how relaxed I was. xD

  14. I'm looking into this - expect an apology shortly.

  15. god bless adam barnett

  16. Don't you just LOVE German accents?

  17. i hate trolls........................

  18. Hey, if a GM could unban my last account, NorthBestKorea, that'd be great.

  19. Anyone know what different hoes do? Does iron give a better chance of caskets then stone or better yields or something?

  20. >Get stopped on road by dude, saying "Carrion Tax!". >Roll eyes. Oh boy, another cruddy version of "Minas or die" >True to word, he wants my stuff. Searches in RP, and finds my satchel. Unknown to him OOC and IC, it is enchanted with void translocation. >Asks for search, and I don't accept. Said he should RP fun villainy for me, cause I like dat stuff. >he goes on to say that "MC goes hand in hand with RP." If he searches me RP, I /MUST/ acc...

  21. Swimming in armor is possible, friendos. Go do your research.

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