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Ser Paul Ryan

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Status Replies posted by Ser Paul Ryan

  1. I'm not going to make a leaving post... It's been an interesting two years but it's time I move one. See you guys later... Bye.

  2. nexus is gluten free and vegan friendly pls support +1

  3. You ready EU to actually do some fighting for yourself? Russia ayo!

  4. I am dissapoint. So loneleh while everyone's at work and school .-. Damn working night shifts.

  5. as emperor of oren i will be holding a weekly Q and A for u guys to tell me what u want like dinosaur nuggets and ****

  6. Paul has to go for a few weeks goodbye friends eat your vegetables don't ban report don't deny warclaims and maybe go outside every once and a while XOXO :)


  8. be r be making orcish alt for player versus plauyer battles!

  9. So umm, mind reducing the amount of studs needed to make studded armor? Or give like 8 studs per ingot...

  10. be r be making orcish alt for player versus plauyer battles!

  11. bring back raid number limits

  12. Are our characters aware that we're moving to a different world?

  13. Hello friends I hope you are having a good day be sure to eat a nice breakfast in the morning!

  14. I say that for tricking us, Crayfishchris must record himself twerking in a pink speedo for our amusement and his shame.

  15. It's August 1st, some people on this server have school which begin very soon and other people in the world who's begin a month later or so. Are you ready for back to school?

  16. Hello friend how are you?

  17. Hello friend how are you?

  18. Hello friend how are you?

  19. Am I the only one who finds the Corporate America theme of the Dwarven Kingdom slightly ridicule?

  20. Why is the server down?

  21. **** you Israel is sick

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