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Ser Paul Ryan

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Status Replies posted by Ser Paul Ryan

  1. Any human settlements with activity?

  2. Everyone, let us thank the staff of LotC for keeping the server down for finals and midterms. You guys are the best!

  3. Any moderator friendos able to approve a stack of items i have in-game?

  4. http://i.gyazo.com/bc0ed77ae4a720b806fbe9a858e31d30.png Women throughout the years have been trying to bust the glass ceiling, then some d*ckheaded dude went to get a s*x change to cheat and become the "highest paid woman". Come on dude, there are ladies who are born naturally as ladies trying to bust their asses to get that spot and you stole it with fraud!
  5. My ads on lord of the craft want me to open a Pakistani bank account. Wtf...

  6. *returns to the server, gets poisoned on the first day back, dying character gets ignored, dies* "WELCOME BACK ZMAN!"

  7. Hit them so hard broke my fist I did

  8. " I shall help to bring Invictus down and to make the people of Winchester rise!"

  9. warnation thread updated

  10. First game of CK2 Mini-Mega Co-Op game complete: Gaius has formed Kingdom of Rus (russian religion). 303 formed Kingdom of Sweden (Germanic Religion) I've formed Kingdom of Poland (Slavic Religion)

  11. rip in pepperoni nipples socks

  12. I am so smart. I bought two new chargers. If I break one, won't be a problem!

  13. OK, Techies this is so easy, so get your heads out of the sand. REMOVE the part of the code that says animals die. Because I was standing in an area with a horse on the lead, and 3 horses and my horse just died!

  14. Dragon age literally has 4 install disks, what the hell am I playing here?

  15. Remember that time Austria issued a stupid ultimatum and then, eventually, got trashed and laughed at by everyone else for the rest of history? Unrelated to any current events, friends, but thought you should all know some history!

  16. If I see one single dragon age inquisition spoiler I will find the spoiler-giver and kill them. Watch out.

  17. Question of the day. Do zombies **** themselves? Or does the food just build up in the tommeh?

  18. Will you be my friend?

  19. Let's see the video!!


  21. Name the most infamous: mage, warrior, ranger, ruler. Go go go!

  22. http://i.imgur.com/AIToyFW.png Updated map of the Men of Valor FRP.
  23. Guys, the tips feature is just about jokes. If three people are getting banned over jokes then I think someone needs to take a breather. What's the big deal?

  24. Why do you all get offended so quickly HAHAHAHHA

  25. What do birds say on Halloween?

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