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Iron VIP
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Status Updates posted by HeroTech

  1. http://www.swide.com/celebrities/top-25-kit-harington-shirtless-and-hot-gifs/2014/03/16 I think this has a rightful place here. Yes I am a straight male. Yes I love Kit Harington.
    1. Raptorious


      are you sure?

  2. Bring back being able to downvote posts.

  3. Is there any war posts celebrating Rael Acker? I am looking for them other then the

    1. mmat


      dont flatter urself noob

    2. InfamousGerman
  4. *shakes his head in disapproval. He looks down then back up at the server. He looks to the sun squinting a little bit. "Go **** yourself" He continues to look around for sometime then looks back at the server. He flips the server off and walks away

    1. Phibbup


      "Mummy, he said a naughty word!"

  5. Anyone want to be my pet Puppy? Pm on the forrums

    1. Bangi


      Keep in mind you need GM or above's approval to do this xP

    2. Aryon


      Or an Event Team member. >_>

    3. HeroTech
  6. Back from my extended break!

  7. Could use some RP advice anyone wanna help? Send me a Pm

  8. Do I need a special Launcher to play LotC? It works fine on my laptop but crashes on my new computer, what the hell?

  9. Do I need a special Launcher to play LotC? It works fine on my laptop but crashes on my new computer, what the hell?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lima


      Additionally! If your running a high resolution texture pack, when joining the server you may find youself crashing.

      Try logging in without any texture packs.



      Or turn off connected textures. ^^

    4. Kaun


      Especially turn off connected textures.

  10. Gonna go cry for a few hours... I got Denied

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Taiga


      That's not the way to go!

      Enthusiasm and an upbeat demeanor is what we need! C'mon! It'll be a cinch!

    3. Battle Jacx

      Battle Jacx

      Hey, it's hard to get in but if it wasn't you wouldn't respect it as much when you eventually get in. Just keep trying!

    4. HeroTech


      I got denied again. It seriously isn't worth it

  11. Got denied again starting to think it isn't worth my time. I shouldn't have to re-apply anyways.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. HeroTech


      I did he wont respond

    3. domainoft


      Or you could take this opportunity to create a totally new character. Always fun

    4. HeroTech


      Actually I plan on doing that. I will just miss my character. He had a lot to do with the outside world. I just have 11 hours to wait. I am creating him in my head right now.

  12. Hey oh I sent in my application!! Fingers cross

  13. I am back my friends!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Textarea


      hi hero, i think i missed you but i'm not sure

    3. Textarea


      jk. i never knew u lol

    4. Nekkore


      Who... Are you...?

  14. In light of the recent events, I have one thing to say; why can't everyone put there outside opinions aside? Who cares what he/she/I/they roleplay? If I am an approved Orcish Elf Dwarfu, who are you to judge me OOC? If you care soe much about what another person does on this server maybe you should take a break.

  15. Is thee a guide to High Elf speech? Like Common phrases that are mixed in with the common? Anyone?

  16. Looking to come back, who is good to play now adays, race wise?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Heff
    3. AGiantPie


      Tbh all the races are good atm. Even wood elves or dark elves.

    4. HeroTech


      Booklight Get at me on skype. Bickando, it will be like old times my friend!

  17. Made my new forum account now to make the account premium!!

  18. Meta-Gaming Necromancers!!

    1. HeroTech


      Ahahahaha See Meta-Gamers

  19. Narthok,

    Relix is on in the back of our minds right now. We have alot of things going on. FOr example, my banning. My character is currently living in Arethor. Blobie and the others live in a small town in Westfall. Once we get the whole group back together we will discuss Relix once again. We need to discuss things with the leader of land I feel I know way to get land. Just wait it out.

  20. Oh god A cluster Feck of people were attacking and I ended up killing someone. Don't ban report me :P

  21. oh look they removed it thats ******* cool

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Skippy


      keep on talkin', bub.

    3. Skippy


      keep on talkin', bub.

    4. Valentino MC: Mau5noize

      Valentino MC: Mau5noize

      grow up, this is why you will never be welcome back to this server, because your immature.

  22. The Horrible Bounty on Mobs is ruining my mina pouch. Bring back the good old ten dollars per mobs kills please. I love killing mobs and making money.

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