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Status Replies posted by Fid

  1. Playing lotc when a sloth smashes my window, and eats my pc.

  2. Who's fighting in the Oren battle today? What sides, rather?

  3. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What two settlements were exchanged by Krugmar and Oren after negotiations by Warlord Mogroka'Gorkil, Lord Brett Perea and King Enor Sheffield?

  4. How long is one IG week in RL time?

  5. Horses? Great. How many more updates after that do we have to wait for a craftable saddle, eh Jeb?

  6. I spent..... HOURS ig writing a book.... died and the book is gone. :I

  7. Anybody have a modpack up? Every time I try to manually install MPM I screw it up.

  8. I'm stuck as Default Steve :

  9. What BS is this? Essays in programing class?

  10. Am I the only one that cooks low-maintence food? Like boiled eggs and popcorn...

  11. I hate how, on this server that I'll never be a part of the plot...

  12. Kudos to Toveah Goldman for being one of the only ridiculously out-of-shape people on the server. Props, man.

  13. I have finished the frame of the Sophist Oratory! There is still time to apply in the Guild Forums to start your character off as a Sophist! After the Oratory's completion, I will begin recruiting in-game!

  14. In total, I've made 150 different soundtrack for LoTC, successful or otherwise.

  15. #Titania4HighQueen2013

  16. I can't tell if I'm being April Fooled or the victim of awful RP. http://i.imgur.com/FHTV2DT.png

  17. Once upon a time, there was an ugly barnacle. He was SO UGLY that everybody died. The end

  18. Well, LoTC? How are we?

  19. You know, a player taught me a valuable lesson. I should trust the playerbase more, since not all of them are horrible malicious metagamers/powergamers.

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