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Status Replies posted by Fid

  1. you know I always knew Crazyguy was an Immature GMT

  2. I guess the people last night got... IMMOLATED.


  4. Server Down?

  5. I've got onions, lettuce, cheese, bacon, chicken, hamburges, rice, a bunch of spices. What should I cook?

  6. After talking to Danny on Skype last night, it's not made me think back to the Refugee camp in Aegis...good times.

  7. I alsways ask people what their favorite map was and it's always "Aegis". So why not just make a map like Aegis and set the server up like it was before? People seem to like that idea when I give it out....

  8. You know, saying 'Everything sucks' and then not giving reasons why or suggestions on how to improve really doesn't fix anything.

  9. I think Ever was the only person not slated in the survey

  10. Well, now. I'm pretty proud of achieving this now. :3 http://gyazo.com/962c284f30061ec445948fe6c111272c.png

  11. "If you are reading this, and you have complaints or criticism regarding the Arcane Delvers, feel free to message me. I will see what can be done on the matter. All messages will be kept private at the owner's consent."

  12. Server. What are you doing? Server? Stahp

  13. #Kittyneedsfood2013

  14. Congrats to Blindmind on GMship.

  15. GUYS! Boris became a yellow moth with big brown spots... I just let him fly aaawwwwaaayyy! :D

  16. Hmmm... Need a new character I can start to play while I wait for other stuff... So the question is Orc or Dwarf?

  17. Emperor VonSchlichten

  18. Emperor Burkester?

  19. I am suprised that everyone is trying to claim the throne of Oren, and are not making GM applications instead. This actually makes me happy :D

  20. I am announcing my leave, no special rants or nothing, I hope you all have fun.

  21. For those who missed it, about 20 or so people grouped up and left, making a big fuss about it with posts. It's not /actually/ as bad as it looks. xD

  22. The Dark Wanderer walks into the gates of Kastoria at night. While the scribes and students sleep in the Akheron Academy, the Dark Wanderer executes his plan... with bloody efficiency....

  23. I don't understand, what're people waking up to? Because I can't see what's going on.

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