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Status Replies posted by Fid

  1. The Dark Wanderer walks into the gates of Kastoria at night. While the scribes and students sleep in the Akheron Academy, the Dark Wanderer executes his plan... with bloody efficiency....

  2. Drowner/Vodnik kills 2 in the crossroads.Are the rivers safe anymore?

  3. If I was a travelling merchant before it was cool... Am I a hipster?

  4. You must be black. Cause you stole my heart.

  5. Game of Thrones Improvement #2: Add a large, sassy, black woman.

  6. I was in Malinor. Two creepers spawned out of no where and blew up some of the path. So confused ;-;

  7. Congratz to Goliath!

  8. Anyone have any tips for getting rid of lag? Its so bad that its hard to even rp anymore, and I've died from mobs because of it. Please help!

  9. Graduating today, then gone for a week of camping. Have fun folks

  10. Having major connectivity issues with the server over here in the states right now, and it's driving me crazy. I can't be the only one

  11. Lag, lag go away. DON'T come back another day

  12. Seems like the server got.... IMMOLATED.

  13. Did auto-restarts get disabled?

  14. Who's idea was it to run the server off a potato today?

  15. Undead staff: Check.

  16. To be clear. The Antagonists are NOT Undead. Whoever started this rumour is lying.

  17. Undead staff: Check.

  18. Did I hear.... IMMOLATED?

  19. Look! It was him there, ser guard! HE IMMOLATED THEM!

  20. Undead returning, Yay or nay?

  21. he better have an arson VA for all this immolation

  22. Quick! Change blindmind's Member Title to The Immolator!

  23. What's the policy about using the Dwarvish warcry? That Hodor?


  25. Immolated? What? What even??!

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