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Status Replies posted by Fid

  1. Theres a fantastic little thief at work in Lenfarthing. Someone ought to catch him ;)

  2. I wonder....can Dryads ce attached to potted Flowers? (I am so knowlegeable to Magic Lore Brahs)

  3. aaa. It's almost SUMMER again. You know what that means? It means I'm OLD. Grah.

  4. I love how, ever since Aedan proposed to Arial, she has been getting letters or visits from other men who want her to marry them or random stuff like that. I can't stop laughing.

  5. Heading off to my first day of work!

  6. Your sire likes to speak of honour, but tell me where is he?

  7. Is ANYONE writing a magic lore on manipulaiton of velocity within a specific region? No? Good. Because if you are, I will grab you by the hair and throw you into yellowstone lava.

  8. Salamandra is dead. Permanently. :O

  9. Have you ever seen a lama kiss a lama on the lama

  10. I find it ironic how easily I get sunburned.

  11. I'm gonna miss Darkhaven... It was the one spot for Dark Elf rp really...

  12. Just met a frost witch, RP was VERY good *slow clap*

  13. I want to make a character who looks like Anastasiya Shpagina but i have no idea how the hell I would skin it... and to have the full effect she's have to be a rich princess in a fru-fru frilly dress.

  14. Congrats to Oren and it's grand Victory.

  15. Not that I dislike Dalek, Sorsby, or Super in anyway, but I hope we keep these new Elders, they can dedicate more time, which is what the Halflings need.


  17. Why do people like to shiftclick you without bothering to RP?

  18. I'm not sure what I want to do now...

  19. LET ME HEAR YOUR WAR CRY!!! http://z0r.de/3992

  20. My mom put time limits on my MacBook. Anyone know how to get around this, break in to her account, figr

  21. Custom chat colors removed? My emotes are ugly yellow again D:

  22. Oooop, the tournament is soon.

  23. Playing a gobbo char: the greatest joy in LOTC

  24. I must say, hats off again to the moderators and lore team. These recent Mathic age events have been laying on this feeling of epicness, which contineus to build to the point where it feels ready to boil over. I eagerly await what will occur.

  25. Are emote colors broken?

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