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Everything posted by ski_king3

  1. Editing my current skin would be cool. :D Do whatever you like to it.

  2. 4/10, seen you some one the forums, always recognize you because of your gif
  3. Should I make an alt Wood Elf, High Elf, Mori or Human?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bawg


      Play a wood elf. People will like you Because those are the elves that actually leave their homelands.

    3. ski_king3


      @everblue If I play a Mori or High Elf, I would definitely keep with lore.

      @cruzazul Except high elves don't even like regular elves

      @Aron Are you trying to get me to do something? Also, me too hopefully.

    4. Roxforbraynz


      I'd say Wood Elf. They're variable and loads of fun if you do it right. Humans are like that as well, but die earlier and Mori and High Elves are secluded...

  4. I didn't want to make a 9/11 status, but for anyone interested, just watch the first minute and a half of this video. Phillip DeFranco is an awesome guy, and I think everyone should hear this.

    1. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}
    2. Kaiser


      He is awesome, I like him a lot

  5. Writing a college essay on gaming and how it can help people in real life. Bad idea?

    1. Merkaken


      Not really. Video games, atleast in my opinion, can be theraputic. For example, when i'm pissed off, I go on Prototype and kill tons of people! :D

    2. VonAulus


      You can also reference roleplaying games that help build your vocabulary, improve reading skills, and help with your creative writing.

    3. everblue2er101


      I very strongly recommend you check out 'Reality is Broken: Why Games Make us Better and How They Can Change the World' by Jane McGonigal. Excellent work on the subject.

  6. I love it and would really be interested in playing one of these characters. This is really creative, and not intended for combat. Should definitely be implemented.
  7. Is it just me, or are Fiber One bars better than 90% of common candy bars?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ruonna/Cerafina
    3. bungo


      Good for you? DO NOT WANT

    4. Merkaken


      I like those granola bars better personally.

  8. 6/10, I think i've seen you many times in the past week or so, but not much before to my memory
  9. So how exactly do you RP your own child?

    1. everblue2er101


      Don't meta, keep the character card consistent, use /setname a lot and prepare an epic death scene for the parent.

    2. Jexdane


      That sounds like a personal problem.

  10. *Jess is running from a zombie as he comes across the poster. As he notices the word "Oren" on the poster several times, he becomes distracted, nearly falling over. As the zombie nears him, he tears his gaze from the poster and draws his two dark hook-swords, killing the zombie with two slashes of his cold, dark blades. He then returns to the poster and reads it through. He whistles for his falcon and writes the necessary letter before sending it to Aegis Keep* MC Name - ((ski_king3)) RP Name - Jess Stormborn Combat Skills - Swordsmanship ((either 55 or 56)) Non Combat Skills - Mining ((84)), Blacksmithing ((84)) Are you willing to fight - Yes, but I would like to remain anonymous, as most of us surely do for now.
  11. That was pretty well said and a fairly balanced response. Honestly, I think this is pretty good. Everyone complains that something will be easy to powergame for EVERY piece of lore that is suggested. This lore is fine, and no easier to powergame than any other magic or any other lore in general, and it would be safeguarded by the (some would say overly) cautious MAT with the apps and teachers to make sure they don't go astray.
  12. I missed it. Why da server broke'ded?

  13. What race should the character I'm thinking of making be?

    1. Pum!



    2. Slic3man


      Expect many Dwarves and Halflings. What do you think you would want to be doing?

    3. ski_king3


      Honestly I don't know. All I know is that I have to be able to do something with mining, smithing and swordsmanship, since those are the skills I have. However, I'm thinking of making a dryad character.

  14. 1:07 and still have plenty of homework. What should I do to keep myself awake?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ski_king3


      I just realized I'm going to have like 2-3 hours of sleep for my driving test tomorrow... Damn it, I don't wanna fail!

    3. aron.
    4. aron.
  15. That awkward moment when you log into the server just as it is restarting

  16. It seems like today is a really slow day on the forums. Is it that today is the first day school is really pushing out work for everyone or what?

  17. Am I the only one who thinks that we should reform the magic team without getting rid of it entirely?

    1. Dargene


      Yes, I agree, Keeping the magic team and app, but reform it to allow greater rp chance, Keep it to prevent Powergamers who would just go *Kills with magic spell*

  18. Someone motivate me to write my VA

    1. EpicSmith


      Go get 'em tiger!

    2. SparehoeCakes




  19. There is NOTHING wrong with reading 50 Shades of Grey! I've read it 5 times, I should know.

    1. ayresalex
    2. Fid


      It's ok... *whispers* me too.

  20. I feel for the dwarves, banning them from War Claims for a month is a bit overkill. It only creates OOC tension within the community.

    1. yekim8


      This. We don't need more OOC heat.

    2. ~TheDerpyBeagle~


      I feel bad for me to.

    3. ThanksChris


      Along with the teutonic's OOC trouble right now, this is the last thing we need.

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