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Everything posted by rukio

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1FHpCs8tD4

    And if they get me and the sun goes down into the ground

    Someone get me to the doctor
    Someone get me to a church

    Gaping hole

    What if you put the spike in my heart?

    Can you take this spike?
    Will it wash away this jet black feeling?

    And someone burned the church

    We're hanging out with corpses
    And driving in this hearse
    And someone save my soul, tonight
    Please save my soul

    I'll never let them, I can't forget them
    I'll never let them hurt you, I promise

    Struck down, before our prime
    Before you got off the floor

    Can you stake my heart?

    And as always, innocent like roller coasters
    Fatality is like ghosts in snow


    @RaccoonPete How can u not agree this is legendary!?

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyi0ZfuIIvo

    I'll be off to find another way
    You're still a good-for-nothing I don't know
    I don't love you like I did yesterday

    1. RaccoonPete
    2. rukio


      stfu we cant be friends if ur not into MCR ? 

    3. rukio
  3. Elene shudders at the thought of Mister Beautiful still being alive. ”Why can’t the dead...stay dead...”
  4. Justice4Flem

  5. #FreeFlemish

  6. Please get removed from staff.

  7. say hello to the scalies

  8. If idiots delete wiki pages.... Just leave the ******* wiki alone rat creatures.
  9. bruh how you gonna diss me, did you not see all the elves run between us? Got SHOOK :’( 

  10. Kinda biased for the person I’m calling out to be the one to issue a warning point but what do I expect? 

    1. Braxis


      That fact that she gave it or not, the point was earned for the rule it broke.

    2. rukio


      If you think that was toxic then that’s def. part of why I hate current moderation, simple as.

    3. Gemini


      As Braxis mentioned; your post broke our forum rules as you are aware. Surely removing any possible bias, someone else could’ve given it but you would have gotten it. Regardless.

      I am not offended nor am I shaken by this; the point was not allocated in anger nor was I trying to seem bias. 

  11. Thank you, Harrison. I’m bad with words.
  12. cant wait to cop a million warnings x3
  13. Let us finish the fight smh
  14. A few days later Elene would be returned home to Helena, worse for the trip. It would seem she would be spending some time in the hospital, recovering.
  15. rukio

    Tech Update

    I’d rather have you over the monkey they chose to prioritize. A terrible mistake. Enjoy your escape, Korvic.
  16. Sur l'océan couleur de fer
    Pleurait un choeur immense
    Et ces longs cris dont la démence
    Semble percer l'enfer

    Et puis la mort, et le silence
    Montant comme un mur noir
    ...Parfois au loin se laissait voir
    Un feu qui se balance

    1. rukio


      Wish status updates worked and the song would load ?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waGDKnFv_Vg


  17. Heard ur as hairy as a gorilla, can u confirm?
  18. All I’m saying is that someone needs to have a chat w/ some of these 6’0 110 lb egirl RPers. Your character is on the verge of DEATH.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more


      anyone wanna order a pizza

    3. rukio
    4. RaccoonPete


      @ARCHITECUS order?!? My dude I work at THE Papa Johns. If you play your cards right, I may just give you this a heart pizza for Valentines Day ?

  19. It’s not your fault

    It’s my own fault

    i’m not human at all

    I have no heart


    At all


    We’re not human at all

    We have no heart

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