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Everything posted by rukio

  1. ------------------------------------------------------------ THE RAT-OPOSSUM ALLIANCE ------------------------------------------------------------ Signed December of 2019 ------------------------------------------- The rest of the world may call us plague bearers and disgusting vermin, but no more shall our kin suffer alone. We have come here today to secure our alliance, strengthen the bond of our people. We shall aid each other in war and peace. The rats will leave the cat food and trash to the opossums. The opossums shall leave the sewers and alleyways to the rats. Safe travel may be discussed beforehand, allowing access to said territories. Neither side may ally with cats nor bird of prey, it will break the pact. ------------------------------------------- Ave the Vermin Horde ------------------------------------------------------------ Rat Queen, rukio13 Opossum Queen, Unwillingly
  2. “For the pride of trace and trail was his, and sick unto death, he could not bear that another should do his work.”
    ― Jack London, The Call of the Wild

  3. rukio


    Speak for yourself, evil.
  4. I look forward to lewarmonger’s next ban and pray it will be permanent. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaelan


      i pray that it happens 

    3. Ducklingator
    4. simatra


      Hey rukio why is that? He is a good player. 

  5. Elene wipes her bloodied sword off on her sleeve. ”Heh. You can surrender now.”
  6. Get in loser, we’re couping on ArcheAge

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer
    3. RaccoonPete


      Yes I want into Minxy too

    4. RaccoonPete


      Please like an subscribe for more ZANY posts

  7. ”Has the thought that perhaps you are the villain in this story ever transpired in your mind? No, I suppose it wouldn’t, you clearly have brain damage. Imagine imprisoning your own people and the enemy you claim to be evil being kind enough to free them. Imagine your enemy being kinder to your own alliance than you are, you twisted little imp.” Lily Greythorn would smile, leaning back in her rocking chair. ”I hate human politics.”
  8. Get in loser we’re conquering Anglia 

    1. RaccoonPete


      Been there done that

  9. lol wc with this lag god speed god bless cheers
  10. "But Im not nobility..." Edyth would say after resting up from the ordeal and reading one of the missives, clearly confused.
  11. ”If a hair on her head is harmed.... so help me, by the All-Father...” Edyth Marlow would murmur.
  12. I agree. Ban the players who grief farms after being warned. Dont punish all of us.
  13. “A shame, truly.” She would say.
  14. What shall thy kinsmen think, thou cause of all their ruth? Thy deadly foes do laugh to scorn thy ill-employed youth.

    1. drfate786


      Okay Boomer

    2. rukio


      Watch it, Amice has his secrets and Edyth is a wise girl.


  15.  Godric n Edyth be like 

  16. I feel like current staff forget that we have inboxes on the forums and you can message people there and ask them what’s up when they act up/etc.
  17. To nit-pick a bit, I haven’t seen you involved in day to day conflicts recently so I feel like you’re a bit out of touch on it. I think there would be fewer issues w/ conflict etc if we did actually add more mods who are conflict based, esp. pvp mods, instead of mods who are higher pexed CT.
  18. Also, Telanir, I don’t need you sympathetic to my cause. It genuinely made my nose bleed from how badly it damaged my brain. Please have someone else give me warnings for your posts, as you should be unbiased and detached from your content~!
  19. Ur color scheme is wild, please consider hiring a ghost formatter. Will make it easier on eyes.
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