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Status Updates posted by xenenxnennxnx

  1. immm backkk from vacatioonnn my baeesss

    1. Lym


      Welcome back bae

  2. Going on vacation. Catcha all later! :)

  3. Hey, I'm running of my neighbor's wifi right now. My Airport Extreme router keeps saying "No DNS Servers" - Anyone know a fix?

    1. Space
    2. xenenxnennxnx

      xenenxnennxnx and don't work for me. idk

  4. *waves lightly* I'm back from my break..

  5. I'm #1 http://gyazo.com/18cb10158686685a8b811b62a5df3a0d

  6. Entire List of Major Changes in 4.0? i.e. soulstone land occupation, tutorial, etc. -- Please help!

    1. Onslaughted


      but that will ruin da suprise

    2. Raptorious


      who even gives a **** about a surprise, we're not 7 years old and its not our birthday

  7. I'm sorry you can't trust me And won't ever let me in I'm sorry you don't believe in me And that I could not win I'm sorry for not being perfect And being able to break your fears I'm sorry for messing up And causing all your tears I'm sorry I can't fix it And make you want to stay I'm sorry I wasn't good enough And now I have to pay I'm sorry I ever doubted it And made you second guess I'm sorry I was so stupid You haven't seen my best.

  8. Can anyone link me a thread on the magic process (like having a character learn a specific type of magic)?

  9. Wait, is Cracker = Freya?

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Yes, they are both genderbenders.

    2. bickando
  10. Can anyone do a recolor of my character's skin's hair from blue to a normal brown? (human)

  11. Who is the leader of following of The Creator? (MC Name)

  12. What is this Solum tree that I keep hearing about?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mmat



    3. Space



    4. Parading


      I tree being built by two users who don't use the forums, but are actively insulted over the forums to no avail.

  13. What are some fun RP-Style stores to play? Sorry to repeat asking this but I haven't found the perfect idea.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Monomakhos
    3. JCQuiinn


      I used to run a toymaker's shop. You could also do a cobbler maybe?

    4. cman64


      imagine though rping your character fixing someones teeth. like *so and so strapped the patient into the chair, and began evilly cranking the drill towrds the patient's mouth*

  14. jeez people make a decision

  15. What are the current working IPs?

    1. Onslaughted
    2. DrakeHaze.



  16. What jobs do we not have enough of (that you would like to see in stores)? Specifically Alras, if that matters.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xenenxnennxnx


      Shop as in RP-Shop I meant, sorry.

    3. DrakeHaze.


      Toy stores. Flower stores. Decoration store (Named Item for Frames). Idk, I just want more named items >.>

    4. Major Tom
  17. What jobs do we not have enough of (that you would like to see in stores)?

    1. xenenxnennxnx


      I'm thinking a dating service.

    2. excited


      candy seller. shoe polisher.

  18. Looking for a duo/group of people to play new characters together. Ideas: Villains, cultists, animals, siblings, etc. Post below/PM me for ideas.

    1. Space


      High elves or Alras have rp always from what I've seen.

    2. Onslaughted


      Silverblades are always looking for people

    3. JVQ


      Thidorns are currently looking for people,(Bannermen, Family Members, Lady of house, etc etc)

  19. the server murdered my mc client 3 times

  20. At least 5 guys asked me out today at school...after I declined kindly, they said "April fools"

  21. Why was Jistuma banned? I thought I saw that a few times in statuses.

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