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Status Replies posted by ToenailTickler

  1. I've gone from -20something back in Canada to +10 in America. This place is too hot.

  2. where the heck did uracow go? he face real life-itis?

  3. ;-; I thought mori all stayed in Asulon. GG

  4. ;-; I thought mori all stayed in Asulon. GG

  5. I'm a history major

  6. I might be coming back sometime soon. Hurray~

  7. They spoke filth and curses. Threw stones and rocks. Shunned and blamed. Yet they all agree upon everlasting love.. Yet they do not see that death is our longest relationship, to come.

  8. #PleaseBuildKeepsWithSensibleFloorplans2014

  9. i am not Si'Rakasdarg, for i am not a priest

  10. Enjoying a Caramello and some cuddles from Moose (my cat)

  11. Battle of Isengard always gets me. Nature creatures represent.

  12. Battle of Isengard always gets me. Nature creatures represent.

  13. Cappy is Illuminati. Cappy has 5 letters, The Illuminati pyramid has 3 corners and 1 eye, 3 + 1=4, 5-4=1 the illuminati pyramid has 1 eye, Cappy is illuminati confirmed!

  14. Wait... Since an MC model can change skins, can't we change our appearances to whatever we want? Granted that they don't change or add, or strengths or any other abilitities.

  15. Can we have a sub-forum riot? I legitimately believe taking them all away is just stupid.

  16. Memes. The DNA of the soul.

  17. Miky991 is the alt of Eyad01/Ww2buff. Same person.

  18. http://goo.gl/aeEQXC Seventeen hours of my life gone.
  19. ༼ ง ◕_◕ ༽งA wild donger appears~!༼ ง ◕_◕ ༽ง

  20. I have finally fixed my profile picture! Huzzah!

  21. stop bullying raptor : (

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