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Status Replies posted by AndrewTech

  1. where does one go to rp without being oocly friends with everyone?

    1. AndrewTech


      Koyo-Kuni is usually really good about looping outsiders or random passers by into their RP. Numendil has also been very RP centric in most of my interactions with them, and I've heard good things about Reinmar and Solgaard as well. Most big human or elf settlements also will have some people who will react dynamically to your RP. You've just gotta go into it recognizing that most places have a clique of some sort and be prepared to blot out the memery and OOC friend group shenanigans you run into in favor of RP centricism.


      While good non-clique RP can be found in most places, I feel like what you say is true in that they've gotten really bad about becoming tightly knit and gatekept. Humans and elves (most of the server's pop) are especially bad about this nowadays and it's honestly a shame because facing the unknown and playing a CHARACTER is what made the server so fun.


      Don't be afraid to tell people "keep it to RP plz" or ghost their OOC messages if you want to focus purely on the roleplay. A lot of ppl treat LotC as a social outlet but others come to tell stories, and the latter should be the priority. And there's nothing wrong with that. Heck, even going discord free with new connections can be a game changer if you're really hardcore. Don't add ppl on there you don't want to keep in touch with and don't feed the OOC beast! 

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  2. if ppl under 18 are allowed on the server any mention of sex should be banned and stork lore should be put in place ! 

    1. AndrewTech


      Seriously tho, I unironically believe the application age should be raised to 18. Would help with a lot of issues.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  3. anyone have any good 1.18 texture pack reccs

    1. AndrewTech


      Excalibur is really the only one I use anymore because I feel it just meshes with LotC so well. Otherwise Geradoku, Dokucraft, and Coteriecraft are all ones I personally like.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. #freetheET2024 (remove realm RO safeguards on event STs for consequential events plz)

    1. AndrewTech


      That's great to hear, apologies for my ignorance. Love u Squak ♥️

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. please help, i'm locked out of my persona slot since I lost my pex so all my items/details are locked away on the third persona

    1. AndrewTech


      I had the exact same problem a while back. I can't remember exactly what I did, but I'm pretty sure I used a free nitro trial to boost the LotC server to get an extra persona slot. Then I got my stuff off of it and deleted it I think.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. I hope the forums get fixed soon. The new way images are handled in posts is annoying :(

    1. AndrewTech


      Oh sweet, thanks for the tip! Sad to hear about google docs though, hope the issue can be compensated for later down the line.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Logging on here is such a throwback... are there any OG's still knocking around? 💀

    1. AndrewTech


      Unfortunately so... Lol. I know a couple of close pals who'd love to catch up w/ you! DM me and I can give you my discord

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hi, I am looking for some accessible groups on the server. I'm struggling to find anything from running around the map and it feels like a bit of a time waster.

    I am pretty new to the server and have only played once or twice since I first made my account, so I don't know whether posts like this are okay. 

    Any suggestions are welcome if it is though, thank you.

    1. AndrewTech


      Unfortunately a lot of nations organize many of their events and much of their organizational recruitment through Discord. If you need help getting a lay of the land to find something that suits your character, shoot me a DM and I can try to give you some direction.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  9. how do y'all rp for more than an hour...?? like once i get to 45 minutes of rp im pushing it and my eyes get tired

    1. AndrewTech


      If the RP's good or something compelling's going on I just try to immerse myself in the story and forget about the time that's passed, usually works for like 2-3 hours. Otherwise, I typically just log off and take a break it's something boring I've been doing.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  10. dearest friend Mr. A. Tech
    i hope this message receives you well.

    i am very happy too see u r alive.
    how r u?

    I eagerly await ur responce.
    best regards,

    ur beloved
    S. Jarhead B.A.

    1. AndrewTech


      Sir S. Jarhead,
      i am doing well

      thank u for asking

      of course things could be better

      but we carry on and make the best of things

      stay classy bro

      urs eternally,

      A. Techus B.S.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. wish there was less OOC BS in muh human rp :frown: :kicks rocks:

  12. is medical roleplay fun to you guys??

    1. AndrewTech


      I've been doing medical RP since 2012 and I've loved it. It can be really fun, especially if you're into it deeply and build your character around it. Nowadays a solid knowledge of herbology and dabbling into alchemy can really help with the trade, tho it's by no means required to RP a competent physician.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  13. what kind of skins are yyall wanting to see in skin auctions? thinkin bout doing xtra quality armor auction next

    1. AndrewTech


      Feminine armor skins and armorless adventuring/ traveling skins.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. might unshelve my half-orc soon. anyone got suggestions for where she should live? krugmar's off the table, she's a whitewash

    1. AndrewTech


      If not Oren or Haense, Talon's Port could be cool. They seem like the sort who'd enjoy Sarah.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. I have school again on Monday 😧

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