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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Aengoth

  1. Why use tnt when you could've just used world edit and/or a couple et builders

  2. After reading the doggers post I think I might've also gone mental mental chicken oriental without realizing it


  3. I'm tellin ya, tomorrow will be tremendous. Just the best. It'll be great I tell ya.

  4. My forum ban has been lifted.

  5. I've put on my warface in these times of oppression

  6. I'll tank my post to rep ratio just to win this battle of wills

  7. Oh wow that was a quick hide staff team

    1. seannie


      yeah what the ****

    2. Vege


      all those who speak out against big brother vegetarianism will be silenced and sent to the ministry of love to be systematically tortured until they are loyal courlandian citizens baring arms against the evil eastasian empire

  8. Aengoth works furiously to try to still salvage his post to rep ratio under FM watchInternet-censorship.jpg


    1. Wendigo


      I repped you, hope that counts for something. I like tasteful memes like this.

      Perhaps a rep back will earn you some brownie points.

    2. Aengoth


      I'm being held hostage in a very discreet manner

  9. @Vege tell your allies to call off the fm censorship brigades i just want   the rep

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LadyRebecca


      We're always watching.

    3. Vege


      lady rebecca has been working for me for some time now......

    4. Aengoth


      this is a shoah to my rep to post ratio

  10. Why was my shitpost hidden

    1. Vege


      How many days you've got more rep than anyone else on that day

    2. Aengoth
  11. *sweats nervously as he pulls the plug*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aengoth


      *self raids to avoid persecution* NEVER

    3. Vege


      yield aengoth yield don't fight it anymore go to the light

    4. Aengoth


      I can't back out no matter the consequences

  12. @joey calabreeni i don't think this look works for you

    1. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth


      c.2017 moments after joey calabreeni unloaded an image of a burning man on the forums, the fm team takes aim.

  13. *slaps belly aggressively*

    1. Nolan_


      *slaps belly. Forcefully*

    2. SodaiKamikaze


      How the **** does aengoth get 5 upvotes for this absolutely dogshit status update, I demand equal repping for everyone

  14. I've miss some shitposting opportunities from yesterday it seems

  15. you're on the forums and this guy calls you out
    what do you do? @Harold

  16. things have changed since I was away due to holidays it seems

  17. oh **** they put goosebumps on netflix


    1. hudsun202
    2. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      The books were my slam jam when I was younger


    3. Aengoth


      ******* loved the books back in the day, in particular Slappy

  18. Haha you got gassed for calling me out

  19. you gotta dive into the trenches while the bullets are flying to be considered a hero

    1. argonian


      how does diving away  from the bullets make you a hero?

    2. Scuba


      i like the message and work of your memes sometimes

    3. Aengoth


      yeah generally speaking they're hit and miss for most folks

  20. Tfw when a Staff member plays both sides to try to look good to the playerbase while he gets his squad to shut down threads.


    1. Rael


      its an effective strategy when left unreported, good folks dont stay on staff very long

  21. @Esterlen lemme tell ya, ya work like a demon

    1. Esterlen


      he falls over frequently

      not frequently


    2. Aengoth


      my friends can overcome it

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