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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by TheGreasyChef

  1. Looking to play a character.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Salvo


      no charoodler is a peasant

    3. Jonificus


      Play an olog :) Wun needs more olog friends.

    4. Guest


      tusl hmu on skype yo

  2. So, anyone need a character played?

    1. Jonificus


      Wuk'Lur, the son of Wan (Momo) and Wun'Lur (Popo)

    2. JVQ


      We are looking for Dwarves

  3. I need an adult. Or someone of higher authority than myself.

    1. Kitten


      I am an adult

  4. Ugh, the server is so borked for me.

  5. So, got a new computer and need a little help. The IPs that I've been trying all show unknown host and just won't connect no matter what I do..

    1. Graf


      Unblock port 25565 through TCP/IP and UDP on your Router and Firewall. Or just enable UPnP if you like viruses.

    2. TheGreasyChef


      Thank you kindly.

  6. The copious amounts of trolling on this server is becoming overwhelming.

    1. KoTo


      i really hate trolls.... -.-"

  7. He was number one.

  8. He was number one.

  9. #FreeZeedus2014

    1. Raptorious


      wasnt he a pedophile that wielded a lamp post

    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      He was the guy who shot lightning with redstone, the 10 foot tall human, and the creepy ultra warrior.

  10. The humans on this server are shallow and pedantic.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Thatpyrodude


      edgy rp default elf alert

    3. TheGreasyChef


      I didn't mean to ensue a shitstorm, just wanted to make a family guy reference without hurting anyone's butt.

    4. Samoblivion


      It's a family guy reference. Seriously, no-one got that?

  11. Hello, I've been gone for a very long time, and now I'm back.. I came back to find I was denied ET... If someone could review my application and help me out a small bit, it would be greatly appreciated.

  12. If you've substantially RP'd with me before and you had a problem with it/ liked it, please give me your completely honest opinion on my Event Team application! Criticism is welcomed with open arms! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/107562-actor-tuslwmonsters-et-application/#entry1006828

  13. *mindlessly browses imgur while contemplating perma*

    1. Lago


      Permakill is something that you choose to do during RP. People who just PK their characters with forum posts usually end up regretting it. If you're bored of your char retire them, no need to smash the vase.

  14. Its so unreal how many results I get while looking for Troll Lore that has absolutely nothing to do with lore. JUST STOP TROLLING.

    1. Neri


      put speech marks around "Troll Lore" so it looks for Troll&Lore not 'Troll' and 'Lore'

    2. everblue2er101


      And maybe clarify that you want troll lore, like the beast kind, and not troll lore, like the kind to get a reaction. I was confused.

      Still might be. That /is/ what you want, right?

    3. Parading


      I miss trolls

  15. I'm slowly going insane with this very lengthy downage.

    1. DrakeHaze.
    2. oblivionsbane


      It's okay, you'll live. Go like, clean the gutters or something.

    3. TheGreasyChef
  16. Anyone looking for an Elf Child to be played? PM me :)

  17. Can someone update my forum account to Gold VIP please? :]

  18. Can someone update my forum account to Gold VIP please? :]

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