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Status Replies posted by Dtrik

  1. The people on have learned of the new antag: Apple Witch

  2. to be honest i don't care that aislin is banned because when he appeals he'll just get another 50+ rep points, that *****.


  4. toby... i can smell you fear

  5. Game of Thrones: the cast is died.

  6. Why is it night time?
  7. I'm having fun with this event line I'm doing :P

  8. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: There have been how many trivia questions, on both Facebook and the forums, within 20?

  9. LoTC is getting boring IMO

  10. I attempt to explain the reason evolution is not false to Christians and for their rebuttal to not be a a quote from the Bible... nope gotta quote the hell out of it.

  11. Going to the beach so the Dancing Igor won't be open as much for a few days... don't get too thirsty :p

  12. I have a theory that the server went down because the amount of SWAG I have is too large #truestory #stopthehaters #1v1me

  13. Anyone know any Good Steam Games for 20? They can be in beta, just greenlight,etc

  14. Anyone know any Good Steam Games for 20? They can be in beta, just greenlight,etc

  15. I support Big Oil because Big Oil supports America.

  16. Last week I forgot how to ride a bicycle.

  17. Irene42 caught on cam

  18. secret words is Clocks

  19. No one in the dwarven clergy has clerical magic GG best rp.

  20. It'd be neat if Mojang made key locks. You could lock doors chests and trapdoors. You'd need to make a key though.

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