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Everything posted by 5678

  1. Seems like the operation was successful, server is back up

  2. I refuse to be a pokemon >:I

  3. Is the server dead? .-.

  4. 9/10 You seem to be everywhere >.> <.<
  5. #DvariMostGloriousLeader

  6. And so, King Lommpy of the Bandits takes over Kingston in a graceful coup d'etat

  7. Edward grins as he finds the poster "Perfect". He writes a reply under the poster "I wish to join, and defend the Republic from harm"
  8. If you ever need to join a bandit crew, just shoot me a PM :3
  9. And so, the Merry Ewoks establish their tree base

  10. Who was that...

  11. Who was that...

  12. Damn, it's hard being a bandit

  13. *robs five people on the Emperor's road, yet none of them seem to have minas :D*

  14. Welp, that was a complete roflstomp XD

  15. The first casualties were two unfortunate beings. One was an orc named Kugar, the other a human named Arianna. They burned to death in the gates, all the while being watched by Burzumkil. The first blood had been shed that day, and the Kambasor took is as an omen. They would be victorious.
  16. How do you check id your modreq has been answered?

    1. Space
    2. Ever


      type /check. alterantively, a message will be displayed when/if your modreq was handled.

    3. 5678


      Aight, thanks

  17. Any mods on?

    1. Jarkarll


      Forum mods?

    2. 5678
    3. Fid


      /modlist is your new best friend.

  18. Accepted, welcome to the Valiants :D
  19. Dvari spits "An' anotha' group ef Salvus shields is born, lut's 'ope t'ese ones ain't 'us bod 's t'e lost unes"
  20. Event Planners, MC Names: maskman2303 Event Type: Hunt Event Date: Can be arranged Factions/Nations effected by the event: The Valiant Regiment Event Location: Woods near Auvergne, in what is Stolistes Summary: It was a normal day in the field near Auvergne. Peasants toiled, gathering the harvest. The sun was harsh that day, and a peasant stopped working to swipe some sweat from his brow. As he lowered his arm, he saw for the first time the beast. It was hunched over something, tearing out flesh and feasting on it. The peasant panicked, and ran to Fort Verdun. By the time the Valiants go there, the beast was long gone, but the evidence of it's presence was still there, in the form of a bloodied peasant woman, half her body having been devoured. It was dismissed as a freak accident, a hungry wolf that had attacked the woman. Life continued as it was, until about a week later. The wolf struck again, taking the lives of three peasants this time. Again, the Valiants did not investigate further, afraid of what they might find. After all, these were just peasants. The attacks continued, the beast gathering more courage and recklessly attacking the workers. This wolf was far beyond killing cattle, it had developed a taste for human meat. The beast itself was reported as being huge, almost as big as two men and a child. Yet, the guard group of the Duchy did not respond to the attacks, until a day were the Duchess was touring her lands, bringing her daughter with her. A contingent of five Valiants guarded her, and one of them went with the Rose II, having the duty to watch over her as she frolicked in the fields. A pair of eyes watched from the forest, growling as the two neared his domain. The guard called for the little girl to come back, that the sun was falling and it would be best to return. As they walked back to the carriage, the wolf pounced on them, catching the soldier unaware. He managed to slash it with his dagger as he died, and the young girl made it back safely. This was the crossing line, and the Duchess ordered that the pelt of the wolf be brought to her. The Valiants assembled in the war room an pinpointed the location of where the wolf would probably be. They geared up and set out, planning on sending the beast to the deepest hole in the Nether. They did not know if it was a mutated freak, a strange creature of the undead, or a beast in the service of those from the North, but one thing was certain. Either the wolf would die, or they would. Concept Images/Screenshots : https://www.google.com/search?biw=1920&bih=868&q=peasants+working+in+the+fields&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=pv.xjs.s.en_US.MpiVkF51mpA.O&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=qmf1UfX6OoPa9QT224C4Bg#um=1&hl=en&biw=1920&bih=868&tbm=isch&q=bete+du+gevaudan&spell=1&sa=X&ei=wmn1Ufn0DY6w8QTaoYH4Bw&ved=0CE4QvwUoAA&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.49784469,d.eWU&fp=8b2ade1586afb878&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=t3MhVEejF0HHxM%3A%3BxF5Rch9Nx2hMCM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.faudepeyre.fr%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252Fsites%252F6%252F2013%252F04%252FB%2525C3%2525AAte-du-G%2525C3%2525A9vaudan.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.faudepeyre.fr%252Fpatrimoine-terroir-et-traditions%252Fla-bete-du-gevaudan%252F%3B556%3B387 Image won't work :/. so there's the link. Other Information: The beast might be a creature of the north, or simply a giant wolf. It might be protecting it's litter of pups, or just feasting on peasants. First event I've written up, hope I didn't mess up. Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: Yep If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: We would need an actor to play as the wolf, and possibly a builder to make a den in the forest.
  21. I finally got DOTA 2 :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ghskilla (Nyx&VraZhix)

      ghskilla (Nyx&VraZhix)


      Try Meepo. I only play him. You'll love him.

    3. 3VN


      Its out of beta, so you don't need a key anymore.

    4. saromon50


      An amazing game. :)

  22. Dvari stared at the gruesome sight, barely keeping his lunch in his stomach. "Someone move t'at out ef t'e goite...". He watched silently as the men took the body. He helped dig the grave, and they held a soldier's funeral for James. ((we'll miss ya m8 :C))
  23. ACCEPTED! Welcome to the band of brothers

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