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Everything posted by Josh3738

  1. History of The Dwarven Kingdoms - Aegis - - Asulon - - Isles of Elysium & Kalos - - Anthos - - The Fringe & Thales - - Athera - - Vailor - - Axios - - Atlas - - Arcas -
  2. First they lobotomized my sheep. Now my cows don’t know how to walk and my fields forgot how to grow. Biggest sad.

    1. gandalfo


      big sad indeed

    2. SpodoKaiba


      that is a sad gamer moment if i’ve ever heard one

    3. PosidonX7


      Gave me a laugh, reading that out loud.

  3. Why my sheep still lobotomized? 

  4. Josh3738

    A Map of Arcas

    Ah yes. All the REAL nations and nothing else. +1
  5. Related image


    Not seeing much winter this year...

  6. Runesmithing DLC: “The Dwedohin Stailininn Expansion”, coming soon to a steam page near you. https://store.steampowered.com/app/716670/Stellaris_Apocalypse/

    1. Burnsy


      Runesmithing GOTY Edition cost $60, how much will this expansion cost?

    2. Josh3738


      We at Irongrinder LLC have several expansions planned for the future of our game and we greatly value our players so only $10 each.

  7. Daily reminder the color Green starts with the letter G.

  8. Allow me to clarify slightly here. I was asked for a workable version of the magic that covered runic usage, "charges", and general in-game usability. Following that and the posting of the re-write I was then asked for the clarifications on origin, deity responsible, etc. It is my intention to get this passed through the LT, released everything through events, and finally post the entirety of the work as a final re-write/addition/version of the magic. Why have I taken so long? I have other things to do irl as a college junior that are far more important than rewriting magic lore on a minecraft server so this all often takes a backseat. I get how this can be an issue for sure. As I've mentioned, it's my intention to get the background stories/lore passed then released through events as I think it's silly and ruins the surprise of the events to post it all in full when nothing is known icly about the history. This I've already expressed to the LT in discussions about the current re-write over the past 3-4 days. This is all posted in a detailed thread in the lore team forum pending its move to public forum as it also contains much of the writing for the backstory. This is a point of discussion for the team still. Not quite sure what answer you think you got. Assuming you're talking about Aesopian's little frog event, he was told only that he may not release knowledge of that sort as it sets a poor precedent among other reasons. As it stands there are, if I remember correctly, four people with the knowledge to create altars all of whom are active players. Just a small clarification on this. Runesmithing is not racelocked by any means. There are several elves who know the magic atm. As it stands, runesmithing comes from the deity who powers the runes that a runesmith carves. Runes are a different language all together that is not dwarven in the slightest, only given to the dwarves first which is, I assume, the source of the stigma that runesmithing is a dwarven magic.
  9. Replying quickly to this as atm I'm packing to go on vacation so I'll be somewhat brief on my different points. First and foremost, I have been working intimately with the rest of the lore team and my fellow runesmiths to completely overhaul the magic itself so as to meet the requested standards of the LT. What this entails is an in depth expansion of origin lore, starting with how the dwarves got it as you have seen, and moving on to the deity responsible for the magic. The goal of this all is not, as you hope, to force runesmithing into the framework of the other deific magics as we of course want it to be unique and decidedly different in how it is learned, practiced, and spread. Some other quick points of note: 1. The altar knowledge has always been a thing, just not as widely known as it was only recently that a large number of people knew and practiced the magic. 2. There are several people with the knowledge to make the altar, not just me as you have accused. 3. The ritual does not have a PK clause. 4. The background lore story relates intensely to dwarven history in both relation to the Ironborn rebellion and the reign of Urguan himself. Additionally, further expansion of the history and creation story as I already have planned and discussed with the rest of the LT heavily affects dwarven history as well as branches off from existing events and stories. 5. Runesmithing has been clarified already on additional posts in the lore forum that it does NOT work alongside voidal magics. This is to be further clarified upon the completion of the fourth and final re-write we have planned. 6. A somewhat smaller note on your desire to make runesmithing explicitly the same as the dwarven language. With the rewrite we have planned, which will be released through events in my hope before being fully posted, runesmithing is a separate language for a reason. In addition to this, it would make little sense for an entire race to base their language on a magic held by so few people historically. Etc. To summarize my scattered thoughts upon reading through this: Runesmithing is deific. It was never stated in previous lore what god was responsible in order to make it intentionally vague. As the new and "primary" author of the new runesmithing lore re-writes it is my intention to remedy this. I'm currently, and have been for some time, working with the LT and the other runesmiths to write out the entire origins of runesmithing including history, source, how the magic functions in relation to the deity responsible, etc. which is what I perceive to be your biggest qualm with the current iteration of the magic.
  10. Nearly every city up until this map/for the last 5-6 irl years.
  11. Snow elves already exist. We don't need more snow stuff. In reality, however, dwarves have lived in snowy or cold climate areas in just about every city we've lived in forever so there's no real support for a subrace that lives in the exact same climate with the excuse that they live in that climate. We also don't need a separate subrace just for your brand new 5 man kingdom cuz we all know how that goes... @Aeldrin ❤️
  12. For now we're putting it out on the Y Box and the Nintenda Swatch.
  13. The First Runesmith Long ago in the ancient Kingdom of Urguan, when the first Dwed himself still ruled, the dwarves of Urguan delved deep into the earth to seek the vast expanses of wealth that their creator had sown beneath the ground for them to find. Whether by chance or fate, the Dwed would discover many a wonder and prize that the stone would ultimately yield up to them. As their lust for the valuables of the earth grew, so too did the number of deep earth expeditions until a single, fateful day some several centuries ago when a group of miners uncovered a large cavern of magma and gems. As the entryway they had made slowly widened and opened up into the cavern, the primary feature of the cave made itself plain. In the middle of the massive pool of magma, a single stone spire rose from the boiling liquid rock and at the peak of its mass a single black gem was imbedded. Despite the immense wealth of the cave and the flowing features of the magma below, the gem itself seemed to draw the eyes of every Dwed until they, one by one, crossed the thin, natural bridge to gather around it in awe. The gem itself was like no other, its form crystalline in structure but without fault or flaw as if Yemekar himself had cut this gem. Along its surface, runes of impossible complexity and twisting nature seemed to dance before the eyes of the dwarves. Had the foreman not spoken up finally, perhaps the eyes of a young dwarf would have remained on it until dehydration or starvation, whatever might come first. Such was the terrifying beauty of this unearthly stone. By the order of Urguan himself, the gem was cordoned off and placed on permanent guard while the learned Dwed began a series of studies. Fearful of disturbing the gem and damaging it in some way, they avoided touching it entirely and choose instead to attempt to decipher the symbols and runes along its surface. This would go on for many days which would stretch on for weeks, and, all the while, the single dwarf fought against his own temptation. As the first month passed by with agonizing slowness he devised his plan, one which he was certain would gain him access. Under the guise of one of the Remembrancers, he slipped passed the guards just past midnight. Trudging slowly through the stone tunnels of the expedition’s making, his mind turned from that of theft to wonder, and as he rounded the final bend into the massive cavern he all but forgot his plans entirely and moved with dragged feet towards the spire with his eyes fixed on the gemstone. With a trembling hand he reached upwards and paused just before his fingers could brush against the gem as if he might have had second thoughts about touching it much less stealing it as he had intended. As this thought ran through his mind his fingers moved forward of their own accord as if pulled by the gem and they grazed the runed surface. The popping of magma and shifting of the earth seemed to grow completely silent as if all sound had been blocked out and a single speck of light shone from the center of the gem before bursting outwards with incomparable brightness and intensity. His sight grew dark as he sensed his weakening and he fell backwards and lay unconscious on the stone. It was hours before the guards thought to check on him and found him in the described state. Lying on the stone where he had fallen, the dwarf was covered from head to toe in the same black runes that had previously covered the gem, yet now the gem was blank entirely. Even stranger still, the gem was now a completely clear crystal that had cracked clean down the center and lay in two halves where it had been imbedded. In an attempt to figure out what had happened they shook him and threw water on his face in an effort to resuscitate him. When they couldn’t wake him, they summoned the Remembrancers to the cavern. Before long, even Urguan himself had come to see the fallen Dwed. Upon the First Dwed’s arrival, the fallen form of the dwarf shifted and moved as he slowly opened his eyes. The look behind the dwarf’s eyes was somehow different, older even as he explained what had happened to his king and the gathered assembly. As Urguan searched for some deeper explanation as to what had happened and what should happen next, he would come to explain that the gem had given him knowledge. He explained it was ancient and powerful, something that would allow the dwarves to advance themselves drastically and give them mighty tools of creation and construction so that they might bring about a golden age of the Dwedmar. As Urguan listened to the runed dwarf speak his angered expression seemed to soften and he grew keen to learn what this dwarf had spoken so highly of and, as a result, pardoned him of his crimes and took him into his confidence. And so it was that the first of the runesmiths was made. As the runed dwarf dispensed the newfound knowledge to Urguan and the other dwarves, everything he had promised came to pass. With the power of the runes, a new age of industry and construction dawned and the dwarves excelled in their learning and desire to create. For a time, all was well and the runed dwarf looked with pride on his teachings and the teachings of those who had mastered the art sufficiently to teach others. Yet it was not to last… Whether he had been killed or simply gone into hiding to shelter himself from the shame of his students turning on one another, the runed dwarf simply vanished from the descendent realms following The Great Collapse, the beginning of The Blood Age, and the consequential rise of the Empire of Khorvad. With this, the golden age of runesmithing ended and those who had mastered its abilities were either killed or driven away with their knowledge going with them. The remaining runesmiths who travel with the descendents from realm to realm are descendents of these great teachings but they learn and teach knowing that they can never again know the greatest of the runed dwarf’s teachings unless he appears once more to guide them. Runesmithing Basics Tools A Runesmith’s tools are the most important objects he carries, as one cannot even begin to attempting the creation of a rune without them. A Runesmiths tools are bound to them by a ritual, and thus only the Runesmith who owns the tools is able to use them. Though they are bound to the Runesmith’s soul, there is no alteration made to it, leaving Runesmiths open to other alterations to their soul without impeding their ability as Runesmiths. The runesmith must still have a soul, however, despite the ability for it to be altered in addition to the binding of the tools. The tools consist of two objects. A hammer and a chisel. While it is unclear exactly how, these tools act as a form of gateway of power. Should a rune be carved using these tools, it would spring to life surely as any living creature. Should the Runesmith attempt to use any other then their bound tools in the creation of a rune, it would fail. The tools are also important parts in maintaining runes. The hammer has the unique ability of forcing any rune is comes in contact with to activate, regardless of what the rune is. The chisel has the opposite effect, disabling any rune it touches. The Binding Ritual (Connection) The tools of any Runesmith are not simply made in the forge fires of any capable smith. While the reasoning of the ritual itself has never been fully understood by modern day Runesmiths, it’s common knowledge among their own that it is a necessary step in the training of any Runesmith as they may only carve runes with the tools gained through the completion of the ritual itself. While the actual ritual is a closely guarded secret of the Runelords (teachers who have knowledge of both the binding ritual AND the creation of the Ritual Altars), it is known that the ritual must take place at a Ritual Altar and that the odds of living through the ordeal are not high. The ritual to bind the runesmith’s soul to a set of tools is both complex and exceptionally sacred to the runesmith’s and the worshippers of The Brathmordakin in general. As such, the rituals are always done in secret and/or secluded areas with a solemn and respectful demeanor. The actual ritual process begins by showing the potential student the ritual statue and the rune. The tools that are intended to be bound are shown to the student and then placed in the hands of the statue that stands before the rune before a red velvet blindfold is tied about the eyes of the student and he is asked to kneel in the middle of the rune. The teacher or runelord then takes a ceremonial kodeh steel dagger and cuts deeply through both palms of the student, almost to the bone, and has the student place his palms cut down onto the rune. It is at this point that the teacher will tap the rune complex on the ground with his runic hammer to activate the tool. Following this he typically begins to pace slowly around the outside of the circle lighting candles or lamps while muttering a prayer to Yemekar and Ogradhad to guide the student through the ritual. While it is unclear whether this particular portion of the ritual is entirely necessary or merely ceremonial, but the process has been a practice for centuries. At the tap of the hammer, the rune complex on the floor will activate and glows exceptionally dimly. As this begins, the blood will be draining from the cuts of the student and begins to fill the curves and cuts of the rune. After a short period of time, the rune glows more and more brightly and the blood flows more easily from the cuts without clotting. Soon enough the rune seems to be physically sucking the blood from the cuts as it fills itself with the blood of the student. ((Throughout this process the student should be asked to /roll twice. If at any point their roll falls below 15, they will bleed out and die.)) At the climax of this portion of the ritual, the teacher will have circled back around to the head of the altar where he will stand beside the statue. The rune will begin to glow brightly now and moments will pass before the glow seems to transfer from the rune to the tools held in the hands of the statue. If the student has not died from blood loss yet, the teacher then asks them to stand and walk slowly forward to claim their tools. ((At this point, the student is asked to /roll again and if they roll below a 15, they will collapse from the blood loss and die.)) Assuming the student has not died during the course of the ritual, he takes his tools and immediately collapses unconscious as the sheer power of the ritual forces itself to a close. To stop blood loss and eventual death as a result of said blood loss, the teacher will quickly catch the student as he collapses and takes the blindfold from his eyes. This is typically torn into two strips and tied about the hands of the student with medical accompaniments. This then concludes the ritual. Important Notes: Screenshots of the rolls should be included in the MA before it will be accepted. The blindfold tied about the eyes of the student MUST remain on throughout the ritual lest the process be interrupted. Should the blindfold be removed, the sheer power of the runes will forcefully exit his body, killing him instantly through the burning out of his eyes and skull in its entirety. Following the conclusion of the ritual and the collapse of the student, the student will not remember the ritual or anything for almost 30 minutes prior to the start of the ritual. This is a result of the forceful binding of the tools to the soul via the rune’s power. Serving as an acting fail safe to preserve the connection much in the same way that the blindfold must remain on throughout the ritual, this is an important piece to remember in the ritual process. The memory would begin to return after a period of 6 irl months whereupon the student, having been fully educated by then, would be able to do the ritual themselves. A TA may be submitted at this point. In order to go through the ritual, the individual seeking to be taught MUST have a soul prior to their ritual. While the soul may be altered slightly following the ritual, the runesmith must still have some semblance of their soul remaining. The runesmith may not be any form of undead prior to or after the ritual takes place. The runesmith may be a practitioner of Voidal magics. The runesmith may NOT be a practitioner of other Deific Arts. The runesmith may NOT be a practitioner of any Dark Arts. The runesmith must be one of the descendent races (ie. dwarf, elf, orc, or human). This will exclude creature races such as kha, ologs, or hou-zi from learning as a result of the beliefs of the deity responsible for runesmithing. The Ritual Altar A runesmith may only carve runes with the tools he gains in the ceremony that takes place at a Ritual Altar. Accompanied by large statues, vibrant architecture, or perhaps just hidden away in the mountains, the Ritual Altars of the Runelords are incredibly complex structures which are virtually impossible to replicate through study of the architecture itself for a variety of reasons, one being that the impossibly complex runes seem to shift and change shapes like an optical illusion the longer you attempt to study them. The mere creation of an altar may take weeks for even the most skilled of Runelords and once the final runes are finished, the entire Altar takes shape. -Ritual altars may only be created by those who have been taught how to do so by someone who knows. -In each map, several altars will be scattered around the map for those who do not know how to make their own to experiment with, complete the ritual should they know how, etc. These statues may not be moved from their places of rest. Bolstering a Rune’s Power It is unclear where the power for a rune comes from, only that whatever it may be is immensely powerful. A capable Runesmith may slightly modify the power of a rune during its creation, and a foolish one may wish to test its limits. The true power of a rune can only be realized with the help of Thanhium. Thanhium appears to greatly increase the power of a rune, though the reason why is unknown. This discovery has led to its fair share of disasters, however, as the powers of a rune are uncontrollable at most times. In the more recent history of modern day runesmiths, a variety of other sources of empowerment have also been brought to light. One such source known simply as a Dharok Gem, named after the original gem was found following the slaying of the daemonic spawn known as The Dharok, is an expertly carved gem infused with great power through the capture of souls in its mass. The number of souls varies from gem to gem as does the power, and it should also be noted that more souls might not always mean a gem is more powerful than another. Instead, it may fall to the power of the souls within the gem to determine its strength (Such was the case with the first and second Dharok Gems which only had two souls between them). Unlike their Thanhium counterparts, Dharok Gems are used to extend the lifespan of a rune. Dharok Gems are made in much the same fashion as the binding ritual, the difference being the desired death of the occupant of the rune and the use of a gem held in the statue’s hands rather than a set of tools. -A Dharok Gem used to bolster the lifespan of a rune may see an additional irl week of use out of the rune before it requires recarving but the gem itself will not need to be recharged itself. -Additionally, there exist in the world four original Dharok Gems, these will require a MArt upon lore approval before they may be reused. These Dharok Gems, as the first of their kind and far more powerful considering the sheer number of souls bound within them, may bolster the runes they are paired with, allowing the runes to never require recarving. -Items imbued with thanhium only raise the runes power by a single tier but it should be noted that thanhium poisoning is very likely should it be a handheld item. This may not be used to make runes above tier 6. Blood Marking Blood Marking is considered to be one of the darker sides of Runesmithing, and is not commonly used. Simply speaking, when a rune is carved with the blood of the person dabbed into its indent the rune will respond only to the one whose blood was used to create the rune. It is possible that the rune will also react to close kin, however, as the rune cannot distinguish between the shared blood of the individuals. Using a Rune Activating a Rune Once a rune has been created by a Runesmith it is capable of being activated by almost anyone, with some exceptions of course. There are a few ways that this is accomplished. Phrase activations: The rune can be activated or deactivated using a specific phrase made by the Runesmith who created the rune. Area/touch activations: If a person comes into contact with the rune it will activate. This will work provided that the runesmith who carved the rune had intended for it to be able to be activated in such a manner and carved the rune in accordance with this ability. -Regardless of how a rune is “turned on”, the rune will still need at least 3 emotes to be considered activated. In the example of a create water rune one might emote similar to the following: *Zahrer brushes a hand across one of the runes of his staff, his touch causing it to begin to glow.* *The runes there begin to glow more brightly, developing a bit of a moist texture as water begins to drip from the depths of the carving.* *A steady stream of water begins to flow out from the surface of the rune as it fully activate.* Congratulations you can now use your runic hose. The Runes The Language of Runes Runesmithing, as defined by the first runesmiths who used it, was the language of creation. As it is with any language, runesmithing has roots, suffixes, and prefixes that all add on to the abilities of the rune itself. That being said, all runes begin with a single base rune. While it is the simplest of the runes to carve, it is without a doubt the most important as it is the basis for both elemental and Brathmordakin runes. Following on the mindset that runes are carved as a language, the base rune is merely the metaphorical line a word is written on. The circular shape of this base rune is further embellished with other curves and shapes equating to roots, prefixes, and suffixes of the rune. Only after the base rune is carved may the rest of the rune be made. It should also be noted that the order in which these items are carved makes a difference as well. -The rune should be carved specifically in the order of base rune, prefix, root, and finally the suffix. Runes are generally limited only to the creativity of the Runesmith. When creating a rune, the Runesmith pairs together different symbols, or “words”, of the runic language in order to create the desired effect. Here are some examples: Create (Prefix) + Fire (Root) = A runes that creates a flame when activated Replace (Prefix) + Water (Root) + Dirt (Suffix in this case)= A rune that turns water into dirt when activated There is numerous applications of these runes when used creatively, however one must also exercise a healthy amount of caution. Let’s look at our Create Fire rune again. Should one apply it to a sword, you would have a flaming sword. However, it is good to note that you have a flaming sword. Fire does not discriminate. It is as much a danger to the wielder as it is to anyone else. Power of Runes Runesmithing in and of itself is a language that can be learnt rather quickly depending on the efficiency of the runesmith. While this may mean that a runesmith can make any number of overly powerful runes, the likelihood of a runesmith simply killing himself while tapping into the limitless power is high. Understanding that runes have a potentially limitless power is simple, but understanding that tapping into that power is deadly is a far more complex topic. As such, runes fall under a number of tiers in reference to their relative power and how long they last. Tier 1 Being the weakest of runes, these typically last longer than all of the runes in other tiers. With this in mind, they might need to be re-carved after about an irl month of relatively frequent usage. Tier 2 At Tier 2, the runes last a tad less than their Tier 1 counterparts. They would need to be re-carved after about an irl month of relatively frequent usage. Tier 3 At Tier 3, the runes last less than their previous counterparts and will need to be re-carved after about 2 irl weeks of relatively frequent usage. -This is the final safe tier to use on melee weapons (ie. flaming swords and lightning hammers) with any safety to the user. Staffs or the like, coupled with a push suffix, may be safely used with higher tiers of runes. Tier 4 Tier 4 runes will need to be re-carved after about 2 irl weeks of relatively frequent usage. Tier 5 -Tier 5 runes will need to be re-carved after about an irl week of relatively frequent usage. -Suffixes and Prefixes utilizing the force component of a Tier 5 rune are intended for rp usage in activities such as construction or demolition, not for combat or other similarly violent activities (ie. no ripping apart buildings). Tier 5 (Stationary/Decorative) There are several runes which, when fixed to an anchored point as on a building or the like, have an extended period of usage. Typically this is applied to the creation of a fireplace, a fountain, or something of that sort. -These runes may NOT be applied to anything mobile in any variety. -Tier 5 Stationary/Decorative runes will produce/destroy/replace elementally at the same rate as that of a Tier 3 rune of that respective element. -These runes will last significantly longer in an activated state due to their immobile and far better anchored state. Typically they will burn out after about 1 month irl. Tier 6 + (Not Attainable/Creatable) Beyond the bounds of Tier 5 runes, the possibility to create runes with greater power becomes nearly impossible when taking into account the desire to live. Those who seek to create runes of Tier 6 or higher will find themselves at the mercy of the untapped power of runesmithing and the likelihood of death is high. At the exact moment of completion of a rune of higher tier than this, the rune may simply crack in half, unable to bear the sudden outflow of runic power. This, perhaps, is a best case scenario. It is not unheard of or uncommon for the rune itself to withstand the outflow of runic power and create a massive explosion on the instant that the rune is finished, leveling buildings and certainly killing the runesmith. -These runes cannot be created by players in game through any normal means. This is specifically for event purposes as well as as an example of the supposed infinite power of runesmithing and the deadly dangers beyond the capable tiers. (Additional Redlines) - A rune is as easy to destroy as the material it is carved into and there are no special effects that may occur as a result of their destruction (ie. explosions). -An item possessing runes, depending on the size, may hold up to 3 runes of different types on a single item. Elemental Runes and Roots The elemental dialect refers to the group of runes with the ability to manipulate the natural elements of the world. This is generally considered to be the easiest, and most widely used, dialect of runesmithing and serves as the “root” of the rune as well as the “suffix” on occasion. The elements that runesmithing includes are as follows: Stone, Mud, Dirt, Lava, Ice Tier 1 - Produced/Destroyed/Replaced at approx. 1 m^3 per minute IRL Tier 2 - Produced/Destroyed/Replaced at approx. 2 m^3 per minute IRL Tier 3 - Produced/Destroyed/Replaced at approx. 4 m^3 per minute IRL Tier 4 - Produced/Destroyed/Replaced at approx. 8 m^3 per minute IRL Tier 5 - Produced/Destroyed/Replaced at approx. 16 m^3 per minute IRL Metal - Aurum, Ferrum and Crystal - Emerald, Redstone , Common Crystals such as Quartz. Tier 1 - Produced/Destroyed/Replaced at approx. 1 cm^3 per minute IRL Tier 2 - Produced/Destroyed/Replaced at approx. 2 cm^3 per minute IRL Tier 3 - Produced/Destroyed/Replaced at approx. 4 cm^3 per minute IRL Tier 4 - Produced/Destroyed/Replaced at approx. 6 cm^3 per minute IRL Tier 5 - Produced/Destroyed/Replaced at approx. 8 cm^3 per minute IRL -Just because a rune may “create” ferrum, aurum, etc. does not mean you may suddenly have access to this item. Which is to say, you may not get it spawned in via staff. Light Tier 1 - Equal to that of a candle flame in luminance Tier 2 - Equal to that of a large torch in luminance, the light would flicker in a similar fashion as well and is easy on the eyes. Tier 3 - Equal to that of a lamp in luminance, the light is constant and bright enough to illuminate a small room. Tier 4 - Equal to that of a floodlight in luminance, the light is constant and bright enough to illuminate a large room with relative ease and surely uncomfortable to stare at. Tier 5 - While it may illuminate a large cavern with ease, the light is blinding to look at and as painful to stare at as if one were staring into the sun. -Light can only ever be produced and has no special properties other than the simple lighting of an area. Fire Tier 1 - Equal to that of a candle flame Tier 2 - Equal to that of a large torch Tier 3 - Equal to that of a blowtorch Tier 4 - Equal to that of a campfire Tier 5 - Equal to that of a flamethrower -It is important to note that fire, as it is naturally produced, is volatile and dangerous when not carefully handled. While none of the standard tiers of a fire rune would be able to melt anything such as metal very quickly, it is still capable of setting organic matter alight and will burn individuals it comes into contact with as any normal fire would. Smoke, Steam, Air Tier 1 - Effects can only barely be felt or seen in the case of smoke and steam. One may describe a Tier 1 rune as producing a very light breeze of the element. Tier 2 - The force of the elements at tier 2 are more noticeable, being felt as one may notice the gust from a desk fan. Similarly, the steam and smoke produced would be a little more prevalent like that of a vaporizer. Tier 3 - Increasingly noticeable, a tier 3 rune will produce a strong breeze, smoke equivalent to that of a fire, and steam in quantities capable of pressurizing a small steam engine. Tier 4 - With the force of a harsh wind, tier 4 smoke runes would produce much more quickly and likely fill a small room in several minutes with thick, black smoke. Steam runes of the same type would produce in greater quantities, allowing for use in smaller steamships at this point. Tier 5 - When used in combat, as with a staff the force of the wind produced may be enough to knock over an unbalanced opponent, smoke runes could fill a large room up with the same black smog rather quickly, and steam runes would find ease in powering the engines of large steam vessels when properly utilized. -The steam produced from a rune, while warm, is not hot enough to burn an individual upon contact. -Air produced from an air rune is not pure oxygen. It is more like the air of a livable atmosphere where a percentage is oxygen, nitrogen, etc. This allows for one to make rebreathers. Lightning Tier 1 - Produces electricity at approx. 25 V Tier 2 - Produces electricity at approx. 50 V Tier 3 - Produces electricity at approx. 100 V Tier 4 - Produces electricity at approx. 200 V Tier 5 - Produces electricity at approx. 400 V -It is important to understand that a current of electricity in as little an amount as 200 V is capable of killing a full grown man should the current pass through his heart. This does now, however, happen instantly. The sustained current of the electricity is what does the most harm, even to a lethal degree, and users of electrical runes should be aware of this. -Additionally it is important to not that this is not magical lightning or anything of that sort and that an individual struck with said lightning will act as an anchor point for the electricity to dissipate into the ground. (Tl;dr = no chain lightning into the crowds of armored people). Water Tier 1 - Produced/Destroyed/Replaced at approx. 1 cm^3 per second IRL. Additionally, it will only be produced at a trickle. Tier 2 - Produced/Destroyed/Replaced at approx. 1/2 m^3 per minute IRL. Additionally, it will only be produced at a bit more than a trickle, comparable to turning on the faucet. Tier 3 - Produced/Destroyed/Replaced at approx. 1 m^3 per minute IRL. Additionally, it may be compared in production to that of a water hose. Tier 4 - Produced/destroyed/Replaced at approx. 3 m^3 per minute IRL. Somewhat like a pressure washer at this point. Tier 5 - Produced/Destroyed/Replaced at approx. 10 m^3 per minute IRL. Hey look a firehose. -Runes may not be used to create thanhium, ruibrium, or other such materials as restricted by LT determined world supply. -Additional items may be added to the element list but must be passed in a lore addition. Prefixes and Suffixes As follows is a short list of functions (runic prefixes and suffixes) that can be used to create runes when paired with other effects: Create/Destroy/Replace Expand/Shrink -See elemental runes (above) for more information on create, destroy, and replace. -Expand and shrink work in the same fashion as the tier of creation/destruction for the element they are applied to. Pull/Push Lift Up/Down Tier 1 - About 1 lb Tier 2 - About 10 lbs Tier 3 - About 50 lbs Tier 4 - About 100 lbs Tier 5 - About 1000 lbs -Prefixes and suffixes such as pull/push and lift up/down only work within a 10ft radius of the rune as well, making it impossible to affect anything further away than that. -The force component of a tier 5 rune may no be used in any sort of combat situation. They are intended for rp usage in activities such as construction or demolition, not for combat or other similarly violent activities (ie. no ripping apart buildings). Open/Close Separate/Bind -Open and Close may work in the same fashion as a lockpick, bypassing a locking mechanism in a door that the rune intends to affect. This process, however, may not always work and is subject to the either the ET running the event they are used in or server rules in the instance of use for breaking and enter. This is merely a means of having something to use rply in runesmithing before using server given means/rules to open the door (ie. /break /smash etc.). -Separate and bind work in a similar fashion to open and close as they are applied to locks. Additionally, they may be used to bind and separate objects to one another when paired together (ie. binding an axe to a gauntlet so one may not easily be disarmed). Reinforce/Weaken -Reinforce and weaken prefixes come at the cost of the material the rune is carved into. While the item may become as hard as diamonds when reinforced, it becomes far heavier and denser as a result. Conversely, when the item is weakened it becomes lighter and easier to manage but remains brittle and easy to break. Divine Dialect The divine dialect refers to a special group of runes created in the image of the Brathmordakin, the dwarven gods. Each rune serves a rather unique purpose, moreover the dwarves of old believed that they embodied the favour of their gods. -Divine dialect runes are not subject to the tiers of normal runes. They instead have a select amount of power output. Yemekar Stone transmutation runes - Yemekar crafted the world of stone and is the creator of all things. As Yemekar worked with stone, so too did the dwarves of old. This rune slowly transmutes anything that comes into contact with it into stone. Cons: The rune of Yemekar will transmute all matter to stone, even air. This usually means that stone dust collects anywhere in which they are active and thus they usually are stored in incredibly heavy stone sheaths to compensate for the rune potentially burning out from prolonged use. The process of changing matter to stone is a slow one. So slow, in fact, that the rune has no practical applications as a conventional weapon. Anbella Calming Runes - Ever the patron of healing and calm sentiments, Anbella’s rune is no different. When the rune is activated in one’s hand, their body would grow numb and a powerful sense of calm would pass over their body. -Cannot be used in combat. -You can still bleed out and what not, you just wouldn’t feel it. Ogradhad Memory Runes - Ograhad is the patron of knowledge. Therefore, his runes are tied into memories, intelligence, teaching, and knowledge. This knowledge, being the gift of Ograhad, is shared via the passing down of memories. Traditionally done through teaching, this process is made easier and more accurate by runes. The rune of Ograhads capabilities are rather unique. Whoever is holding the rune upon activations may choose to relinquish one of their own memories or knowledge to the rune. The rune will then hold the memory until a time that it is reactivated. Whoever holds the rune upon reactivation is granted the knowledge or memory that was stored. Cons: The memory is lost/disappears from the inscriber when it is inscribed. A memory can only be accessed by the first person who re-activates the ‘dormant’ rune. Grimdugan Trap runes - Grimdugan is the patron of Thieves and Avarice. Those who follow him are usually those who pray to protect their wealth, and will protect it by any means necessary. The rune is created for the purpose of branding thieves. When applied to an area or object the rune remains dormant until deactivated by a runesmith, or triggered by the movement of an object in the area or object the rune is applied to. Once triggered the rune applies a rather noticeable, and quite painful, marking or brand upon the thief. This would, presumably, allow guards and the like to spot petty criminals more easily. The brand can be removed by a runesmith or wears off naturally in one weeks time. Cons: The marking is far from permanent. It is akin to a temporary tattoo, just this tattoo brands you as a criminal instead of putting a pretty princess unicorn on your forehead Armakak Greed Prevention - Armakak is the patron of merchants, tradesmen, and craftsmen. Dwarves oft times will fall victim to their overwhelming greed. This rune was the dwarves ill fated attempt at curing their curse. Rather than truly “curing” the curse, it simply remove the entire concept of greed from the dwarf. This, however, conflicts poorly with the curse laid upon them and can have serious hazards. Hazards such as profuse bleeding from the eyes and nose from prolonged use of the rune. Cons: The rune is not a permanent alleviation to the dwarven curse. Profuse bleeding from the eyes and nose accompany start as early as 20 minutes after activating the rune. Dungrimm Anti-Magic - Dungrimm is the god of the Dead, guardian of souls, and protector of the Dwedmar. He is the one who brings the dead to Khaz’A’Dentrumm, and allows their souls to be auctioned. The Dungrimm rune creates a weak “aura” that dispels magic that comes into contact with the rune. This by no means is a very strong aura, as a powerful mage could easily overwhelm the runes ability. Cons: For the rune to work, the magic must make contact with the rune’s surface It is by no means as expansive as anti-magic The rune is relatively weak. Generally it would more “cushion the blow” of a magical attack, rather than truly dispelling it. With this in mind, the rune would only drop the affected magic by a single tier. Belka Voice Enhancement - Belkaa is the patron of Love, Fertility, Dancing, Singing, and other social activities. This rune grants its wielder an amplified voice. The rune is mainly used for public speeches and for issuing military commands. Khorvad The Khorvad rune is one mired in rumor and intrigue. Legends abound of its capabilities. Some say that is amplifies the effects of all other runes. Yet others say that it draws the life from those who touch it. Few even say that it does not exist, and is merely the dark whispers of paranoid dwed. -An event rune. Cannot be created by player runesmiths. The Rune Forge *Notes taken from the journals of Arch-Runelord Zahrer Irongrinder circa 1685.* “The runesmiths of Athera were loathsome folk from my perception at the time. Yet now I can understand their desire to seclude oneself to study in peace and privacy. Even now as I write this in one of the lower labs I find my work flows more easily and the study is better off without the hustle and bustle of the city above. The seclusion affords me the chance to pour over the ancient tomes of prior runelords and runesmiths which has ultimately yielded better results than I could hope to achieve by simply replicating based on rumors and stories. The prime example of this has been the Rune Forge. Originally developed in the days of Urguan, it was redeveloped into a rougher but still workable tool in the days of Athera by the Oathcast and Irongut smiths.” The Rune Forge The Rune Forge, in a simplistic explanation, is essentially a large forge constructed with runesmithing in mind. The main bulk of the build consists of a single chamber for alloying connected to a pair of melting chambers on either end in which the runesmith will deposit different materials that will superheat, melt, and flow into the alloy chamber before finally being allowed to flow into a casting channel in the front of the forge. What truly sets the Rune Forge apart is the pair of melting chambers on either end. Where a normal forge would have a means of stoking a fire to heat the metal, the Rune Forge has a series of complex runes across the walls of the chamber that are bolstered by rods of thanhium fixed into tube shaped slots below the melting chambers. These runes, when activated, are capable of superheating the contents of the chamber to a far higher degree than any standard blacksmiths forge which allows the runesmith to create a variety of different alloys with varying effects in regards to their material properties and their usage in runesmithing. The Soul Anvil Used in the process of forging with souls, the Soul Anvil is an additional piece of equipment that combines runesmithing and golemancy in order to benefit from the volatile relationship between the two. The anvil itself is rather large as it must be durable enough to withstand concussive force as well as large enough to hold the desired tools on top of it. There are several different aspects to the anvil that are integral to its functionality such as the ignition chamber, the vents, and the tray. The ignition chamber consists of a reasonably large chamber on the side of the anvil that is designed to be opened so that a soulbound golem core may be inserted into the anvil. Once this is done the hatch is closed and secured via a hardened locking system. Following the insertion of the core, the tool is placed into the tray on top of the anvil where the end of the venting ports reside. Upon activating the anvil, the runes within the ignition chamber will ignite and their proximity and effect on the soulbound core will be immediately evident in the explosion of the core itself and the forceful ejection of the fractured soul within it into the venting system where it will forcibly latch onto the tool or weapon that is covering the exit ports in the tray. After all of this is done the smith will have managed to bind a soul to the weapon or tool. -The process of this anvil may only work if the tool or weapon in question is composed of Ruhn Alloy. Runic Alloys Kodeh Steel An extract from the book “Metals Today” by Grungron Irongut, High Remembermancer, 1482. “Kodeh steel stands as a alloy developed within Athera by the Dwedmar shortly after the first operationally successful Runeforge was created within Hiebenhall after the fall of Kal’Agnar. The material blend was first found by one Lori I̶r̶e̶h̶e̶a̶r̶t̶ (Now Oathcast) and Hogarth Irongut with initial experimentation of alloys able to be produced by the Runeforges unprecedented heat. Further refined by Sharr Irongut, it now stands as one of the few stable materials produced for the first known time within a Runic forge. Kodeh steel seems to bear similar properties to steel in terms of its workability within tools, however it bears a unique trait that has allowed it to have limited success in mountainous and arctic environments frequented by the dwarves, namely that it does not become brittle when exposed to extremely low temperatures. This material, since its discovery was then produced in a reasonable quantity to refurbish locations in low temperature environments where maintenance of gear comes at high host due to the frequency of its breaking, and has become a popular choice in mountain scaling equipment as well as mining.” The material is a slightly bronze tinted steel in appearance, composed of a blend of Shimmerstone derived from Mage gold, carbarum and ferrum. The material however does not seem to make the structure desired to produce a low temperature resistant robust material unless it is heated to a degree far higher than that capable of a normal forge. It does not hold any properties superior to other common materials used for tools apart from the fact that in RP it doesn't shatter when frozen. The material is only about as hard as steel in addition to the properties the forging process provides (resistance to fracturing when frozen). Thanic Steel Kodeh Steel itself seemed to have little effect on the runes etched into tools and weapons that used it. It wasn’t until the runelords of Atlas would come to develop a new usage for it that it would see broader use in the warmer climates of the continent. By implementing thanhium into the alloying process as well as the forging process, the smiths would fine that the new alloy would greatly empower the runes that were carved into it. While the activation of runes on the new alloy seemed to be controlled throughout the testing, it was found that the greater empowerment would contrast with the lifespan of the runes it was carved on and ultimately traded power for usage. After allowing the Kodeh Steel to cool and reheating it in the heating chambers, it becomes more acceptive of additional alloying materials. When adding thanic dust at this stage of the process, the material produced lost its original bronze tint in favor of a lighter blue tint. It is important to note that simply throwing a fistful of thanic dust into the forge all at once would almost certainly fail to mix evenly throughout the alloy. To avoid this, the dust must be slowly implemented over time and allowed to acclimate with the melted alloy in the main chamber. This process can take several hours to forge enough metal for any normal tool. Runes carved into items with this alloy will find that they are empowered by a tier but will find fewer uses before the runes themselves need to be recarved (ie. a Tier 4 rune will act like a Tier 5 rune. This may not be used to create Tier 6+ runes). Ruhn Alloy After the discoveries of the Kodeh Steel and Thanic Steel alloys, the runesmiths found they had managed to empower runes without as much effort as before. Yet they were unable to sustain their additions without the use of a dharok gem, of which there were very few. To remedy this, they would work the Runic Forge for days, weeks, and months in a seemingly endless string of tests in search of a new alloy that would sustain the runes without need of a dharok gem. After nearly a decade of research, the runelords would eventually find their answer in the form of Ruhn Alloy. They found that by adding meteorite fragments to the newly alloyed Thanic Steel, they were able to create a far more durable metal than any of the other alloys. What this meant for the runesmiths was that they now had a medium on which they could carve their runes so that they would last longer but as a result lost the ability to empower the rune further. After the smith has added the desired amount of thanhium to the alloy and the process to create Thanic Steel is complete, the smith will then need to add meteorite fragments to the molten alloy. After this is done the typical casting of tools or weapons may proceed. The result of all this work would be evident in the rune usage on the metal itself. Runes carved would remain as powerful as the tier they were carved for but would find as many uses as one tier lower (ie. a Tier 4 rune would have as many uses as a Tier 3 rune). Dwedohin Stailininn “Soul Steel” Soul Steel, or Dwedohin Stailininn as it is known in the Dwarven language, is exceptionally difficult to make considering the materials necessary for its forging. After acquiring a tool made from Ruhn Alloy and completing the binding process with a Soul Anvil, a runesmith will find that the runes carved into the material are far, far more powerful than anything they could carve on their own. Runes carved into a tool or weapon made from Soul Steel will be as powerful as a tier above that which they were carved for. It is only through this material that a runesmith will be able to create runes that are Tier 6. These runes will have the same number of uses as a Tier 5 rune and the elemental production of the runes will be similar to that of a Tier 5 evocationist. This is the ONLY means of creating Tier 6 runes that are stable and usable. Tier 6 runes created in this fashion will hold the same restrictions as that of a Tier 5 rune in terms of force applied but may elementally produce a great deal more. This is the rocket engine of elemental rune creation. Runic items created using Soul Steel will require a MArt.
  14. This is the "quick" update to have hard written lore on some of the vague details. As of today I'm getting together all the runesmiths into a single discord so we can figure out what's what and get a proper guide hammered out in the near future that will give definitive emote examples to work off of when doing all this because it was intentionally left vague in the past and we gotta pretty much start from scratch. At the moment the generally accepted requirements are several emotes for the different runes and 1-2 charges for the brathmordakin runes. But again, these aren't set in stone anywhere, so step 2 beyond the updates here is writing out all that stuff.
  15. This is untrue. The runestone itself is entirely reliant on your agreement to use it so you are more than welcome to drop it whenever you like. No magic is a strictly racial magic. Period. Whether an elf has it or not is irrelevant.
  16. 1. Guide comes after this to explain usage and tier diminishing. 2. Your truth rune comment is somewhat vague. If you could clarify a bit I could give you a straight answer.
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