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Status Updates posted by jasonwolf

  1. Accepted. Now for part to of the waiting game!

  2. do app reviewers go from top to bottom or bottom to top?

  3. H O L Y crap I'm in love!

  4. I am now greatly concerned as it would appear that a mod has been reviewing my app for 2 hours. I am a terrible person.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Evilbanana5757


      He feels bad because his app is absurdly long, and it must be torturous having to read it through...

    3. robbyvilar


      Not torturous! It's probably a great app, and it's fun to read those! :)

    4. Telanir


      Yeah, well simple solution. Feel good instead, because why not? :D

      Anyways, sometimes it also takes long because while reviewing they are probably going to take breaks, like go have a snack or something.

  5. I feel like my app has just stolen hours of the reviewers life.

    1. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      Dont worry, Ive seen longer, and it looks nice.

  6. I feel like my application is intimidating. It's about 1/3 of the MC forum page.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jasonwolf


      I'd hope its quality I spent a couple hours on the backstory.

    3. Bethykinss


      Well I hope you get accepted, good luck! :)

    4. jasonwolf


      and its solid paragraphs too not conversations or anything.

  7. I swear I recognize you're user name. Were you on Dragonsreach?

  8. i think we should take a look at mining on this server. It seems we've already dried out all the mines which has made lots of things impossible to get. Seriously I only have 1 ingot of iron, and there's no stores selling that i can find.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kralek


      No, it's good, because iron isn't supposed to be an abundant resource.

    3. VonAulus


      i will commit sodoku

    4. jasonwolf


      honestly I would just have a person in charge of restocking the mines. not enough to make iron and other ores really common but enough to keep the economy alive.

  9. I'd just like to apologize for my app being so long, and taking up so much of your time.

  10. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the app team saving mine for tomorrow as its been 7 hours.

  11. Im starting to get worried about if my my computer can handle the server. Its tends to be a bit slow, and with over 250 ppl playing... well...

    1. nobody


      If you are worried about lag, I think it is mainly the server, a lot of people have been experiencing lag

    2. jasonwolf


      no trust me. I use a crappy little lap top from 06. I know its my side.

    3. Banter


      Well.. It might make it. . . Or it might sink faster than a stone. Regardless, only time will tell.. And your computer.

  12. Just posted my first app. 8 pages in word. overboard much?

    1. Kaiser


      the more words the btter

      and join just during 3.0 how great!

    2. jasonwolf


      only bad news is I think I screwed something up with the realm. I said my character was in Asulon, and it seems we've moved. Also since its so long the person who reads it is going to be there for a while. Besides those I am rather hopeful.

  13. oh snap someone's going through apps!

    1. Ever


      good luck :P

    2. jasonwolf


      at least two or three of the people "ahead" of me are trolls.

    3. gingernut97


      Good luck! *begins searching for said troll apps*

  14. so bit of a question. when you do /roll should you add things because of your character? do you do that? I do.

    1. kingnothing


      omg nerds i hav +20 to mai shankin' staht so i if i roel a 1 i get +win to it omg lolbang.

    2. Heff


      When you roll it is more of a deciding factor of an outcome of events

    3. Demotheus


      Sometimes I do If it's with friends but it's usually situational. I even subtract sometimes

  15. so I joined a year ago by now, and I left for a long while? If I wanted to come back what should I do?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. jasonwolf


      im amazed anyone would. i wasnt exactly remarkable. I got my fiance killed, and that was about it.

    3. Parading


      Play a would elf and come to the flourishing town of Solum.

    4. Parading


      *wood, but we welcome all elves

  16. so if I wanted to become a druid what would I have to do?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Birdwhisperer


      Or a guide druid.

    3. DrakeHaze.


      My way is best way

    4. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      Smoke weed with the spirit of nature.

  17. thanks alot jade. you have officially made me cry over an RP charcter. I killed Eluana!

  18. Ugh I hate PVP. Im an elf at the top of a tree, and what happens men in full iron climb it and kill me. Thanks for killing the RP.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jasonwolf


      yeah but in RP I can just say no and leave if they wont be reasonable. PVP i get killed and lose all my stuff, which im sure they will throw out since its only worth stuff to me.

    3. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Yeah, But I gave up on thinking this will end up changing. I got sick of saying something, and people not really caring.

    4. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Get a GM, on the spot. Find their names and get their sorry butts banned, as they deserve.

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