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Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

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Status Updates posted by Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

  1. LOL, glad to see you were found, I should have stayed on to find you in this manner: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_nouprOuzjXU/TAmzuLQfZ2I/AAAAAAAAANo/_cje6J-5Uog/s1600/mcbride_celebrimbor.jpg - Lolol, but alas, I gats ter' wurk :3

  2. Im dodging any drafts that the United States reinstates :3

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      xD Just do a barrel roll, and you'll be fine.

  3. Hey Nickdabeast135, do you want to send me a RP Forum PM message? For some odd reason, my Minecraft is bugging to hell and back and Im lagging so hard I can't stay in-game - _-

  4. Thar' Brew Lodge is already boss! I Love this place! Already 15+ customers and players within two hours!

    1. aron.


      I'll make sure to accord your taxes fittingly XD

    2. Silevon


      where is it

  5. Thar' Brew Lodge is already boss! I Love this place!

  6. I feel like I am beating a dead horse, but is there any taverns needing running :3

    1. Mithradites


      All the taverns need running!

    2. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      Pick one up on the main road! I'd really love to finally rp with you Gaius.

    3. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      Waiting hopelessly for the Al'Zahir Lore to get accepted :'(

  7. - Gotta love this song
    1. Ålastorous
    2. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan

      Pimping your metal upon my ears, I dare say you shan't succeed :3

  8. Would the forum audience want a long post reply in the 'State of the Server' thread or would you want me to make another topic? I am split between both ways, I have quite a-lot to say; hence I ask.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samoblivion


      Indeed. Don't fear the TL;DR, speak your mind in as long a post as you feel necessary.

    3. Sargeblub


      Ooh, Gaius is gettin' ready to post something. Gotta go look for it

    4. Blundermore


      TL DR in a post like that is basically saying "I haven't read any of the posts here and thus don't really understand" Because to be honest this is a very large topic.

  9. Can't find Chumpchump for the tavern on the crossroads idea, tries to see Baronvo to see if he can manage Dawn's Bakery; he is too busy FTBing :(

    1. Hanrahan


      Vaerhaven tavern! :D

    2. Agnub


      I'm a Hightower; what'd you expect?

  10. Master Undead Subudai Horse Archer Horde with Enchanted Bows Power III, Punch III

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KoTo



    3. Tee-Tree


      My Question is, Who is the Protagonist?

    4. Agnub
  11. I am just a wee lil' hermit with a big heart of gold, even donated to Coaster, wheat doesn't equal weed :3

  12. Just curious, is M&B Fire and Sword an add-on to either Mount & Blade or Warband, or can I just buy Fire & Sword solely and play that?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. aron.


      Warband is probably more expensive because it is the most amazing game ever created <3

    3. Sultan


      Do not buy it Gaius, buy Napoleonic same idea but way better.

    4. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      play CRPG on warband. Much fun.

  13. Well this is odd, approximately 97% of my Skype contacts aren't on there anymore...

    1. yekim8


      Have you tried turning it off and on again

  14. SuperSodaPops and the LotC community, I solemnly agree to a. Not post any .gifs that can be scrutinized as lewd, although I reserve the right to post light-hearted and non-sexually funny .gifs as per my infamy and b. To not post any satire, even in the debates forum... Yes, that includes Boondocks

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sultan


      So no more Kermit wanking heresy I say?!

    3. Kaiser


      The kermit wanking gifs were Gaius?


    4. Gaius ~ Sertorius Cagan
  15. Thank you Ever, first neutral to my application, responded and I hope it boosts confidence

  16. Danny, don't kill me, I see your looking at my App :3

    1. Danny


      I look at everything Gaius - nothing passes by my eyes.

  17. Hey Angelos, I have an idea with the Sophists to keep it moving. I am talking to some very old Veterans and they are returning to LotC from what I can see, this will get a helluvalot funner with all of us in comradery! ;)

  18. *Falls off his horse after riding thousands of miles* Damn I'm burned-out, any suggestions :3

    1. V0idsoldier


      Yeah I agree. I've been busy with Adunian stuff, I really want to get the Sophist show on the road, just dont know where to begin.

  19. *Falls off his horse after riding thousands of miles* Damn I'm burned-out, any suggestions :3

  20. Yes... Yes... YES! The orgasmic joy of rage towards a technological invention that some sociologists study as 'eye-candy' and just that. Watch as psychologists look onto yonder as your eyes furrow and you talk so much trash via an even newer technological wonder as peer-to-peer chat networks. :3

    1. Temp


      Rage? Simply pointing out a logical fallacy. It's those offended that take it as rage, when it's blank monotone statement.

    2. Volutional


      Basically... Teenage Dreams by Katy Perry.

    3. Seventh / Ryan

      Seventh / Ryan

      Bahahahaha, wonderfully said, Gaius!

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