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Status Updates posted by Cjmate

  1. idk how to pick this game back up after so long.


    1. Ford


      Make a new char. 

    2. Arashiha


      ^that, and just jump right into it. ((Whispers, and be a little forceful with introductions, otherwise, you'll be ignored more often than not.))

  2. idk what to do or where to go

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      play a halfing? That's a thing you can do

  3. Is there a way to store a few items before the next map transfer? I remember that used to be a thing. 


    1. Unwillingly


      last map we had the ability to pick a few items to bring over, dunno what they’re planning to do this map tho. could still be able to bring items, or can’t bring any, dunno

  4. Is there an Anthos map download? 

    1. Kvasir


      make a post in the support section

  5. Is there anyway to change skins without using minecraft.net? The new website wants an email which I don't knwo or have.

    1. Space
    2. BathRugMan


      You need to migrate to a mojang account, and it needs you to link an email.

  6. It seems so much harder to get the things to do alchemy than any other profession. 

    1. Muddy_Buddy


      Welcome to the grind.

    2. 2samspan


      Well to be fair, it makes sense alchemy would be that way. Alchemical reagents in real life are typically made from fairly difficult to make or isolate. Aqua vitae, that's pure ethanol. Sometimes real life alchemists needed a specific plant, in specific geographical conditions, and at the right point of the year so that the humors in it were balanced or something. Alchemy is, never was, and never should be, easy. And while it might be harder to get the ingredients than, say, enchanting, you can fill up to three bottles at a time with an alchemy stand, while with enchanting you can only make one at a time, and it takes a long time to make the enchant books and then enchant the gear.

    3. Cjmate


      My gripe is the huge reliance on other professions, not the easiness of it. It is more of an inconvenience thing. 

  7. johannesburgh houses so affordable

  8. Kettle hats are the ****. 

  9. Last night was chaos for Oren. It's all so confusing. 


    1. Notic


      tell me about it


      LotC is caving in on itself rn its wild

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Narthok


      Dota worst game ever confirmed?

    3. Cjmate


      If you didn't want to play ranked, we can do casual though.

    4. Narthok


      my league is narthok hmu well do some norms 

  10. lotc been boring since Adria got wonked

  11. mount and blade viking conquest on sale, 4 dollars 75% off

    1. Gridlock


      There's mods out there that are 10 times the quality of Viking Conquest. Might actually be the biggest waste of money out of all games I have.

    2. Cjmate


      True, but i've played hundreds of hours of all the best mods that I know. Pendor, perisno, warsword, floris, a clash of kings, and brytenwalda. And this has a story mode, which is interesting! Pendor probably going to stay my favorite, though. 

  12. My new in-game name is Shambleau, and my skype is now [email protected]

  13. Myrtle Beach about to get hit my hurricane. The end times are upon me! Mathew gives no fucks. 

  14. Oren mana guns 

  15. Oren's portal killed people too. 

  16. Philly is crazy right now.

  17. Return the slaaaaab....or suffer my


    1. Swgrclan


      The way King Ramses was animated in that show was, and is, genuinely unnerving

  18. Rickon only got one line this season. A straight line. 

    1. ImpinAintEZ


      And maybe a total of 10 for the show. Just have to shake my head... and cry...

  19. Snow Elves should just be High Elves. Too many Elf factions, hurts my head. 

  20. So much strip mining under Felsen. People too lazy to go to mine. 

    1. Neri


      No wonder it lags so horrifically!

  21. Some dude left his car in the middle of traffic to go catch a vaporean, haha.

  22. Someone make the First Order

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