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Status Updates posted by Proddy

  1. Can anyone recommend me a decent texture pack that doesn't MCpatcher/optifine to work properly?

    1. Proddy


      *doesn't require

    2. Space


      Why would you not use optifine?

    3. Proddy


      Mods and my computer don't really mix well, sadly.

  2. I'm back, baby.

  3. Anyone else who changed their username unable to log on now?

  4. where are these new elves i hear being spoke of

  5. Any good texture packs that don't require MC patcher or optifine?

  6. cappy's birthday is christmas day and so is jesus's so this must mean cappy is jesus???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Endovelicus


      Cappy=Antichrist nuff said (pls repewct mah opinione)

    3. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      Welll technically Jesus wasn't born on Christmas... Sooooo

    4. Kickstarted and Running
  7. good night sweet powell

    1. lawnmowerman


      the powells are a cool race

  8. remember kids! a few snagas a day keeps the orcs at bay :)

  9. when's 5.0 and it's antag occurring then

  10. Anyone else having problems with skins? Like, they don't always work and end up being Steves?

    1. Endovelicus


      The server is in 1.7.9/10 so if you have a older version it will have that problem.

  11. #moogle lifes matter

  12. http://gyazo.com/c2ba702bea10c3c65fb26cc20ef4f1b7 the next prophet of tahariae and saviour of athera located????
    1. dandan1350


      We don't normally pick em' so young. But he was just born with natural talent. !_!

    2. Proddy


      master swordsman tier 5 cleric child inbound

  13. http://gyazo.com/0dcd4c4d19dea978aab207d047432a74 someone help me crack the illuminati that is cappy please
  14. help me I can't breath
  15. It's pretty early but I think I'm done for today, these sleeping pills have taken it out of me completely ;3 night, LoTC!

  16. r1p ouity he was a god amongst men. oh and happy 2015 from britbongia!

  17. To whoevers idea it was to remove the Standimg Inn; I seriously love you right now.

  18. Anyone need a child/character RPed? I've been getting pretty bored of LoTC lately, need to find something that'll rekindle the spark :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Man of Respect
    3. TavernLich


      The Rex has a crush coming cub... You may want to talk to Burk about that.

    4. Booklight12


      If you want to play a character, we don't have many children but you can play a young high elf if you are looking for a change there's about five people in our family both racist and non racist. Would that interest you?

  19. http://www.kkkknights.com join me pals in my quest to save america!
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Robed Southeron

      Robed Southeron

      it's not even funny though, it's not even triggering. ur just dumb.

    3. Space


      It's the definition of edgy.

    4. lawnmowerman


      I am offensive and I find this _____

  20. help me I can't breath
  21. oh fine I'll come back then

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