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Everything posted by CombatRolePlay

  1. So banning without proof is a thing now. 

    orc hate bias is real lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CombatRolePlay


      Darn, they got wrynn too. its all over


    3. Neri


      [laughing in elven]

    4. CombatRolePlay


      I've cracked the code. Everyone is elven pocket gms. It all makes sense now

  2. If anyone needs me. Just send me a pm here or on skype.

    Dont have an internet connection util now.

  3. maybe next time dont do your circle jerk sodomy rp in the middle of t he road if you dont want anyone joining in

  4. Sounds like a good idea if done well. Would be awesome to see technology in the server advance even if its just a little bit
  5. I'd like one pocket GM to go please

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mitto
    3. Ducklingator


      If you add 5$, you get a side-kick RPer that will be salty for you, and deny every Meta/powergaming state that is directed towards you.

    4. Moochael


      "Does it come with pocket ETs as well? "


      Have I been replaced wtf

  6. Hrm... Looks like the pvp squads are roaming once again

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AGiantPie
    3. CombatRolePlay


      noone. just putting it out there as a meme hehe eksdee

    4. AGiantPie
  7. 99cd32e8dd141df04cec44e873b343b9.png


    My dreams have been crushed by @Finalhazard

    1. CombatRolePlay
    2. J


      what is a final hazard?

  8. Edit my title to "Imported Filipino Lab-Rat" please  <3

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CombatRolePlay
    3. Nekkore


      No orc buff you filthy casual. Bring back vanilla pvp

    4. CombatRolePlay
  9. Planning to make the whole map like this.



    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Moochael


      Cleanse our want for free art? ;)

    3. CombatRolePlay


      cleanse as in gas all of you


    4. Moochael

  11. Joining map contest. Hopefully i dont get gucked by my bad net

  12. Buying scaddernak exoskeletons

  13. Is this guide still viable?
  14. Heres an image of the latest three weapons I've Rply crafted. Visit my shop!


  15. Crafted a mace out of Scaddernak Exoskeleton. Put the images in my thread.




  16. Wu0dnEo.jpg


    //Currently crafting these three.

  17. Still looking for a lore master that I could ask questions about Blessed Aurum and Skaddernak exoskeletons. Anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. aron.


      Now you take nudey pictures and send them to him. 

    3. CombatRolePlay


      Done. inb4 ban

    4. aron.


      make sure to CC me on those nudes eh 

  18. looking for more masters that could answer my questions regarding blessed aurum and skadernak exo skeleton. Hmu on Skype ; crome_saber or here on the forums pls

  19. I want to do art trades with so many artists here but my art is so underwhelming compared to them its sad

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Remyy
    3. Trinn


      I'm done. I'm just done.

      don't ever talk to me, Beast.

      We're done.

    4. CombatRolePlay


      I'm being bullied

  20. Hey you there, yes you! How's your day going?




    also little cheeky side note. visit my RP weapons shop +art shop


  21. Yo, check out my RP weapons shop!

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