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Status Updates posted by Googlesearch

  1. I am finding that creating rp is a lot more fun than just taking part

  2. Can I ask what is happening with the server, It doesn't take this long to restore a back up...

    1. Detective


      Le' seerver is being worked on mate, no fear.

  3. I felt like death warmed up before checking out LoTC today...Now I feel like my head will explode due to the re-addition of status updates

  4. I don't see why everyone is so excited to get in the top ten of Minestatus, In the past it has lead to the server being DDoSd

    1. Raptorious


      Lol the server got DDOSd by its own.

    2. Googlesearch


      True! The player base makes the server so unique!

  5. Finally racked up 50 hours of play time

    1. Tefzors


      How do you check the stats?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Redbaron™
    3. Mephistophelian


      A purple alien found it. A one eyed, one eared, flying, purple, people-eater.

      Yes, indeed.

    4. Waverly Antoinette
  7. As I have returned and discovered they want to add more people to the App Team I am throwing my application back out there for review. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/105612-googles-application-team-application/page-2

  8. Do I have to reapply?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Overland


      I would suggest contacting a GM or making a thread about it.

    3. Googlesearch


      Thanks, Will do

    4. Overland


      No worries.

  9. I have finally returned after two long weeks

  10. I love having Monday first period off, It's great

  11. Just a heads up the Game of Thrones mod for CK2 has been updated, You will love it!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 3VN


      Wasn't CK2 GOT updated quite a while ago?

    3. Z3r05t4r


      It is 0.5.1 now. Contains bugfixes and a bit of extension on the map. Updated content for Essos. 0.5 was the grand Essos update and brought us the continent Essos and parts of Sothorys.

    4. Googlesearch


      Now it is 0.6! DRAGON CHARACTERS

  12. Go through the portal...Lag out -.-


  14. Come on now guys it's been nearly a month and still no new test version! Where are my dragons?

  15. Will there ever be a week when either of you two don't post a ban report? It's getting silly now

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Aryon


      Thats true. Back when it was RP default, it was atleast 20 BR's a week. No idea what it is like now though.

    3. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      If its just two people why not ... talk to them? lol ;3 or a gm

    4. Googlesearch


      Oh I am sure several people have already had words with them. Clearly it does no good

  16. Bob for GM!

    1. monkeymo14
    2. Lark


      Is it bad I read that as Boobs?

  17. I am counting three crashes within like 5 minutes, Is there a technical reason for this or does the server need new batteries?

  18. New update for the GOT mod looks pretty good. Dragon characters!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Volutional
    3. Volutional


      There's no update. y u lie

    4. Googlesearch


      I didn't lie! I was simply saying it looked good plus because I am a tester I am a few versions ahead. Dragons haven't been tested for us yet but hopefully they will. Send me a PM if you want to know more about them FIRST HAND e.g I will give you the download link if the dragons are in the next test build

  19. Finally, New test version for CK2 AGOT

    1. Agnub


      Was there a new one after 0.5?

    2. Z3r05t4r


      Googlesearch, you are beta tester, I heard?

    3. Googlesearch


      Yeah, I am one of the beta testers

  20. Is there a release date for nexus yet or are we going to continue to receive the same answer. I fail to see why instead of all the tech team working on Nexus they are all going about their own projects to be quite honest will probably be forgotten about with the next update.

    1. IrishPerson


      Nexus is a group of plugins. The TT are working on said plugins which as a group are called 'nexus'. Some of the plugins which are in said group are ready/ already on the server.

    2. Mining


      ^^Says it all really. A lot of the nexus plugin package is already out. I believe brewing, aviary, archemy, enchanting are all considered part of Nexus. The tech team are all going about their own projects that are part of nexus. I suspect what you really mean to ask about is Nexus Magic. The release date on that is Soon tm

    3. Googlesearch


      I didn't know this although the fact remains that the main features seem to be left till last. I was asking more on the class system. I do not believe we will ever get a magic plugin and if we do I will be pleasantly surprised

  21. Yeah! Trip to Strasbourg...I think

  22. I used to think that games were everything and I could spend my entire life working so I could play games. However I realised recently I am going to die someday I don't to only be able to say that I spent my life playing games. This change is good for the community, Time for us all to put our big boy (or girl) pants on.

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