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Everything posted by GodEmperorFlam

  1. Lore Submission Info Hub If you wish to submit lore, please read the following. It will cover what you need to follow and how the lore voting process works. If something here or in the other criteria pages confuses you, please contact a story member or post on our FAQ, found here. Lore Submission Guides You can find information on each type of lore submission, along with its required formatting, in the links below. Please note if you do not follow the guidelines and/or formatting, your lore will be denied. General Threads The following threads are threads that apply to multiple pieces. General Lore Guide – This is a link to the first resource that you should read before pursuing specific submission types. Ability Components + Ability Types – These are links to our threads on ability components (what an ability needs to have when designed) and ability types (categories of different ability types). Use these if your lore has some kind of ability (e.g. a technology piece or magic piece should use this). Special Lore Locations/Artifacts – Use this if your lore has a special location in it (e.g. a ritual room) or if it has artifacts/special items within it. Combat/Summoned Pets & Mounts – Use this if your lore involves pets that can be used in combat, summoned creatures that you can control, or mounts of a combative nature. Guides – This link covers guides, which are required for most playable submissions. Magic Submissions If you want to submit a new magic to LotC, you need to read the following: Magic Submissions Race/Creature Submissions The following submission types are made for racial/creature submissions: Open Race Submissions (Closed, still reviewing) CA Race Submissions + Creature Tier List Event Race/Creature Submissions Deity Submissions The following submission types are made for deific oriented submissions: Aengudaemonic Submissions Patron Submissions Misc. Deity-Class Submissions World Lore Submissions The following submission types are made for world lore oriented submissions: Resource Submissions Historical/Legend Submissions Location Submissions Technology Submissions Index Submissions World Lore Event Submissions The Lore Process (Regular) In the spoiler you can find the process for submitting lore and how lore is handled/reviewed.
  2. Invention Submissions Inventions that are complex and/or push the boundaries of the tech lock and/or introduce new substances (e.g. metals) belong here. Same thing with new siege weapons. These can be magical in nature and are not restricted to just mundane technology. Give this a read to learn more about the current stance on technology: Techlock/Magi-Tech. If something here or in the other criteria pages confuses you, please contact a story member or post on our FAQ, found here. Inventions This submission type is left vague as it is a broad category. Please try and come up with creative ideas rather than just trying to mimic modern or semi-modern tech. Things that are ripped modern times, such as a car, will not be accepted as it goes against the techlock. Things that push the techlock will be reviewed by the administration after the LT have voted on it. Siege weapons will also be reviewed by the GM team to make sure that its functions are compatible with the warclaim system. Format This formatting is meant to be used for proposed Invention Submissions. If you believe your lore needs a hybrid formatting, please contact ST management before you start writing it to confirm that you can use it. Title The title should go like: “[Invention Lore] – [Name]”. For example: Invention Lore – Halfling Explosives Origin/Backstory (Optional) This section is devoted to how the invention was discovered and who discovered it. This is optional and should be used if it is not an invention of your creation, but one that is discovered. Such as discovering ancient tech in ruins. Description This is the place where you’re supposed to describe the invention in detail. What it is made of, how it functions, et cetera. Capabilities This ties in with the above section and you are meant to cover what the invention is capable of doing. Siege Information (Optional) If your submission is a siege weapon or something to be used in a war claim, you must add information on how it functions in the war claim (e.g. how many emotes it needs, what kind of rolls it needs to achieve, how much damage it does, if it can self-destruct, et cetera). A proposed pricing for it (e.g. 1000 mina per warclaim) should also be included. This will all be sorted out with the GM team if it makes it past the LT. Red Lines/Restrictions The limitations of the invention should be listed here. It should be noted if this is an invention that needs regulation via apps or if this is an invention anyone can pick up. Purpose (OOC) This section is where you describe what purpose your lore is serving, what it is bringing to the table that other lore pieces aren’t, and why it fits into LotC’s canon. Citation Spoiler You should have a spoiler at the bottom that includes links to any lore pieces that you referenced or based your lore submission off of.
  3. Indexes This thread covers the indexes, which serve as our collection of plants/creatures/potions on the server. The forms for what are open are found here: creature form + plant form. If something here or in the other criteria pages confuses you, please contact a story member or post on our FAQ, found here. Biomes The index is being changed to a more RP friendly setting, ecosystems. Rather than just submitting a plethora of creatures/plants to an area, we’ll be setting up ecosystems for different biomes. We will be wiping the index clean in terms of plants and creatures. Only essential plants will be retained (e.g. blissfoil), of which a list can be found in the spoiler below. Each biome will be outfitted with an ecosystem, comprised of proposed creatures/plants. Each creature/plant will be added with a purpose of fitting into the ecosystem somehow. For instance, having a creature implemented as one of the predators that hunts smaller creatures or providing a new alchemical plant that also acts as a food source for another creature. This is to create a more dynamic environment for people who do exploration RP or for actors doing events in the area. Creatures When it comes to the index, creatures are non-playable entities. This means that they are not something that a player can have as their persona, unlike how CA Races function. These can be regular animals like a special cow or some feral creature like a giant bat/lion fusion. Some of these can be tamable. Something to keep in mind is that we will not be accepting tameable creatures that are overpowered in terms of combat. Combat pets must be reasonable. 7 foot wolves that can kill people in one bite are an example of unreasonable. Creatures being added to the index need to add to the ecosystem in some manner. When filling out the form, make it clear in the characteristics section if it is a “carnivore”, “herbivore”, or “omnivore” and whether they are a “hunter” (kills other things for its food), “scavenger” (eats leftovers/waste/things left behind by other creatures) or “gatherer” (consumes plants/other things that grow naturally). This will dictate how your creature is treated in the ecosystem, along with determining if they are needed or not. If you are submitting a hunter in an ecosystem full of them, it will likely be denied. Plants Plants added to the index are plants that can be found in-game, dependent on their rarity. These plants should exist for some reason, whether it be to add a new alchemy reagent or to serve as food for a particular animal. This does not need to be in such an impactful way as the creatures. For example, a plant that grows from the corpses of animals or a plant that is just a food source for an animal is fine. Another thing to keep in mind is that a plant that acts as a deadly poison and instantly kills someone or a plant that can turn into a salve that instantly heals people are not the types of plants we are looking for. Aim for more mild effects and add some variety to the plant if you’re making something bigger like a tree. For example, a special tree could have wood that acts a special way, along with the bark and leaves each having unique traits. This allows for the plant to be used in multiple ways and open up multiple routes of RP. Two examples of plant types: Potions Currently not being accepted due to the alchemy changes going on at the moment. This section will be updated when those changes are finalized.
  4. Aengudaemonic Submissions This subsection covers the types of deific submissions that you can make on LotC. You can read more about the direction Story is taking Aengudaemons here. If something here or in the other criteria pages confuses you, please contact a story member or post on our FAQ, found here. Aengudaemons Aengudaemons are a type of deity created by the Creator during creation. Mortals have dubbed a split with one side being “Aenguls” and the other being “Daemons”. Neutral ones are regarded as regular Aengudaemons. However, these are just labels and there is no difference between an Aengul and a Daemon in terms of capabilities. What differs is their personality and/or goals. An Aengul typically is a “good” deity compared to some of the Daemons and have goals that they actively push for in the mortal realm. These deities tend to openly use mortals as followers, granting them power in exchange for worship and/or service. Daemons are generally seen as the “mean” or more dangerous variety, as they are not afraid to get their hands dirty themselves in the Mortal Realm. While some do have followers like Aenguls, it is not uncommon for them to send in Patrons or descend themselves to mess with the mortal realms. However, a misconception is that all Daemons are “evil”. Many simply have a goal and are ruthless about carrying it out, but a good amount of these goals are not to destroy the realm or wipe mortals out. When designing an Aengudaemon, you do not need to conform to the “good” vs. “evil” trope. An example of this would be Tahariae, who on the surface seems “good”, but their actual goal is to rid the mortal realm of what they believe is impure. Children, women, elderly, fellow Aengudaemons, it doesn’t matter who they are to Tahariae, if they are deemed impure he will go all out in trying to have them purged. Conversely, Metztli is a Daemon due to the fact that they abducted mortals and experimented on them in an attempt to create the ultimate race. However, they do not wish to wipe out humanity or anything that actually endangers the mortals as a whole. Each Aengudaemon has a “title” that showcases what they are about. Tahariae is the Aengul of Purity, Xan is the Aengul of Order and Guardianship, Llahir is the Daemon of Trickery, Thievery, and Luck. 1-3 titles is the norm and each should be reflected in the Aengudaemon’s lore/purpose. Any magic that they grant their followers or patrons that they raise should also reflect the titles and their purpose. E.g. Tahariae grants their followers the power to “purge” impurities, Xan grants their followers the power to maintain Order, and Llahir grants their followers ways to trick and steal from others. Format This formatting is meant to be used for proposed Aengudaemonic lore submissions. If you believe your lore needs a hybrid formatting, please contact Story management before you start writing it to confirm that you can use it. Title The title should be as follows: “[Aengudaemon Lore] – [Name], [Aengudaemon of (insert titles here)”. For example: Aengudaemon Lore – John, Aengudaemon of Baseball Origin/Background This should cover the backstory of the Aengudaemon and why they are now paying attention to the Mortal Realm OR detail what they are doing in the immortal realms. Their title/purpose should be explained here as well. Make sure it follows and aligns with existing lore. Realm This should cover information about the deity’s realm or place of current residence. Following This should detail if the Aengudaemon seeks out followers/if they have existing ones and what they offer to their followers (e.g. do they only communicate with them? Do they offer small boons? A magic? etc). Present Day This should elaborate on what the Aengudaemon is currently up to and how they will impact the current story (if at all). Purpose (OOC) This section is where you describe what purpose your lore is serving, what it is bringing to the table that other lore pieces aren’t, and why it fits into LotC’s canon. Citation Spoiler You should have a spoiler at the bottom that includes links to any lore pieces that you referenced or based your lore submission off of.
  5. CA Race Submissions This thread covers CA Race submissions, which are playable creatures that utilize the creature application approval process. If something here or in the other criteria pages confuses you, please contact a story member or post on our FAQ, found here. Creature Application Races These creatures are generally more powerful and/or often harder to play or have more potential issues of powergaming than an Open Race. The players that successfully apply to play these creatures are trusted with advanced abilities and strengths compared to the Open Races. These creatures may have abilities comparable to some magics (for example, liches were capable of utilizing necromancy’s drain ability). These powers may be tiered as magic if the creatures become more powerful with time or specific efforts. Bear in mind, magic slots also apply to creatures. If the creature is crammed full of abilities, it will likely require multiple slots used. They should also have weaknesses to help balance the creature in roleplay, especially in combat. The balancing should be such that they should at least be at a disadvantage should they be outnumbered by average descendants. These races also are monitored for activity. Should you plan on submitting a CA race, you should bear in mind that there is a possibility of shelving if any warnings about inactivity are ignored. Submission Guidelines This subsection is going to go over the rules that CA Race submissions need to follow. Some of these have explanation threads that explain our stance on the guideline, they are not required reading, but might help shed some light on the situation. Format This formatting is meant to be used for proposed CA Creature lore pieces. If you believe your lore needs a hybrid formatting, please contact story management before you start writing it to confirm that you can use it. Thread Title The thread title should be: [CA Race Lore] - [Name of Race]. For example, CA Race Lore – Kha’rajyr. Origin/Background/Culture Lore written here should not directly conflict with existing lore and should not be written in such a way it can void existing rp of playerbases if it can be avoided. Physical Description Physical descriptions should be clear and can include pictures. Traits, such as anatomy or changed body parts (e.g. scales instead of skin) should be talked about thoroughly and not left vague. Height and weight should be established, with a cap on the maximum/minimum. Strengths and weaknesses of the creature should be elaborated on. This should be used to explain the pros that the creature has (e.g. increased strength) and weaknesses (e.g. fire). As well listing what magics/mundane things are effective/non-effective against it. Include as well how some magics feel/react to in regards to said creature.(Example: A creature that is a spirit of sorts. How does a shaman or a mystic feel/able to react when encountering said creature?). Make sure to be descriptive if it isn’t elaborated on in a later section (e.g. increased strength should be described in detail on how strong the person is and their limitations). Mental Description The mindset and mental aspects of your creature should be laid out here. Mindset: This part should be used to describe how your creature thinks and any changes you might see between this creature vs a descendant. Does your creature have an innate way of thinking (e.g. x creature is always cautious, regardless of the situation)? Does it vary from person to person? Or is it the same as a descendant’s? Stuff like that. Mental State: You should use this section to describe if your creature suffers from any mental instability or other abnormalities that a player should be aware of when RP’ing. Does your creature suffer from any specific mental illness? Do things trigger them? For example, your creature could be designed to suffer from PTSD due to the changing method, where certain things such as loud noises trigger the PTSD and make them have flashbacks to when they were changed. Abilities Any kind of unique abilities, such as a magic or special body functions (e.g. forming acid and spitting it out), should be covered here. Name of the ability. Description of the ability. This is the RP description of the ability and its capabilities. Mechanics of the ability. This is the OOC description of the spell that covers things like emote count requirement and other specifications that you need to be aware of. Specific Red Lines. This section is put under each ability and covers any restrictions that the ability may have. General Red lines/Restrictions This is where you list general red lines of the creature, such as ways their special traits should not be used. If your creature is restricted from learning magic or has restrictions of a similar nature, be sure to include that here. Repeat (OPTIONAL) background through Red Lines/Restrictions. ONLY IF YOU ARE MAKING MULTIPLE CREATURE TYPES or the abilities are in subtypes, ignore if your creature is just a single slot/single creature. Purpose (OOC) This section is where you describe what purpose your lore is serving, what it is bringing to the table that other lore pieces aren’t, and why it fits into LotC’s canon. Citation Spoiler You should have a spoiler at the bottom that includes links to any lore pieces that you referenced or based your lore submission off of.
  6. Magic Submissions This thread covers Magic submissions. If something here or in the other criteria pages confuses you, please contact a story member or post on our FAQ, found here. Magic Submission Types This subsection is going to go over the 3 types of magic submission types there are in regards to the 5 slot system we have. Feats A feat is a magic or ability that is very limited compared to a full magic. It typically can only perform one function and does not provide anyone significant advantages when it comes to combat. If you intend on submitting a feat, you should bear in mind that it is meant to be limited. If you want something that has multiple abilities and combat potential, submit a full magic. 1-Slot Magic A 1-Slot magic is a magic that takes up one of the slots a character has. Each normal character has 5 magic slots, so they have the capability to pick up 5 1-Slot magics. A 1-Slot magic should be thoroughly fleshed out and have multiple spells. 5-10 is a good amount to aim for. “Freeform Magic” is something that is not outright frowned upon, but we expect it to be properly written in terms of its capabilities/restrictions. A magic submission that is too vague in what it can do while also having broad capabilities is not something that is going to be accepted. Multi-Slot Magic A multi-slot magic, as the name suggests, is a magic that takes up multiple magic slots. This is not to be confused with a magic that has multiple 1-Slot subtypes. A common misconception is that because it takes up multiple magic slots, it’s allowed to be vastly more powerful than a 1-Slot magic. This is not the case. A multi-slot magic is meant to have more spells/abilities than your average 1-Slot magic, but these spells are not meant to be god-tier or overpowered. Submission Guidelines This subsection is going to go over the rules that magic submissions need to follow. Some of these have explanation threads that explain our stance on the guideline, they are not required reading, but might help shed some light on the situation. All abilities must adhere to the Abilities thread found here and here. If your lore has special items or locations that it can create, follow the guidelines on this thread found here. Your lore should not target any specific group. For example, holy magics used to target dark magics specifically, which is something to be avoided now. And vice versa, your lore should not be made to be targeted by a specific group. Your lore should have more than a single magical counter. More on the subject can be found here. Magics/creatures that have a set code in their lore (primarily deific pieces) that one must follows should not have a disconnection method that can be used whenever. Only those that break the code should be disconnectable. The severity of what grants disconnection should also be stated (e.g. if you break 1 tenet you’re fine but if you break 3 you’re eligible). More on the subject can be found here. Your submission will need to include a list of compatible magics/creatures. You need to take into consideration how your magic mixes with these things and will need to write up how it meshes if it does. Your magic should also not isolate itself without reason. More on the subject can be found here. If your piece involves magi-tech, please read our current stance on it, found here. If you wish to write up a “dark” variant of a magic, please read this and then contact a Story manager if you still wish to proceed. If you wish to use immortality as a boon for your creature, read this. Format This formatting is meant to be used for proposed Magic lore pieces. If you believe your lore needs a hybrid formatting, please contact ST management before you start writing it to confirm that you can use it. Thread Title The thread title should be [Magic Lore] – [Name of the Magic]. For example, Magic Lore – Fire Evocation. Background/Origin This is your fluff/backstory to what the magic is and what its origins are/how it was discovered. You do not need to go in-depth on the abilities yet, but someone should have a general grasp on what the magic is about after reading this. You are free to have this be styled how you want, whether it be shown via journal entries or a small story. Magic Explanation This is the section where you go into more detail on how the magic functions (e.g. what powers it [voidal/deific/et cetera], how a mage can learn it, requirements et cetera) as a whole. Abilities/Spells This is the section where you go into the specifics of each ability. Please use the following to write out your abilities. Name of the spell. Description of the spell. This is the RP description of the spell and its capabilities. Mechanics of the spell. This is the OOC description of the spell that covers things like emote count requirement and other specifications that you need to be aware of. Counters and spell weaknesses should be listed here. You should also state how the ability reacts to other magics/creatures if it interacts with any. This is for those of other magics or those that play creatures to be able to properly emote when encountering this magic. (Example being a magic submission of using spirits. What does a shaman or a mystic feel/experience when encountering this?). Specific Red Lines. This section is put under each ability and covers any restrictions that the ability may have. Red Lines This section should list all of the restrictions that a mage has to follow when they pick this magic up. For instance, if you are incapable of learning a certain type of magic after learning this one, that should be listed here. Tier Progression This section is where you cover the progression rate of a person undertaking the magic, beginning at tier one. Below is an example of the first two, but you will need to add in all of the tiers when you submit (tier 5 is max under the standard system). Example: Repeat (OPTIONAL) If you are writing multiple subtypes in one thread, you should add a new subtitle indicating the new subtype (e.g. Arcanism has Shielding as a subdivision). “Magic Description” through “Red Lines/Restrictions” should be placed under this subtitle. This is for multi-slot magic submissions only. Purpose (OOC) This section is where you describe what purpose your lore is serving, what it is bringing to the table that other lore pieces aren’t, and why it fits into LotC’s canon. Citation Spoiler You should have a spoiler at the bottom that includes links to any lore pieces that you referenced or based your lore submission off of.
  7. A Flamboyant Hiatus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtICevCiuIo Anyone who knows me knows that this has been coming, I’ve been dragging myself along for the past few months in a burned out state. This is just a bit of a ramble from my POV with some tidbits. Admin? A handful of months before I became admin, there was another who was trying to dip their toes into the lore scene. They wanted to do a full rewrite of magic, except in their mind it was okay to fully wipe MAs and handpick who becomes a magic user afterwards. Since they were admin this was a scary time, since in my mind if I opposed them I could get the boot as other directors have in the past. It was around this time where I decided I wanted to go for admin to make sure that I wouldn’t have to deal with that kind of nonsense again. Luckily that admin’s particular plans never came to fruition and things returned to normal. After some time passed, another admin left the team and I saw an opportunity. I put my name forward and was eventually brought on. I’ve been an admin for a while now, having endured the cycle of most admins leaving and then a new wave joining. During that time I haven’t taken a real break besides when my computer hard drive broke down, any “hiatuses” that I took I was still trying to manage stuff over discord. Admin. Typically, I wake up to 20+ discord PMs and I’ll receive more throughout the day. I’d say this is typical for an admin. People come to us even if they should be going to another level of staff first, because they want to get an answer from the “top”, usually to try and overturn something a staff member did. Outside of that, I usually get pm’d by people having different lore questions, people requesting for me to look at their google docs of lore, people trying to dispute a decision made by one of the people on my team, or someone trying to reach me so I can play middle man for them and another admin. In my early days as admin, I tried to keep on top of all these PMs. I quickly learned that doing this would eat up hours of my day and I couldn’t get much else done. My reputation was high though, as I was one of the more responsive admins. Looking back I’m not sure if I’d change this, but I do know that keeping this up is exhausting and I couldn’t/can’t continue. Fast forward to now, I ignore most of the PMs sent my way unless they look like something that really needs my attention (e.g. a powergaming issue that I can delegate to the story team). This saves me a lot of time in the day that I can use to focus on IRL stuff, admin discussions/votes that popped up in the day, or other story team stuff that requires my attention. At the same time, it causes communication to break down. I’m going to take the Fireheart route and have forum PMs become my method of remaining in contact with folks. More on this is below. Burnout I don’t think any specific thing made me burn out, but if I had to pin the final straw on something, it’d be vaults. Dealing with vaults has to be the most mind numbing thing I’ve done in years and it sucked the life out of me. I’m not even done, there’s a handful of chests sitting in the vault area waiting for me to get to them. I get filled with dread whenever I /warp into the area though and can’t bring myself to finish. This was around when I recognized that I needed a “break”. For an admin, there are two types of breaks. There’s one where you still check in on discord and are around, and the other where you typically go totally dark for a period of time and maybe check in eventually. The latter type of break is such a pain to deal with though since things tend to implode when an admin decides to vanish. A good example of this would be Seventh’s current hiatus. Seventh honestly deserves the break and I’m not trying to put him on blast, fyi. However, with him gone, we’re missing the activity data that he would normally put together. I’ll be taking the former type of break as it wouldn’t be fair to the current admins for me to just disappear when there’s a lot of stuff still stirring. However, I’ll only be around for admin decisions/emergencies, so you should talk to ST management first if you need something story-wise. Attitude Now when you’re burned out, you tend to have little patience for whatever you’re burned out on. I’m not an exception and I’m not going to try and pretend I’m some kind of angel. There’s plenty of great people on LotC, but there’s a group that I would consider the vocal minority that continuously pop up. These certain individuals have been banging their fists on their desks trying to make some noise. Some of this noise has been good, legitimate feedback, and some of it has just been noise for the sake of noise. I’m not going to apologize for my treatment of some of these individuals, but I will apologize to the rest of the community who has been witness to the back and forth. Oh and @LorelessPuddleMancer you didn’t deserve the sass I was giving in OOC recently. However, I don’t want to permanently become the overly toxic staff member that previous people have become. Constantly dipping into the shitposting side of me isn’t what I’d consider healthy, so I’m going to stop. I’ll be taking a hiatus for 2 weeks to collect myself, starting from Wednesday. If you want to contact me, do so by sending this account a forum PM: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/profile/100598-contactflam/ Contacting the account pointers Resigning? @Medvekoma to my #1 fan, if the Lore Games hasn’t officially started by (6/19, 2 weeks after the hiatus ends), I will resign from staff. This thread has been admin approved so if things haven’t gotten rolling by the deadline, I’ll be gone. I don’t want to take up space on the admin team if my hiatus isn’t able to help with my burned out state, so we’ll see how things go. Hiatus Notes I will be trying to finish vaults in the next few days before my hiatus starts on Wednesday, along with wrapping up a player report that has been given to me recently. I’ll be delegating anything else that was on my plate to my management, so if you had something that was sitting on the Story side of things, you’ll be contacted soon by them.
  8. With the lore games coming up, one of the major points of contention is magic and combat. Many of the problems that a lore piece has is made apparent in combat due to a spell or creature being broken. This is why a majority of the issues we've noticed pertaining to lore stems from a combat situation. As such, I wish to tackle this problem and intend to nerf/limit combat magic in some manner. The question is how far to go and how to go about doing it. For this purpose I am doing a your view to gather opinions and see how the community feels. Below are the new parameters for how a spell should be balanced, which pertains to a question above. They have been broken up into sections for easier reading if you are not familiar with them. Current Spell Parameters (Timing) Current Spell Parameters (Effects) Current Spell Parameters (Counters) Current Spell Parameters (Lethality) Any comments that do not have to do with the thread will be removed.
  9. Flam’s Last Stand Over the past few years, I’ve been working at reshaping lore. This has entailed getting rid of a lot of problematic lore pieces, pieces that were no longer being used/just adding to the bloat, and figuring out how we should fix what remains. My biggest regret here is taking so long to do this. I didn’t want to cause a massive upset by ripping off the band-aid all at once, but I believe that it needs to happen in order to allow for us to focus on more important things later this year. As such, I have mostly written out ideas for how to tackle various problems found in lore that we still have, even for popular pieces (e.g. Naztherak’s vagueness when it comes to mechanics). Over the course of the next few weeks, I will be ironing out the details with the Story Team and Administration. Many of the changes I want to make will be large/potentially controversial, such as finally taking an aim at combat magics/creatures and putting a much higher emphasis on non-combative/creative abilities, but ultimately will be aimed at limiting the amount of problems a lore piece can produce and to ensure that both non-lore and lore users can interact without a bunch of LOOC confusion ensuing when conflict breaks out. As soon as that is over, I will make a few threads detailing all the changes being set forward to lore (and reformatting that into the lore sub guides, which will be made easier to consume). These threads will make up the new lore standard and will be applied to all lore going forward. The games will start at that time. The Lore Games The Lore Games will be where all of our current playable lore (creatures, magics, some world lore, a list will be provided when the games launch) will have a period of time (likely 2-3 months, not set in stone so don’t worry about time yet) to come up with a rewrite that meets the new standard set forth. Each group will have a discord chat made for it, along with a supervising Story Team member who will assist in answering questions or passing questions along to the rest of the team. We realize that some folks might be confused and thus want to make sure each group will have support of some kind to ensure everyone has a fair chance. Shelved lore pieces will also be up for grabs. So if you wanted to bring Fae, Necromancy or even Muun’ back, you should be able to assuming you follow the guidelines and the new standard for what needs to be included and avoided. If a group is incapable of adapting and rewriting their lore within the period of time given, it will be shelved. This will ensure that we get rid of the old pieces, while having given it a fair chance at surviving. Those that participate successfully and adapt their pieces to the new standard will be given a prize. They will also be put into a lottery with every other successful piece for a chance at a larger prize. Why? This allows all lore pieces to be fixed in a short period of time, with those incapable of adapting being removed fairly. We can address things like the voidal weakness being crap and other problematic things that have been set in stone for a while, allowing for things to be balanced all the way to the foundation of lore. Lore being fixed on a wide scale means a much lower maintenance cost down the line, allowing for the lore sect to focus on creating lore and assisting in storylines rather than cleaning up messes. We will be able to create useful /help information for spells, creatures, and other playable lore pieces to help those who believe they are being powergamed and also assist moderation team members after this is complete due to everything following the formatting. Lore pieces that undergo the games successfully will come out with fleshed out lore and a guide, allowing for a much easier understanding of the lore and how it is meant to be used. This will be a step in the return of self-teaching. What Happens Now? We will continue on as normal until the Games are fully fleshed out and ready to begin. I don’t believe you should start rewriting at the moment as what you think is fine now might be different when the new standard is released, but it wouldn’t hurt to start planning. Those of you who are heavily invested in lore related playerbase or maintaining a piece should start reviewing the lore in question. You should be looking for what it is lacking in terms of the current formatting, such as ability mechanics (this is the thing a lot of pieces are missing).
  10. Thank you for submitting your piece! It is now under review, you should have a verdict around the 1st (give or take a few days).
  11. Thank you for submitting your piece! It is now under review, you should have a verdict around the 1st (give or take a few days).
  12. Thank you for submitting your piece! It is now under review, you should have a verdict around the 1st (give or take a few days).
  13. Thank you for submitting your piece! It is now under review, you should have a verdict around the 1st (give or take a few days).
  14. Thank you for submitting your piece! It is now under review, you should have a verdict around the 1st (give or take a few days).
  15. Thank you for submitting your piece! It is now under review, you should have a verdict around the 1st (give or take a few days).
  16. Thank you for submitting your piece! It is now under review, you should have a verdict around the 1st (give or take a few days).
  17. Thank you for submitting your piece! It is now under review, you should have a verdict around the 1st (give or take a few days).
  18. Thank you for submitting your piece! It is now under review, you should have a verdict around the 1st (give or take a few days).
  19. Thank you for submitting your piece! It is now under review, you should have a verdict around the 1st (give or take a few days).
  20. This lore is pending, you will be contacted regarding the issues raised by the lore team so you may fix it and given a timeframe for how long you have to do it. Once you have edited your piece, send me a forum PM and your piece will be reviewed to ensure the changes have been made.
  21. This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon.
  22. This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon.
  23. This Lore has been denied. While I do appreciate you fixing the aspect of it being locked to a specific clan, the issue persists that it is creating a meta tool for detecting undead and the like. In addition, this does not follow the formatting that has been put forth and is lacking a lot of the details that we would want to see for something like this. Topic moved to Denied Lore forum.
  24. This Lore has been denied. The reasoning will be edited into this comment within the next handful of hours. Topic moved to Denied Lore forum.
  25. This Lore has been denied. The reasoning will be edited into this comment within the next handful of hours. Topic moved to Denied Lore forum.
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