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About Crayfishchris

  • Rank
    Be Nice to People
  • Birthday 08/11/1997

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    With the wind
  • Interests
    Eating yogurt and killing mages.

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    Our Lord and Savior Glug

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  1. I want someone, without raging or spamming, to calmly explain to me what is wrong with the antagonist. I will put your suggestions through and act upon them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Merkaken


      Well, my only problem is with the Harbingers... It seems it's more about their show, that they're only allowed to be the antags, and not actual players, if that makes sense. I enjoyed the origional antags that were these burned corrupted people, and it was all players, and they were treated like a guild (kind of). It seemed more of player-run thing, where everyone had a chance to be one, where as now, it's more of a exclusive club, where only the harbingers can do something cool.....

    3. Merkaken


      and be the focus of evil. It just seems more run by the staff/who the staff chooses. I'm doing my best to say what I think through status, though if you need me to, I can PM either of you a more detailed explination

    4. Neri


      The harbingers should be able to beat players without having to run along spamming spells at their feet. Also, the infection spell was absolute hell for someone who didn't know about it, especially since chat was spamming too fast with the messages from it to actually read anything.

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