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Status Replies posted by StevenQuick

  1. Is it a bug or is it the actual "weather" that is reducing the amount of seeds and wheat from farming?

  2. mirtok and i are in a srs relationship so every1 else back off

  3. Does that make you corny baby?

  4. With university comes the realization that I can't play video-games as much as I used to. It's time, at last, to go back to real gaming: table-top gaming and pen & paper RPGs!

  5. Awkward moment when you lose all your **** at an event..

  6. Thugs love wieners

  7. Can we have a way to make /walk our default speed?

  8. why would they remake this... youtube.com/watch/?v=ytWz0qVvBZ0

  9. *Sighs* No one actually knows what pugsying is, they just call a no rp kill a pugsy nowadays

  10. There is nothing more fascinating than a potato.

  11. http://gyazo.com/0ebebbbaa0dc9cd01e46291b13ca90db ugh. busy with other things but i finally got to make a little progress on Varrond's skin request. Gonna add more contrast, shade the little cowl/cape, skin, add hair and shade that.
  12. Name a game that I can play offline that has 40+ hours of gameplay in it

  13. Heading off to the airport soon, see you all in eighteen days! :D

  14. Name a game that I can play offline that has 40+ hours of gameplay in it

  15. so are any human houses looking for a character spot to fill?

  16. why cant i call people mah ******? thats unfair and who actually cares?

  17. It's my birth canal expulsion day,

  18. Bored again... What race and subrace should I play?

  19. "I hope you like dragons, cuz once you're dead imma be dragon your body to the nearest gravesite" -Random Edgy

  20. Robin and Lucina confirmed for Smash Bros? Wat is dis Nintendo. How did you know. I love you. also captain falcon but lol who cares

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