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Everything posted by kingnothing

  1. autjin forums are a go

    remove please

  2. high iq infinite jest reader

    Edited by CheapTrick
  3. big good making me rethink what to do with my third character slot .........
  4. this is a really long restart

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Space


      i mean yeah but also with people like ski_king or zer0 it was not fully consentual-- they abused some position of power or authority over others to coerce them into doing something


      just like some of the harvey weinstein things..............

    3. Ducklingator


      that's just straight out abuse, i dont see what it has to do with any random erp


    4. kingnothing


      i guess pointing out the issue with no proposed means to fix it does cause some issues

      i honestly have no idea a good means of policing non-lotc mediums consistently, especially with so many spasmic thirteen year olds in the cyber log manufacturing business to defame people or w/e

  5. would anyone actually read my book if i shared it here

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. kingnothing
    3. Weabootrash


      nice response timing

    4. kingnothing


      sorry im not perpetually on the forums you neet

  6. i helped with consultation :)) fire evo is not very good at doing what its meant to do if it cant generate any degree of concussive force big plus one from mister goosey
  7. which actor did the original wyvern killing event? i can do a follow up if they're alright with me using their event site and all that and don't want to take this up themselves. if communicating in game is easier my ign is AcidGoosey
  8. big lore for big boys written by a big boy +1
  9. i got so inspired to build and then the server went down. fUUaark

  10. aint not globe axios

  11. glad to see the restarts back down to a nice 2-3 minutes instead of the previous 6-7. ty ty

  12. im still mad about anime fox people good work caleb
  13. its good to have clear lines, but im still mad emaciated africans can wear full plate almost entirely effectively, it's not that heavy, its just an issue of being in a ridiculously hot metal suit
  14. Stone Crab, or Slab Crab Credit to Nintendo?? Habitat: Marine, though they can go almost a month without receiving water before drying out, unlike most aquatic crabs. When on land they are typically found in coastal caves on or in close proximity to shorelines. Size: Anywhere from golf ball size to the size of a small car (think punch buggy) though most sit at a comfortable soccer ball size or something similar. The latter are almost entirely immobile and are usually situated in the water as to not have to scramble to moisturize itself. Diet: Omnivore, the creature can also consume rocks of varying types to siphon minerals from them for nutrients. Plants and minerals are most often what it eats, but it /can/ consume meat, if it gets it claws on some, this is uncommon. But it's not impossible for them to snap up the odd crawfish or shrimp that trespasses in its space. Temperament: Mostly passive to most creatures of equal size or larger than themselves in the wild. Only the largest would even attempt to kill a descendant and such would very likely only occur if the descendant willingly put itself in harms way given how slow the larger crabs are. Brief Summary of the Creature: A six crab with two thick pincers that can be of varying size, its body covered with thick stone plates that was quite resilient. On their back is a large hunk of rock akin to that of a hermit crabs shell. While capable of great feats of strength and endurance, being able to lift and hold up very heavy plates of stone that cover their body and back nigh constantly. They are awfully slow, and almost incapable of hunting other creatures without the element of surprise. Characteristics: Passive, stronk, resilient to concussive damage. Bred via eggs layed by a female after being fertilized by a male, though they live for almost 30 years, so they have no particular rush to breed like mad and their population is steadily fairly high in the regions they inhabit. They frequently comb the bottom of seabeds and caves for plants and rocks to consume. Origin: They have always existed, and I'm fairly sure they have an outdated lore piece from Aegis or Asulon that I cannot find. LM Approval Required: No. If playable, what are red lines? -they are ridiculously slow -the crabs are born at about golf ball size, and even though their body has stone plates, they are still small and weak enough to simply be stomped to death -as per being a crab, they are particularly bad at forward and backward movement -the stone they are coated in, and their rock shells do not carry any special properties beyond that of the material they are composed of. if not more susceptible to being picked or otherwise -less of a red line and more of a guideline, but they shouldn't be played as an individual character. one can roleplay them alongside their character as a pet or travel companion, though.
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