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Status Updates posted by Sambosefus

  1. Anyone know how to get a citizenship pillar?

  2. Brewing Stands or Riot

  3. Can a halfling link me the lore page for all the variations of the wee folk?

    1. Endovelicus



      This is the wiki thing. Although I don't know if it contains everything you want to know I hope it helps

    2. Sambosefus


      Hmm, I could swear there was a post that contained the stuff for gnomes and hobbits. Maybe I was dreaming.

  4. Can forest dwarves learn beardemancy?

    1. Gathius di Silvari

      Gathius di Silvari

      Pretty sure they can. Speak to Deckolo.

    2. gam


      Yes. You'll need to learn it from an existing Beardmancer though.

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Dwarves can't learn magic unless they're Ironguts

  5. FM's can you please remove the vinnie and a dwarf post?

  6. GG Youdude crashing my good time

    1. youdude


      Im sorry, but it was beautiful.

    2. Friendly Guy
  7. Have you heard about our lords and saviors The Aspects?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sambosefus


      If you are speaking of the spirit that druids have when serving The Aspects then yes you are correct!

    3. James


      Have you heard about our lords and saviors the Aenguls?

    4. James


      *Cough* and the brathmordakin

  8. He's the member of the DK Crew

    1. Sambosefus


      first* Gosh I'm a failure

    2. Cracker


      He's one hell of a guy

    3. Sythan


      This Kong, has a funny face.

  9. Hey guys, maybe don't spam thunder so much?

    1. J



  10. I am glad that lightning in the real world doesn't act like this. #boom

  11. I love that the wood elves have decided that they are going to shut out the world and never open their gates.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samoblivion


      Don't let the druids in, they're conspiracies.

    3. Sambosefus


      I just want to say hello :(

    4. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      There's usually somebody around to let people in.

  12. If someone makes a character that is like four hundred years old, then where were they prior to being made?

    1. Kardel


      Aegis? Aegis lasted for a very, very long time.

    2. oblivionsbane


      Aegis, simply put. They would have to be there since there were no lands before Aegis. I know what you're thinking, the server wouldn't have been up, but on that note think about the elves starting out at 300 at the start of Aegis. There is ancient history, and honestly a few hundred years before Aegis and LotC was released. If that makes sense.

  13. Is brewing gonna be readded in 4.0?

  14. Like dwarven rp as well as elven? Make a Treebeard! We are basically Dwarven Elves!

    1. Birdwhisperer
    2. Heff


      ^ be a halfling again sam plz bae

    3. Baconthief


      Or a doomforge buddy

  15. Make remove of vote alert. Noone cares when someone votes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Birdwhisperer
    3. Baconthief


      Bird, what does that have to do with anything?

    4. Birdwhisperer


      He said Noone cares when someone votes. Noone cares so much.

  16. Tehlulu should be promoted to Event Team Jesus after this.

    1. ✿Honeybear✿


      ^Agreed! These events are beautiful, thanks to any ET who've been working on them!~ <3

    2. Pandasan


      I third this! One of the best, and if not, the best, events I've ever participated! Thank you to all those ET!

  17. The announcements are gone hooray!

  18. Want a good mix between dwarf and elf? Make a forest dwarf, the treebeards always want members!

    1. AGiantPie


      I don't think there is a mix between dwarf and elf. Forest dwarves are short elves.

    2. ThumperJack


      Doomforge is the true Dwarf/elf.

    3. L0rdLawyer


      Oakenbane is the true dwarf/elf/halfling/uruk/goblin/olog/troll/muyakelg/undead/aengul/daemon/cultist thing/munchkin/fairy/horse/wolf/ocelot

  19. We have cat people, we should have monkey people.

    1. everblue2er101


      That would be everyone, according to Kharajyr.

    2. Sambosefus


      D-d-do they talk about us behind our backs?

    3. cj_scout


      Can confirm, we talk the meanest behind your backs. What everblue says is so true it hurts. Silly monkey people. c:

  20. You catch more flies with honey, but you catch more honeys bein fly.

  21. You people sicken me.

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