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Status Updates posted by Draeris

  1. So I found the original of the Hanseti Anthem..

    1. mmat


      Wtf is that background shite?

    2. Draeris


      Don't ask me..

  2. So with Mirthok's departure, there is no standing German-esque culture?

    1. monalisa


      Decterum, maybe...? Not entirely sure.

    2. Lago


      I'd imagine Hanseti will live on. If it doesn't, someone else will move into the vacuum.

  3. When did the Fringe end?

    1. Jistuma


      1465 was the IG date of when we changed to Thales

    2. Fimlin


      Never. 4.0 is a lie.

  4. Laurelin Guard on suicide watch:


    1. Jow__



    2. Publius


      the walking trigger warning

  5. Darn trollz trolling on mah property

    1. comanderbly^


      hey, dont call the cops mayn, was trying to get hooked up on some hate

  6. Bullshittus Obnoxious Syndrome This is a rare disease that some seem to contract for no apparent reason, with various symptoms depending on the person who contracts it. No one seems to know what sends the diseased into allergic reactions, however, it seems to often happen around those who describe themselves as 'edgy'. Some surmise that it is attuned to a subject only heard about in myth, what is murmured in whispered tales as 'OOC bullshit'. However, this is just a myth,...

    1. Lita


      Glad you approve~

  7. Whats up with these random status updates " I'm about to be done" "I went there" "Hey wanna do this?".. How am I suposse to know what they mean :I

    1. Rassidic


      It's basically just people getting upset/planning to do stuff about pixels on a MC server.

  8. Tythus has a disturbing profile picture.

    1. Kaiser


      Tythus is disturbing

  9. I am a strong black woman who need no man.

  10. Hey folks, about to buy Metro Last Night, is it worth it?

    1. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      I've heard only good things from it, don't own it, haven't watched anything on it, don't intend on buy it... but I'd think it's worth it!

  11. I see people with these 3d arts of their Minecraft character leaning on a cow or grabbing a wand, how do I do that?

  12. May I adress the elephant in the room? Why is a failed laywer Ted Buckland from Scrubs our forum moderator? I thought we were promised the best staff avaidable? http://gyazo.com/b517c142ab9649bced67e4f8bf48706d

    1. DruinsBane


      Ah, well you see the barrel was stolen and we had to scrape up the gunk under it and use that. (Don't hurt me.)

  13. Its funny how the Media team claims to be so productive, and then you see a rant with edited Starwars gif to make a point they are productive.. Hypocrism?

    1. Eleatic


      Hypocracy. Not 'Hypocrism'.

  14. I want to thank Ventios & Hugothechamp for the greatest Drunken RP I ever had. Sorry for the Tavern owner with the purple windows in Redpoint... We kinda decided attempt to make an underground Garden.. ehh... Anyways, one of the greatest RP experiences!

    1. Mephistophelian


      Haha XD. Wish I could have contributed even more, but I was really busy :P

  15. This war against Oren will soon be over, I'll be back before Christmas!

    1. argonian


      That's a long time away

  16. I decide to play Eurotruck simulator and when I return I see people banned while we are let in the dark? Damn..

    1. Parading


      Stick to the simulator

  17. Trying Female Orc RP.. Damn the fun! I think I'll stay for a bit more! :D

    1. Demotheus


      You should come Rp with my Kubbeh :3

      or Dahnee (Dani)

  18. The server is going into a good direction imo, I love that feeling!

    1. Demotheus


      its not locked :I

  19. Really.. I give a compliment and my status is locked -_-.. Guess I'll be negative then again? xD

  20. iMattyz.. Thanks for the great RP!

    1. Dyrr


      your welcome

  21. Okay okay....This comes from a person who had quite a grudge against Bly for a long time. Even though I'm not sure if I could forgive him, he does deserve an accepted appeal.

    1. comanderbly^


      thank you, but it's not worth it anymore.

  22. La question. If you are moving from a house, and you collect a cauldron and enchantment table you bought & placed as you move, does that count as griefing?

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